King's Business - 1969-06

hillside site. Included in the building will be a 2400 seat Sanctuary, a 400-seat chapel, nursery, library, fellowship hall, offices and education facilities. DR. CLARENCE R. SANDS is pastor.

WHERE CAN A JEW FIND CHRIST? On street corners, in homes, in shops, and in our witnessing cen­ ters, our workers faith­ fully proclaim the story of redemption accord­ ing to Moses and the prophets, and the gos­ pel message from the New Testament, and Jews are finding the Saviour. For help in witnessing, or for your own spiritual need, write to: Rev. A. A. MacKinney Général Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Avenue, C hicago, III. 606 4 5 generous income, and to determine with certainty the disposal after their death of that which the Lord entrusted to their stewardship without delays, deductions, inheritance taxes, and probate court costs.

A Jewjsh boy accepted a troct, "Isaiah's Por­ trait of.M essiah" and immediately asked, "Can you tell me more about this?" There on a street corner in Chicago a 12 year old boy listened intently to the skillful presentation of the Scriptures and ac­ cepted Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Sav­ iour. A middle-aged Jew­ ess, after hearing the gospel fo r several years at Miami Beach called and, said, "I am terribly distressed. Please come over. I must find the Lord today.'.'


The Andes Evangelical Mission, form­ erly known as Bolivian Indian Mission, has sent its first couple to work on the field of Lima, Peru. This is the first step by the organization to meet the unpre­ cedented challenges of Latin America. DR. PAUL FRYHLING, chairman of the Executive Committee of the U.S. Con­ gress of Evangelism, has announced the speakers and program for the sessions scheduled for September 8-13 in Minne­ apolis, Minnesota. SENATOR MARK HAT­ FIELD will be included along with DR. LEIGHTON FORD, DR. PAUL S. REES, DR. RICHARD HALVERSON and DR. JOHN OCKENGA. Th& Congress is ex­ pected to draw 8000 people to Minne­ apolis. Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center conducted a two-day retreat in April featuring the British author DR. JAMES I. PACKER. Dr. Packer ministers often in conferences and is a frequent contributor to theological journals and periodicals. LeTourneau Christian Camp on Can- andaigu Lake, New York, will host the 35th Annual Baptist Ministers’ and Lay­ men’s Conference June 2-4. Included in the program are twenty seminars, two panel discussions, and a featured in­ spirational speaker DR. EARLE G. GRIF­ FITH of the Piedmont Bible College. The General Association of Regular Baptist Churches will conduct their 38th annual conference June 23-27 in the Memorial Coliseum, Fort Wayne, Indiana. “ Faithful Stewards of the Mysteries of God” has been selected as the general theme. The organization now represents 1316 local churches in its operation. Wheaton College of Wheaton, Illinois, will offer a Master of Divinity degree beginning with the 1969-1970 school term. The new degree replaces the origi­ nal Bachelor of Divinity program. J. EDWARD SMITH, International Di­ rector of the Pocket Testament League, has announced the planning of special ghetto evangelism for key areas of the United States during the summer. Ac­ cording to Dr. Smith, methods developed in 25 years of ministry to crisis areas overseas will be used in the United States in potential problem areas dur­ ing the summer season. The First Baptist Church of San Jose, California, held ground-breaking cere­ monies in March for the $2.5 million Sanctuary. The 119-year-old church will erect the new Sanctuary on a 35-acre

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Evangelist LUIS PALAU, a member of the Overseas Crusades team in Latin America, saw 2500 people gather at the opening meeting of the United Christian Crusade in Monterey, Mexico, the end of March. The crowd gathered in spite of hurricane winds up to 90 kilometers per hour. More than 200 persons came for- v»ard in response to an invitation for salvation. The service was video-taped for possible later use in other countries of Latin America. The Conservative Baptist Foreign Mis­ sion Society has released a 16mm-color motion picture entitled “ May I Speak To Mr. Page?” A documentary of literature work around the world, the film brings a direct report of missionary Page who has worked simultaneously in 19 differ­ ent countries. The film is produced by Color Film Productions and may be ob­ tained on a purchase, rental, or free­ will offering basis. It is available from the CBFMS, Wheaton, Illinois. Evangelist BILLY GRAHAM, in the Mel­ bourne, Australia Crusade, spoke to 85.000 people in the Melbourne Cricket Ground for the final meeting. More than 3.000 people responded to the invitation for salvation. The Evangelical Alliance Mission hired forty-eight Christian college students from ten different schools in its summer overseas program. The REV. HAROLD DeVRIES, Furlough Secretary of the or­ ganization, indicated that this is the largest number ever chosen for the sum­ mer program. Students visit Japan, Trini­ dad, Aruba, Venezuela, France, and Peru. Ministries include camping, evan­ gelism, literature, construction, main­ tenance and other detailed activities. Christian Medical Society of La Mira­ da, California, reported a total of more than 5,000 medical patients treated in the first week of operations in the prov­ ince of Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. The organization enlists the direction of medical doctors to spear­ head the work for a one week period. MR. MEL ALEXANDER is director.

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RUSHING TO RUSSIA with the Gospel for over 35 years in a world-wide ministry to Russian people and others. 1. Supporting over 100 Russian and other Missionaries and Evangelists in 22 countries, preaching in 13 languages. 2. Sending out Bibles, New Testaments and Christian liter­ ature in Russian, Polish, Ukran- ¡an, and other Slavic languages to many parts of the world, including Russia.

Peter Deyneka

3. 26 Russian-Slavic radio missionaries broad­ casting in Russian and other languages over 10 radio stations reaching millions daily with the Gospel — especially in Soviet Russia. Hundreds of letters are received, many pleading for Bibles and Christian literature. 4. Sponsoring the only Russian Bible Insti­ tute in the world — located in Argentina — givingChristian training to Slavic young people. 5. Your prayers and financial support are needed to continue spreading the Gospel through missionaries. Gospel literature, radio broadcasts, and the Russian Bible Institute. Send for free magazine "Slavic Gospel News." Write: PETER DEYNEKA, Founder & General Director SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Dept. K 2434 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago, III. 60647 P.O. Box 2, Station K, Toronto 12, Ont., Can.



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