King's Business - 1969-06

Innovation in Learning


Successful Marriage

AFRICA INLAND MISSION Six hundred missionaries serving. Fields occupied : Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Congo, Central African Republic.

' Deputation speakers available. Literature and 'k list of slide-tapes and films will be sent on i request.

MHNMBSHMHMH8 by Norman Wright S u c c e s s f u l M a r r i a g e — It doesn’t just happen! Twen­ tieth century churches are noted for bemoaning and deplor­ ing the state and disintegration of marriage. Perhaps it is neces­ sary to make known the problems, yet the church’s energy could be redirected to a positive program of assisting to stablize and give meaning to marriage. The educa­ tional programs o f churches that offer adequate and constructive guidance for the state of matri­ mony are unfortunately in the minority. A comprehensive analysis of the casual factors in marital breakdown would lead into an ex­ tended volume. However, certain elements loom more portentously than others. Some of the basic factors involved in the problem of marriage today are: 1.) Failure on the part of in­ dividuals entering into marriage to have a mature relationship with Jesus Christ. 2.) The impact o f our chang­ ing society and increased pres­ sures. 3.) A lack of an adequate mar­ riage model for a couple to use as a pattern. 4.) Failure of Christian couples to follow the scriptural teaching of husband-wife relationships. 5.) Failure o f the home and church to provide adequate sex education. 6.) Failure of the church to require every couple who desires marriage to complete a thorough pre-marital counseling program provided by the church.

Address 253 Henry Street Brooklyn, New York 11201

AIR MAIL FROM GOD MISSION, INC. Found«! 1*49 by Hyto* Huffmon Active in Mexico, Central America ti Brazil j; e Dropping Scripture portions from air­ planes $ e Free Bible Correspondence Courses ■: # Gospel films shown by evangelists l • Follow up Bible study groups '{ We care. In these mechanized days, our •; * personal solicitude envelops not only our | £ missionaries on the field, but our contribu- g | tors here at home, many of whom have been * C our prayer-partners throughout the 46 years : a of our existence. To find out how you may v ; share in this Christian joy, send for a free * sample copy of our magazine, THE EURO- * I PEAN HARVEST FIELD. Write to: AMERICAN-EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIP, Inc. 15 Philips# Place, Yonkers, N.Y., 10701 In U.S.A.: Coast-to-Coast Broadcasts; In j i Greece: Publishing House, Printshop, Book- • . stores, Missionaries, Bible Institute, Orphan­ ages, Camps; Clothing, Food, Medical Dis- \ tributions; Paid Gospel Messages in Greek ? I Newspapers and Magazines. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS _ 801 Broad Ave., Ridgefield, N J. 07657 I A Brightening Beacon In Dark Times • \ Teaching The Unchanging Word through 5 e rural Sunday School organization since 1817 | if — today wiln urban work added! Write for ' a copy o f 'THE SUNDAY SCHOOL- MISSION- j | ARY" to: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION ; f 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 5 4205 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90029 ■AMERICAN MISSION TO GREEKS, Inc. Spiros Zodhiates, President | . . . E vangelism —■ T h eological E d u ca - I tlon . . . Y ou th P rog ram s — M edical I M inistry —■ L iteratu re . . . 508 Central Ave., Plainfield, N.J. 07060 ARCTIC MISSIONS, INC. • } Pioneering person-to-person evangelism in \ . Alaska since 1961. Reaches Alaska for Christ , * through 70 missionaries in 20 centers—Bible ' conferences, Gospel team evangelism, camps and vacation Bible schools, a Christian High ; I School and a native Bible Institute. 16 mm. ^ 3 sound color film available on offering basis. ? i For details and literature write: Rav. John M. Gillespie, General Director P.O. Box 512, Gresham, Oregon 97030 BIBLE CHRISTIAN UNION I Over 100 missionaries serving in Western ^ £ Europe. Others serving in North America | \ among Jews, children and French Cana- ? - dians. Member mission I.F.M.A. WRITE | ? FOR INFORMATION AND MAGAZINE. 1 i Opportunities for service at home and ,, abroad. 5 1101 E. 35th St., Brooklyn, Now York 11210 ANDES EVANGELICAL MISSION (formerly Bolivian Indian Mission) —Opportunities Unlimited- D yn am ic E va n gelica l P rog ram

How can the church effect any change in this situation and is it possible? Several suggestions may serve as a springboard toward further action: The family is the actual train­ ing ground for marriage. Re­ search indicates that children tend to repeat in their own mar­ riages the values, conflicts, goals, and behavior patterns which they learned in their own homes. The home is indeed the cradle of per­ sonality and it will determine largely what kind o f a person enters into marriage and how well prepared he will be for this enor­ mous responsibility. With this in mind, then, the church’s thrust and long-range goal could be a training ground for parents and prospective par­ ents. They can discover what their present homes should be like and how changes could be effect­ ed. Behavioral patterns are estab­ lished while children are young but they can be modified. Every adult department o f the church, no matter what the size o f the church, should have an extensive program o f Christian parent edu­ cation. A course on the Christian home that extends for three or six months and offered on a regu­ lar basis is a beginning. Churches in the Southern California area which are currently offering these classes are filled to capacity and some even have waiting lists! The need and the interest is present— what will your church do? Smaller churches are often at a disadvantage to find a qualified teacher and adequate curriculum



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