King's Business - 1969-06

that, because of the stresses along the San Andreas fault extending through the state, California is overdue for a disastrous earthquake. It is our understanding that the regular Pentecostal denomination is not given to date-setting. This is one o f the many groups calling themselves Pente­ costal. The question arises: “ What ex­ planation did the pastors give their congregations when nothing disastrous occurred right after their exodus and what will they say if Southern Cali­ fornia is not wiped out in 1970V’ One can be practically sure such things pre­ dicted by men will not come to pass in view of such Scriptures as Acts 1 :7 that fell from the lips of Christ: “It is not for you to know the times or the sea­ ls not you to know the times or the sear sons, which the Father hath put in His oion power” ; “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” While this has to do with the return of the Lord, the principle applies to all human predictions of future events in this age. ATTENTION: CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ALL ORGANIZATIONS • Excellent Profits • Little Effort • Effective Results JOIN THE A.E.C.C. If you have been called to preach an evan­ gelical message, associate yourself with a recognized Church Body which will provide you with all the rights of the Clergy and at the same time allow you to teach or preach without being restricted by man-made doc­ trines. Send stamp for literature. American Evangelical Christian Churches 192 North Clark St., Chicago, III. 60601 W E F IR E W R I T E R S ! What on earth are you writing these days for Heaven's sake! If you want to write persuasively . . . for the sheer joy of it . . . and for money toe, the CHRISTIAN WRITERS GUILD can fire you with enthusi­ asm for developing your talent. Our home- study course of instruction costs only about S3 per lesson. And you can start selling immediately as our news reporter in your area. Get fired! Write today for FREE talent test: CHRISTIAN WRITERS GUILD, Dept. D, La Canada, California 91011. (See helpful advertisement on back cover) i WHEATON COLLEGE | W heaton, Illinois Dept. K69 j I Please send me without obligation: I □ Book entitled, Pheasant Tomorrow », which explains Annuity plan in detail. ! □ Folder describing the Deposit Agree­ ment plan. | Name ______ _______ ____________________ I | Age ____ _ Sex ............................... < | Address __ ______________________ ______ City ----- — ---------------------....------ ------ ------------ j j__ State ....________________ _ Zip _______ ____ I • Does Usual Tasks Better SELL SUNFLOWER DISH­ CLOTHS to Build Clubs, Churches, Help Needy, etc, Write SANGAMON MILLS, Inc. COHOES, NEW YORK 12047

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Pentecostal Predictions The following appeared in the Sept. IS, 1968 T im e , The Weekly Newsmaga­ zine and is used by permission. G od is a b o u t to d e s t r o y Southern California for its sinfulness. Driv­ en by this conviction, nearly 600 mem­ bers of half a dozen Pentecostal churches in the Golden State are pull­ ing up stakes and getting out before the holocaust. The inspiration for the exodus comes from the Rev. Donald Abernathy of the Apostolic Gospel Church of Bell Gardens, a Los Angeles suburb. Last spring he had a series of visions that convinced him that the Los Angeles area would soon be torn apart by an earthquake. In his graphic revelations, Abernathy said, “buildings crumbled, freeways buckled, water gushed up from cracks in the ground and vol­ canoes erupted in the nearby mountains. Then the destruction m oved north toward San Francisco.” In two subse­ quent visions, Abernathy saw an air­ plane ticket stamped with the word “ Atlanta.” Taking this as divine direc­ tion, he led 180 members of his congre­ gation on a migration to Atlanta last month. They traveled not by airplane, however, but in cars with trailers. Before leaving California, Abernathy repeated his vision to several other P e n te c o s ta l congregations. Most of them, too, have decided to move. Last month more than 100 members of a church in Avenal, 50 miles southwest of Fresno, emigrated to Kennett, Mo. A 50-member congregation in Porter­ ville transferred to Independence, Mo. One hundred members of a church in Lompoc also trekked to Georgia. The Rev. Robert Theobold, pastor of the Friendly Bible Apostolic Church at Port Hueneme, plans to resettle his congregation of 90 men, women and children in Murfreesboro, Tenn. Theo­ bold, who claims to have received mys­ tical confirmation of Abernathy’s vision, believes that the earthquakes “ will leave. Southern California like Sodom and Gomorrah before the end of 1970.” Theobold says that his flock will leave before Oct. 12, “the deadline given me by God for departure.” While there are personal hardships involved, members of the emigrating churches are convinced that they are obeying God’s will in leaving their homes and jobs. They also believe that Southern California has only itself to blame for the imminent disaster. Pastor Theobold despairingly cites “ the amount of wickedness here: Hollywood, big business, p r o s p e r it y , homosexuality, topless places.” If the horrible event happens, seismologists will not be sur­ prised. They have repeatedly warned

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JUNE, 1969

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