King's Business - 1969-06

by John D. Frame

to live a Christian life, that it will be heaven on earth to associate with fellow-workers speaking the same language, acting on the basis of the same moral standards, and serving the same Lord. These situations—working with fellow Chris­ tians, bearing witness in relationships with non- Christians, sharing the work and worship o f the church—all seem to offer opportunities o f living the Christian life as it should be lived. Of course,

I d e a l i s t i c a l l y the Christian expects that some of the greatest joys in life should spring out of living and working with other Christians. Many a young Christian who has been employed in secular work for a period o f time accepts with keen an­ ticipation a position in the office o f a church or mission project or in a Christian school. He is cer­ tain that in this new environment it will be easier


JUNf, 1969

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