Message from the board chair Trevor Danos AM
This week I had the great pleasure of visiting Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital to meet with staff and assessors from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) as the hospital goes through its accreditation. A great deal of work goes into the preparation for a hospital’s accreditation which provides public recognition of the achievement of accreditation standards through an independent external peer assessment of a hospital’s performance. Hornsby Hospital staff have been working incredibly hard in recent weeks to prepare for accreditation to ensure the external surveyors get to see what we all know – Hornsby Hospital staff are a wonderful group of people who constantly strive to give the very best care to their local community. I wish all Hornsby Hospital staff the very best during the accreditation process. You should all be very proud of what you do. With accreditation at Royal North Shore also happening very soon I appreciate it is a very busy time for you all and I thank you for your continued hard work. I am really pleased to see great progress is being made on the development of the NSLHD Strategic Plan 2022-2027 which will guide the direction of our health services over the next five years and articulate how we will achieve our goals, leverage opportunities and add to our existing strengths. We have already received fantastic engagement from a broad range of staff from across our hospitals and services. Twelve all-staff virtual consultation workshops have already been held. Staff can still provide their input by completing
the survey available on the Strategic Plan section on the Intranet. Importantly, we have also held a number of targeted consultation sessions with our culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), carer, consumer, youth and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health representatives. Our community are also invited to input into the development of our Strategic Plan through a community and consumer survey which is available at this link https://bit. ly/39AZg1I and will be promoted widely. The feedback we have received so far has been really useful and informative and some clear themes are already emerging. Investing in planetary health and sustainability is among one of the top priorities as is our investment in our digital future. The COVID-19 pandemic has been immensely challenging and we know the wellbeing of our staff is so very important. The pandemic has also shown us some new innovative ways of working that benefit staff and patients and should continue into the future. These emerging themes and others that arise throughout the consolation process will be included in the draft Strategic Plan which is expected to be available for final comment in June 2022, before it goes to the Board in August 2022. I would like to thank all those who have contributed to this important plan to ensure we continue to deliver high-quality healthcare for our consumers and patients into the future. Trevor Danos AM Board Chair Northern Sydney Local Health District
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