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Plant your tree today

It’s never too late for firm leaders to set strategic goals and start investing in their companies.

I s your business ready to grow? Are you ready to make some positive changes? January always starts with fresh ideas, lots of initiative, and big goals. Don’t let those fizzle out as the year progresses! Haven’t done any strategic planning for your firm for 2024, yet? It’s not too late – you can do it now. Assemble the leaders within your firm and take a half day to brainstorm and set goals for 2024. It doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming. (Remember KISS – Keep It Super Simple.)

Lindsay Young, MBA, FSMPS, CPSM

Maybe you want to increase your fees for certain clients or certain projects. Discuss as a team how you can make that a reality. How much do you want to increase your fee? How do you have those conversations with clients? It’s about showing your value and what you provide. Go into it confidently, and the conversation is likely to be easier than you think it will be. Do you need to set up a better project process? This may seem like a daunting task, but it helps to break it up into mini goals. Focus on accomplishing one small step of the process per month, and then at the end of the year you’ve got 12 new steps for an improved process. Writing down your goals helps you and your

team understand where your firm is going and what steps to take to accomplish those goals. Be very clear about these goals. Setting expectations and accountability will increase success. Marketing is often a weak point because many firms have been so busy taking care of clients and projects that they have neglected this area of their business. But I can’t stress enough the importance of consistently marketing your firm and investing in your marketing strategies – those who do so are more profitable and see fewer dips during slow times. Here are just a few things you can commit to doing in 2024:



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