King's Business - 1969-06

M a r r i a g e i s , o f c o u r s e , a s o l d a s t h e r a c e , and from earliest times man has established customs and ceremonies in connection with it. Christianity began when “ the Word was made flesh,” and it has been a part of the genius of Christianity to lift and ennoble all natural things. We believe intensely in the sacramental character of marriage — as a natural thing which is transformed by the touch o f God, and as one of the ways in which God makes Himself known in the world. The marriage services carries more than the rite by which two persons are united: it carries also the Christian philosophy of marriage. It is “ holy matrimony” in which they are to be joined, an “honor­ able estate.” “ Instituted of God,” it signifies to us “ the mystical union that is between Christ and His Church.” It would be difficult to think of a higher conception o f marriage than this. The service goes on, “ and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but rev­ erently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God.” Here is set forth the frame of mind in which marriage is to be undertaken. The three points seem to be : seriousness, which considers how im­ portant a step marriage is ; wisdom, which looks all around the picture before taking the step; and faith, which acts in this great matter only with the approval and help o f God. 10 THE KING'S BUSINESS

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