CWU Climate Action Plan


Central Washington University

Letter from President Wohlpart Dear CWU Community, We find ourselves at an inflection point as a society, and as an institution, about what we can — and should — be doing to combat the existential crisis of climate change. Every year, we are reminded about the negative environmental impacts caused by releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Scientists have warned us for decades that, if we want to preserve the long-term health of our planet, we cannot sustain the same level of carbon emissions we have grown accustomed to since the Industrial Revolution more than a century ago.

Land Acknowledgement We acknowledge the land on which Central Washington University resides. It is the historic home of the Yakama people. The federally recognized Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation is made up of Klikitat, Palus, Wallawalla, Wanapam, Wenatchi, Wishram, and Yakama people. The Yakama people remain committed stewards of this land, cherishing it and protecting it, as instructed by elders through generations. We are honored and grateful to be here today on their traditional lands. We give thanks to the legacy of the original people, their lives, and their descendants. This statement is a reminder that the land is not owned. It is, rather, a gift that is inherited. In taking responsibility for that gift, we must think of the seven generations—of how we will pass this gift forward and create a legacy worthy of our inheritance. This statement should disrupt our usual ways of thinking and being in the world to help us think beyond ourselves to something bigger. We aspire to this new way of thinking and being in all that we do.

After years of unheeded advice and delayed policy decisions, countries around the world — including our own — are now coping with the severe consequences of inaction in the form of catastrophic natural disasters, record-breaking heat, and rising sea levels. Central Washington University refuses to stand idly by as our environment struggles to adapt to these unfortunate realities. We have made a decision as a University community to take short- and long-term actions about ways we can move forward as an institution and dramatically curtail our reliance on fossil fuels. The Climate Change Action Plan outlined in this piece offers a detailed look at how CWU plans to do our part to preserve the planet and its many precious resources for generations to come. One of the goals described in our Core Value of Stewardship states that CWU will “Promote sustainable practices and responsible stewardship of land and resources to support an ecologically healthy and socially just world, while respecting and honoring Indigenous peoples.” As we seek ways to ensure the long-term health of our communities — and, by extension, the planet — the CWU community has collectively decided to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by the year 2030, and 70% by 2040, when compared to 2005 levels. Our plan also includes: • The integration of geothermal energy modules to heat and cool University facilities; • Providing additional solar infrastructure; • The full electrification of the University’s fleet of vehicles by no later than 2040; and • Greatly expanding the number of electric vehicle charging stations. This is an important moment for the entire higher education sector, and CWU is rising to the challenge by taking bold action to significantly reduce our carbon emissions over the next 15 years. We are proud of the concrete steps we are taking to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, and we will continue to bolster our commitment to this goal with our Climate Change Action Plan. Another key element of this enormous responsibility is to prepare current and future generations to do the same, and we are committed to doing whatever it takes. Our main objective is for every member of the CWU community to model these changes for the benefit of society as a whole. We look forward to working alongside each of you to make these goals a reality. The future of our communities, and our planet, will depend on us following through on these promises. Sincerely,

A. James Wohlpart President



Table Of Contents Central Washington University’s Commitments to Addressing Climate Change.......6-7 Executive Summary ......................................................................................................8-9 Introduction................................................................................................................10-11 CWU’s Climate Action Planning Process and Engagement..................................... 12-13 CWU Climate Action Plan Vision and Key Pillars...................................................... 14-15 Incorporating Equity into the Climate Action Plan.........................................................16 History of Sustainability and Stewardship at CWU........................................................17 CWU 2005 and 2022 Greenhouse Gas Inventory.................................................... 18-19 Scope 1 Strategies ................................................................................................... 20-25 ߿ Energy Efficiency and Conservation.......................................................................20-21 ߿ Building Infrastructure..............................................................................................22-23 ߿ Transportation...........................................................................................................24-25 Scope 2 Strategies....................................................................................................26-27 ߿ Electricity....................................................................................................................26-27 Scope 3 Strategies...................................................................................................28-34 ߿ Waste Diversion.........................................................................................................28-29 ߿ Transportation/Commuter Emissions......................................................................30-31 ߿ Biodiversity and Water Conservation.....................................................................32-33 ߿ Sustainable Procurement...............................................................................................34 Additional Strategies ߿ Education and Curriculum ......................................................................................36-37 ߿ Climate Resilience....................................................................................................38-39 ߿ Sustainable Investments ..........................................................................................40-41 Acknowledgements. ...................................................................................................... 43 Key Terms.......................................................................................................................44



Central Washington University’s Commitments to Addressing Climate Change

Transportation/Commuter Emissions

Objective: Reduce vehicle miles traveled to, from, and around campus by CWU employees and students by 20% by 2030, in comparison to 2024 levels.

Strategy: Build and/or enhance alternative transportation infrastructure that support significant reductions in miles driven in single- occupancy vehicles by students and employees.

45% greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2030

70% greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2040

Zero-carbon emissions, no later than 2050

Biodiversity and Water Conversation

Objective: Promote and institute sustainable landscape management and water conservation practices. Restore terrestrial and aquatic landscapes to increase biodiversity on campus Sustainable Procurement Objective: Create and implement a Sustainable Purchasing Plan in 2025. Education and Curriculum Objective: Integrate sustainability and climate change education across the University curriculum, co-curricular activities, and the campus culture to provide students with the knowledge, skills, competencies, and values necessary to shape an equitable and sustainable future.

Strategy: Increased collaboration among several CWU departments to develop and begin implementing a Campus Restoration Plan and a Water Conservation Plan by 2026.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Objective: Achieve an energy use intensity (EUI) target of 102 and below for campus buildings overall by 2026.

Strategy: Install metering systems and implement energy efficiency and conservation measures for 44 of CWU’s largest buildings, which will result in significant EUI reductions and energy cost savings before 2030. Strategy: Finalize a 15-year Decarbonization Plan no later than July 2025. The Plan will outline energy solution pathways to decarbonize CWU’s heating and cooling infrastructure.

Strategy: CWU Contracts and Purchasing develops and adopts criteria, policies, and guidelines that support, 1) sustainable purchasing of commodities, 2) life cycle cost analysis for products and systems and, 3) product and services evaluation by summer 2025.

Building Infrastructure

Objective: Reduce campus-wide natural gas consumption by an average of 5-7% per year between 2024 and 2030.

Strategy: Train and incentivize faculty members to incorporate sustainability into the curriculum. Develop a Sustainability Center to increase experiential and applied learning opportunities, leadership development opportunities, and sustainability programming on campus and in the community.


Objective: Electrify all CWU campus fleet vehicles by 2040 and install at least 30 electric vehicle charging stations on campus by 2030.

Strategy: Develop and implement a CWU Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Plan. Prioritize installation of EV charging stations at newly constructed buildings, facilities, and high-traffic areas on campus.

Climate Resilence

Purchased Electricity

Objective: Implement a campus- wide Climate Resilience Plan by 2030 in collaboration with the local community, which will minimize climate impacts and disruptions to the University and community.

Strategy: Develop a CWU Climate Resiliency and Emergency Preparedness Plan that will bolster the institution’s ability to withstand the shocks of climate impacts and natural disasters.

Objective: Install over 4 megawatts of renewable, emission-free electricity on University-owned properties and spaces by 2030.

Strategy: Develop and implement a campus-wide solar development plan, maximizing solar installations at parking lots, roofscapes, and underutilized properties.

Sustainable Investments

Waste Diversion

Objective: Diversify CWU’s financial portfolio with more sustainable investments and integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into the University’s investment strategy.

Strategy: Increase collaboration between University stakeholders managing financial investments and facilitate ESG reporting.

Objective: Reduce and divert 25% of all waste generated on campus by 2030, compared to 2023 levels.

Strategy: Develop and implement a CWU Waste Diversion Plan in partnership with CWU Facilities, Dining, and Surplus.



Executive Summary Central Washington University’s (CWU) new Climate Change Action Plan (CAP) is the University’s roadmap to becoming a zero-carbon campus no later than 2050. The CAP focuses primarily on priorities, goals, strategies, and actions to be accomplished before the end of 2030. CWU is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 45% in 2030 compared to 2005 levels. CWU is aligning its climate pollution reduction goals with the State of Washington, which includes 70% greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2040 and achieving net-zero emissions no later than 2050. The CAP includes clear objectives and strategies across 11 focus areas, including Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions as well as sustainability education, climate resiliency, and University investments. Strategies to address emissions from refrigerants and CWU’s Aviation Program are not included in this CAP. However, planning will be underway to reduce emissions from refrigerants and the aviation program before 2030. CWU is required to submit an annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategy Report to the Washington State Department of Commerce per the State Agency Climate Leadership Act. Additionally, CWU is required by Washington State law to submit a Decarbonization Plan (2023 House Bill 1390) no later than July 2025. The Decarbonization Plan will support planning and implementation efforts to decarbonize CWU’s campus district energy system in order to meet the State Energy Performance Standard. This CAP builds a strategic foundation to ensure that CWU is in compliance with Washington State climate laws. Key elements of the CWU CAP will be included within subsequent institutional planning efforts for the next several years, including CWU’s Capital Master Plan and Capital Infrastructure Plan.

The CWU Board of Trustees approved CWU’s new Vision and Mission statement in May 2022, and adopted CWU’s new Institutional Strategic Plan in July 2023. Per CWU’s Institutional Strategic Plan, we are committed to developing and implementing a University-wide Climate Change Action Plan, which will serve as a holistic roadmap to decarbonize campus-wide infrastructure and operations, develop impactful sustainability programming for the campus community, and prepare our students for successful careers as all sectors commit to building a more sustainable and equitable future. Vision: CWU will be a model learning community of equity and belonging. Mission: In order to build a community of equity and belonging, CWU nurtures culturally sustaining practices that expand access and success to all students. We are committed to fostering high impact practices, sustainability, and authentic community partnerships that are grounded in meaningful relationships. Core Value #3: Stewardship: CWU advances environmental, social, and economic sustainability in ways that support an ecologically and socially just world, and that honor the Indigenous peoples who have resided here since time immemorial and who continue to reside here. We nurture our internal talent through professional development opportunities, coaching and mentoring, and accountability enacted with care and compassion. Initiative 1.1: Develop and implement a comprehensive, University-wide Sustainability and Climate Action Plan, which incorporates environmental, social, and economic considerations into University operations, infrastructure, and academic programs in collaboration with the local community. Initiative 1.2: Integrate sustainability into University-wide curriculum to provide students with the knowledge, skills, competencies, and values necessary to shape an equitable and sustainable future.



Introduction The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) publishes scientific assessments on climate change and communicates the associated implications and future risks of a changing climate. According to the IPCC, human activities such as burning coal, natural gas, and oil, have already transformed the planet at a pace and scale unmatched in recorded history. The 2023 IPCC synthesis report confirms that humanity has fundamentally and irreversibly transformed the Earth’s system, primarily caused by the combustion of fossil fuels and significant deforestation. In short, the vast majority of the global scientific community knows four things with very high confidence, 1) The Earth is warming, 2) Warming is caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels for energy, 3) Human-caused warming is disrupting the Earth’s entire planetary climate system, and 4) Climate change poses extreme risks for humans. Additionally, the United Nations Paris Agreement, entered into force in November 2016, sets long- term goals for 195 members (194 states plus the European Union) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to, “substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to hold global temperature increase to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.” As of the second half of 2023, global average air temperatures have already exceeded the 1.5 Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) threshold since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.

The extent to which current and future generations will experience a hotter and different world depends on choices now and in the near-term.


Future emissions scenarios:

Current and future generations of students have a unique stake in how quickly institutions significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Considering humankind has never been on this warming trajectory, climate mitigation and resiliency strategies implemented during the 2020’s and 2030’s will have profound impacts and consequences for the next several decades and potentially centuries. Washington State is already experiencing the impacts of climate change, including warmer temperatures, more frequent heat waves, changes in extreme weather patterns, increased risk of high severity wildfires, drought, reduced snowpack, and sea level rise. CWU is committed to achieving the following objectives: 1) implementing climate mitigation strategies to achieve a zero-carbon campus no later than 2050, 2) building and instituting climate resiliency to withstand the shocks of a changing climate and warming world, and 3) supporting front line communities and producing equitable outcomes, and, 4) equipping students, staff, and faculty with the knowledge, resources, and competencies to advance a healthy, equitable, and sustainable future. CWU’s CAP produces an ambitious, yet realistic roadmap to achieve the objectives listed above. After extensive engagement with the campus and local community, this Plan outlines overarching goals, key performance indicators, objectives, strategies, and action steps to support CWU’s commitment to reducing climate change impacts and ensuring a livable, equitable, and sustainable community for current and future generations.






very high high intermediate low very low

Warming continueʼs beyond 2100

Global temperature change above 1850-1900 levels ( º C)

born in 2020

70 years old in 2090

00.5 1 1.5 22.533.5 4

“Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report - Summary for Policymakers”. A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.



CWU’s Climate Action Planning Process and Engagement For CWU to realistically achieve its overarching goal of becoming a zero-carbon campus no later than 2050 and reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by the end of 2030, campus-wide ownership and commitment to the implementation of CWU’s CAP is essential. In 2023, the CWU Sustainability Office coordinated five campus-wide events and provided dozens of presentations to hundreds of CWU students, staff, and faculty during the CAP development process. Representatives from CWU Sustainability and Capital Planning and Projects also served on the Steering Committee for the City of Ellensburg’s Sustainability and Energy Plan in 2023. CWU Sustainability, Capital Planning and Projects, Dining Services, and Campus Housing departments as well as City of Ellensburg Utilities, engaged in monthly climate and sustainability planning sessions to ensure that all entities are in alignment with the goals, objectives, strategies, and actions steps listed in this Plan.

CWU also presented to over 25 classes, student groups, leadership Sustainability teams, and associations during the development of the Plan. The objective of this extensive outreach and engagement campaign was to increase awareness of CWU’s commitment to accelerating sustainability and climate change initiatives, and provide opportunities for the campus community to share guidance and input as the University seeks to transform its infrastructure, operations, and culture amid a changing climate. After this Plan was completed in March 2024, outreach and engagement continued to ensure the campus community is playing a critical part in the implementation of the strategies and actions listed in this CAP.

CWU Sustainability coordinated and facilitated five campus-wide Sustainability Forums in 2023 and early 2024. The intent and purpose of the Sustainability Forums was to increase awareness of the urgency of climate change and broader sustainability issues, and galvanize the campus community to provide input, guidance, and feedback during the developmental stages of CWU’s CAP. As a result of the campus Sustainability Forums, key pillars, overarching goals, focus areas, strategies, and priority actions were identified, refined, and embedded within this CAP. The first Sustainability Forum, which occurred during Earth Week of April 2023, provided a high-level overview of the science behind climate change, the climate-related risks threatening the local community and region, and the potential high-impact solutions for the University. Additionally, attendees at the Sustainability Forum provided insight and guidance on which climate mitigation and sustainability- related strategies should be prioritized and implemented over the next several years.



CWU Climate Action Plan Vision and Key Pillars

Vision of CWU’s CAP: CWU advances environmental, social, and economic sustainability in ways that support an ecologically healthy and socially just world, and that honor the Indigenous peoples who have resided here since time immemorial. The CWU CAP will promote sustainable practices and responsible stewardship of land and resources through incorporating environmental, social, and economic considerations into University operations, infrastructure, and academic programs in collaboration with the local community. As a result of the campus-wide Sustainability Forums, classroom presentations, surveys, and listening sessions, the following five key pillars of CWU’s CAP were developed. The key pillars are not hierarcical – each pillar is equally important and serve as a foundational reference and guide for the implementation of the strategies and actions steps listed within each focus area of the CAP.

Zero-Carbon Campus Infastructure and Operations

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Campus and Community Collaboration

Sustainability Education and Engagement

Key Performance Indicators

Per the key pillars of the CAP, the CWU campus community advocates for decarbonizing University infrastructure and operations , transitioning away from natural gas consumption, and installing renewable electricity (e.g., solar) on available spaces owned by the University. The campus community also strongly encourages an in-depth evaluation of each strategy to ensure that our efforts to decarbonize campus do not unintentionally create unnecessary and disproportionate burdens to marginalized, historically- excluded communities . Additionally, the CWU community advocates for seeking pathways to produce more equitable outcomes as the campus builds out sustainability and decarbonization initiatives.

The campus community recognizes the critical need for the University to infuse and embed sustainability education and climate competencies across the curriculum , for the purpose of increasing sustainability literacy and empowering the next generations of climate and sustainability practitioners. For every sustainability and decarbonization initiative or project, there will be educational opportunities available for CWU students, staff, faculty, local community members, and other entities throughout the region. For example, during the design process for CWU’s North Academic Complex, which will be heated and cooled using geothermal technology, efforts will be made to develop an educational dashboard outlining how the geothermal system operates and the role it plays in significantly reducing climate emissions. Last but not least, the fifth key pillar of the CAP stresses the importance of compiling key performance indicators for each of the focus areas listed below to ensure that the objectives are clearly defined and measurable. The CAP will require a diligent approach to collecting accurate, campus-wide greenhouse gas, energy, transportation, waste, water and curriculum-related data for the purpose of measuring progress and prioritizing strategies and action steps. CWU will also likely invest in SIMAP, a platform for higher-ed institutions to collect and measure Scope 3 emissions. CWU Sustainability in coordination with CWU Capital Planning and Projects and other department leads will be communicating, and publishing CAP progress reports to the campus community on an annual basis. CWU’s commitment to issuing annual progress reports will enable the campus community, and leadership to be informed of the progress, successes, and challenges associated with each of the objectives and strategies listed in the CAP.

The third pillar of the CAP is campus and community collaboration. The campus community advocates for collaborating outside the confines of the CWU Ellensburg campus and working with the broader community throughout the implementation process. While many of the objectives and strategies listed in this CAP focus on decarbonizing the infrastructure and operations owned by the University, CWU is committed to collaborating with its satellite centers and leveraging partnerships with the City of Ellensburg, Kittitas County, Yakama Nation, local community groups, state agencies, and other higher-ed institutions to ensure a more collaborative response to climate change. CWU’s CAP and the City of Ellensburg’s recently adopted Sustainability and Energy Plan open the doors for more fruitful collaboration between the University and the local community for the next several years.



Incorporating Equity into the Climate Action Plan

History of Sustainability and Stewardship at CWU

It has been extensively documented that marginalized and historically excluded communities, including low-income communities, communities of color, and indigenous people, are disproportionately impacted by climate change and pollution. Additionally, systemic environmental racism— defined as intentional siting and installation of polluting, extractive, and/or hazardous waste facilities in close

FALL 2007 President McIntyre signs the Presidents’ Climate Commitment

SPRING 2010 CWU staff develop the institution’s first Climate Change Action Plan

proximity to communities of color and indigenous people — is well-documented and has occurred in Washington and throughout the nation for the past several decades, producing inequitable health impacts to marginalized communities. Incorporating equity and inclusion within the University’s strategic approach to climate mitigation and resilience is necessary to ensure that all campus and local community members have equitable access to a healthy, safe, and resilient environment, and are protected from the adverse and disproportionate impacts of climate change, environmental hazards, and structural and systemic racism. The CAP will not be successful unless equity and inclusion are incorporated into CWU’s climate mitigation, resilience, and sustainability education strategies. As CWU implements multiple initiatives and projects to achieve the objectives listed across 11 focus areas, it is critical for project managers to be inclusive, transparent, and collaborative with the campus community. Each of the 11 focus areas within the CAP include equity considerations, for the purpose of identifying potential burdens to vulnerable community members and evaluating opportunities to produce more equitable outcomes. Additional considerations and strategies to produce more equitable outcomes will be adopted as CWU Sustainability collaborates with the CWU Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity Center, Equity Services Council, Wildcat Essentials Coalition, Capital Planning and Projects, and the Basic Needs Center, along with an expanding network of campus partners. CWU Sustainability and other departments will seek partnerships with the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, Yakama Forest Products, APOYO, HopeSource, the City of Ellensburg, and local community groups as the University transforms, decarbonizes, and strengthens our infrastructure, operations, and programming amid a changing climate and warming world.

FALL 2017 CWU Sustainability Council and first CWU Sustainability Café launched

FALL 2018 CWU Wildcat Neighborhood Farm is established

JULY 2019 CWU receives an AASHE STARS Bronze Certification

FALL 2019 Sustainability Minor and Certificate Launched

OCTOBER 2019 CWU President Gaudino announces a 5% carbon reduction goal

JANUARY 2020 CWU hires its first Sustainability Coordinator

FEBRUARY 2020 CWU designated as a Tree Campus Higher Education University

JULY 2022 CWU receives an AASHE STARS Silver Certification

DECEMBER 2022 CWU Sustainability Officer is hired, directly reporting to the CWU Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Between 2024 and July 2025, CWU Sustainability and Capital Planning and Projects will be collaborating with McKinstry Consulting and Cascadia Consulting to develop a Community Engagement Plan. The Community Engagement Plan will outline CWU’s approach to transparency and engagement for capital projects, climate action initiatives, and new sustainability programs. Additionally, the Community Engagement Plan will utilize best practices for outreach and leverage screening tools that integrate environmental, demographic, and health disparity data to evaluate the needs of marginalized and historically excluded community members. As a result, extensive and meaningful community engagement efforts will be underway to inform, consult, involve, collaborate with, and empower marginalized and historically excluded campus community members throughout the implementation of the CAP.

JULY 2023 CWU’s Institutional Strategic Plan includes a commitment to developing and implementing a Climate Action Plan.

MARCH 2024 CWU develops and completes its new Climate Action Plan



CWU 2022 Greenhouse Gas Inventory – Scope 1 and 2 Emissions

CWU’s 2022 greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory highlights the primary sources of carbon dioxide and methane emissions from the buildings, infrastructure, vehicles, diesel powered generators, and aviation program owned by CWU. Natural gas consumption, diesel powered generators, aviation, and fleet/business travel all fall under Scope 1 emissions. Scope 2 emissions include purchased electricity. Approximately 95% of CWU’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions are attributable to heating, cooling, and powering campus-owned infrastructure, revealing which sectors should be listed as priorities for decarbonization. This 2022 GHG inventory does not include Scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 emissions can be attributed to material waste generated on campus being sent to the local landfill, upstream/downstream emissions associated with goods and services, and commuter emissions (e.g. staff, students, and faculty commuting round trip to campus with internal combustion vehicles). There are currently 15 categories listed under Scope 3 emissions, which are the most difficult to measure and control. This CAP includes three Scope 3 emission categories: waste, commuter emissions, and procurement as a result of the feedback received from the campus community. The remaining Scope 3 emission categories will be addressed utilizing SIMAP software and will be included in overall sustainability strategic planning at CWU between 2024 and 2025.

Greenhouse Gas Inventory - Scope 1 and 2 Emissions



Natural Gas


Solid Waste




20% 30% 40% 50% 60%




Scope 1 Strategies

Action Steps: • CWU student peer-to-peer educators/sustainability ambassadors educate campus community on energy efficiency and conservation best practices and help embed sustainability within campus culture. • McKinstry develops a metering gap analysis report and a metering project directive report for the purpose of assessing CWU’s current metering system for steam, natural gas, chilled water, and electricity. McKinstry provides recommendations for immediate implementation of collecting baseline energy data. • CWU CPP and Facilities Management lead the multi-phased installation of energy metering systems at CWU’s 44 Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings. Energy metering systems will be installed at remaining smaller buildings after Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings are completed. • McKinstry provides Rough Order of Magnitude pricing for existing building commissioning of Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings. • CWU CPP and CWU Facilities Management Department institutes a Facilities Services Resource Management Plan, which includes guidelines and establishes general operating standards for energy and resource consumption in occupied buildings at CWU. • Depending on funding, costs, and potential investment returns, a combination of the following energy efficiency measures will likely include, but not be limited to: - Retrocommissioning, a building energy optimization process, for the purpose of improving how building equipment and systems function together. - Investments in lighting fixtures and controls upgrades; steam trap maintenance; steam coil replacements; new exhaust fans; new zone dampers and control valve replacements; heat recovery run around loops; exhaust retrofits; low-flow fume hoods; building envelope and insulation upgrades; window replacements; DHW heat pumps for residence halls. - Investment in high-impact energy efficiency measures at CWU’s Science 1 building, which has an EUI of 245 as of 2024, the largest energy user on campus. • Establish a $1 million CWU Green Revolving Loan Fund to finance energy efficiency projects with demonstrable energy cost savings. Department Lead(s): CWU Capital Planning and Projects Department Initial and Ongoing Costs: $40 million in energy efficiency measures. $200-250 million for deferred maintenance. Funding Opportunities: Washington State Office of Financial Management – Capital and Operation Budget Requests, CWU Green Revolving Loan Fund; WA, Clean Building Performance Standard Early Adopter Incentive Program, Inflation Reduction Act - Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction Phasing Plan: Energy metering installation and energy efficiency measures will begin with Tier 1 buildings, followed by Tier 2 buildings. Energy efficiency measures will be completed at all remaining buildings below 20,000 square feet after Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings are completed in 2027 and 2028. Equity Considerations: Energy efficiency upgrade projects supported through the CWU Green Revolving Loan Fund shall be identified and prioritized for CWU residential halls and student housing to ensure students have access to comfortable living conditions. Co-Benefits: Measurable and significant energy savings and costs, reduction of natural gas consumption, lower building energy and electricity loads, reduced upfront costs for renewable electricity and energy projects, and improved living conditions and health and wellbeing for the campus community.

Energy Efficiency and Conversation

Building Infrastructure

Transportation (CWU Fleets and EV Charging Infrastructure)

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Summary: Increasing energy efficiency and conservation at buildings owned by CWU will be an integral first step toward achieving a zero-carbon campus. As of 2023, CWU owns and manages 44 academic and auxiliary buildings over 20,000 square feet in size. CWU has a total of 19 Tier 1 buildings (building size of 50,000 square feet and more) and 25 Tier 2 buildings (building size of 20,000 square feet and more). Buildings slated for demolition before 2030 will not be included within the scope of this CAP. CWU is required to comply with the State of Washington’s Clean Building Performance Standard (2019 House Bill 1257 and 2023 House Bill 1390), which sets requirements for decarbonization planning for campus district energy systems to meet the Washington State Energy Performance Standard. Historically, CWU has consistently invested in large-scale energy efficiency measures, as evident by the University’s building footprint increasing and our overall energy consumption decreasing simultaneously over the past two decades. As of 2024, CWU has a campus-wide energy use intensity (EUI) of 116. Washington State’s Clean Building Performance Standard requires CWU to achieve a campus-wide EUI of 102 by 2028. CWU selected McKinstry Consulting to lead the development of CWU’s 15-year Decarbonization Plan, which will be submitted to Washington State no later than July 2025. Deliverables within the Decarbonization Plan will include strategies to systematically advance energy efficiency measures for CWU’s 44 Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings. The CWU Capital Planning and Projects Department (CPP) and the CWU Sustainability Office will collaborate with McKinstry Consulting to assess CWU’s current energy metering system for steam, natural gas, chilled water, and electricity, and provide recommendations for immediate implementation to collect baseline data and add energy metering devices at 44 academic and auxiliary buildings on the Ellensburg campus. CWU will prioritize energy efficiency and conservation measures to significantly reduce energy consumption at 44 of CWU’s largest buildings, in compliance with Washington State’s Clean Building Performance Standard and HB 1390. Projected GHG Emission Reductions (low, medium, high impact): High Impact Objective: Achieve an EUI target of 102 and below for campus buildings overall by 2028. Strategy: Install metering systems and implement energy efficiency and conservation measures for 44 of CWU’s largest buildings, which will result in significant EUI reductions and energy cost savings before 2030.



Building Infrastructure

Summary: CWU’s main campus includes nearly 200 buildings encompassing over 4.6 million square feet. Washington State’s climate change policies are requiring institutions and communities to transition away from natural gas consumption and invest in building electrification and zero-carbon heating technologies. Approximately 60% of CWU’s greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to using natural gas for heating buildings across campus. CWU owns and manages a district energy system (also referred to as a central plant), which consists of three water-cooled chillers and four steam hot water boilers that provide the majority of the current heating and cooling for campus buildings. CWU Capital Planning and Projects (CPP) partnered with third-party consultants to begin assessing geothermal potential for campus. The Ellensburg aquifer provides CWU a unique opportunity to invest in and install open-loop ground source heat pumps throughout the entire campus without causing environmental damage from nonrenewable resource extraction. As a result, CWU can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by installing geothermal infrastructure and transitioning away from natural gas consumption. CWU’s stand-alone, open-loop ground source heat pump system at the North Academic Complex and Geo-Eco Center is the University’s first step towards implementing geothermal technology to

Additional action steps include: • Solicitation of engineering resources to assist with attaining the objectives listed in the Decarbonization Plan. • Prioritize decarbonized energy solutions for Capital Budget Requests and utilize ESCO projects whenever possible. • Plan for and install low-temperature, hot water infrastructure to support the transition to zero carbon heating and cooling for all campus buildings. Department Lead(s): CWU Capital Planning and Projects Initial and Ongoing Costs: $300 million Funding Opportunities: Biennium Capital and Operating Budget Requests - WA State Office of Financial Management; Inflation Reduction Act – Elective Pay Provisions; WA State Department of Commerce; Federal grants. Phasing Plan: • January 2024 – July 2025: CWU CPP and Sustainability collaborate with McKinstry Inc. on an 18-month, multi-deliverable project to ensure compliance with HB 1390. • May 2024 : CWU selects primary energy solution to decarbonize built infrastructure across campus. • August 2024: Detailed analysis of selected energy solution and capital budget request completed. • September 2024: CWU CPP submits Capital Budget Request for 2025-2027 biennium. • May 2025: 15-year Decarbonization Plan is finalized and submitted to the WA Department of Commerce no later than July 2025. • May 2025: Energy Management and Operations and Maintenance Plan completed. Equity Considerations: Continued increase of natural gas rates and heating costs; Ensure campus community members are included in the planning process for large-scale fuel-switching projects; Increase access to comfortable living conditions for students. Co-Benefits: Improved air quality; Educational opportunities for campus, local community and region; More efficient and modern energy systems on campus; Significant long-term cost savings against natural gas rate increases.

heat and cool buildings and reduce natural gas consumption on campus. CWU selected McKinstry Consulting to lead the development of a 15-year Decarbonization Plan (per the requirement of WA State HB 1390) and propose one energy solution (e.g., geothermal) to transition away from natural gas consumption. The Decarbonization Plan will provide a playbook to retrofit and connect campus buildings to heat pump systems and achieve a zero-carbon campus.

Objective: Reduce campus-wide natural gas consumption by an average of 5-7% per year between 2024 and 2030.

Projected GHG Emission Reductions: High Impact Strategy: Finalize a 15-year Decarbonization Plan no later than July 2025. The plan will outline energy solution pathways to decarbonize CWU’s heating and cooling infrastructure. Action Steps: CWU Decarbonization Plan in partnership with McKinstry will include the following milestones: • Steam distribution recommendations memo, including recommendations to reduce distribution losses throughout the existing steam network. • McKinstry Consulting proposes three energy solutions to CWU CPP and Sustainability. • CWU Executive Leadership Team and CPP select a campus-wide energy solution proposed by McKinstry consulting. • McKinstry provides a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) for each of the facilities connected to the campus district heating and cooling system for the scope of work required to implement the selected energy solution. • A Capital Budget request proposal is developed for the selected energy solution (e.g., potentially geothermal). • A 15-year Decarbonization Plan is developed in partnership with McKinstry by July 2025, ensuring compliance with the requirements of HB 1390 . • Institute a long-term HB 1390 Compliance Strategy within CWU’s Capital and Infrastructure Master Plan.




Summary: This section addresses both CWU’s vehicle fleet and electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and does not include transportation emissions resulting from CWU staff, faculty, and students commuting to and from the University nor does it include airline travel emissions from staff, faculty, and students (Scope 3 emissions). Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the State of Washington (approximately 40%). The acceleration of zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) and EV charging infrastructure is a critical part of Washington’s commitment to achieving 95% greenhouse gas reductions by 2050.

As of 2023, CWU owns and maintains 209 vehicles within our campus fleet, including the motor pool and department- owned vehicles. Of the 209 vehicles, CWU owns one electric vehicle and 16 hybrid vehicles. Four primary barriers facing ZEV adoption include affordability, charging infrastructure, performance (e.g., range anxiety), and availability. As battery and vehicle technology continues to evolve, CWU will strategically and systematically replace all gas and diesel vehicles with low-to-zero emission vehicles by 2040. As CWU replaces our fleet with ZEVs by 2040, we will also invest in electric vehicle charging infrastructure across campus to support and keep pace with the adoption of ZEVs.

Objective: Replace all gas and diesel- powered campus fleet vehicles with zero-emission vehicles by 2040 and install at least 30 electric vehicle charging stations on campus by 2030.

Projected GHG Emission Reductions: Low Impact Strategy: Develop and implement a CWU Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Plan. Prioritize installation of EV charging stations at newly constructed buildings, facilities, and high traffic areas at campus. Action Steps:

Department Lead(s): CWU Facilities Management in coordination with CWU Sustainability, Auxiliary Enterprises, Athletics, Admissions, Campus Police, and Contracts, Purchasing, and Surplus. Initial and Ongoing Costs: $20 million for adoption of 200 zero-emission vehicles and $600,000 to install 30 dual-head, level 2 electric vehicle charging stations on campus. Funding Opportunities: Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington State Department of Commerce, Inflation Reduction Act elective provisions Phasing Plan: In 2024 and 2025, a Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Team will develop a plan to strategically decarbonize CWU’s campus fleet by 2040 and install 30 EV charging stations by 2030. Between 2025 and 2030, CWU will seek to replace 50 gas powered passenger cars and light-duty trucks with ZEV options, including all-electric, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and/or fuel cell electric vehicles. Addressing medium- and heavy-duty trucks and vehicles will likely take place after 2030. Equity Considerations: Incorporate measurable criteria and institute best practices to ensure ZEV purchases and EV charging infrastructure do not negatively impact marginalized campus and community members. Site EV charging infrastructure through meaningful campus and community engagement. Purchase ZEVs from manufacturers and suppliers who employ proven safe, ethical, and fair labor practices. Co-Benefits: Reduction of local air pollution, increased public health benefits, and lower fuel costs/ improved fuel economy.

• A CWU Zero-Emission Fleet Transition team assembled in 2024 begins developing a plan to replace gas and diesel-powered fleet vehicles with ZEVs and install at least 30 electric vehicle charging stations across campus by 2030. ߿ Develop strategies to optimize and right- size fleet vehicles. ߿ Develop and enforce a no-idling policy for CWU owned, campus fleet vehicles. ߿ The plan will include strategies to pursue bulk-buying opportunities and purchase on average 12 ZEVs per year between 2024 and 2040. As CWU gas and diesel-powered vehicles approach end-of-life, hybrid and ZEVs options will be prioritized for new fleet purchases, supported by available rebates. ߿ Secure funding to install dual-head, level

2 EV charging stations in high traffic areas and in close proximity to CWU campus fleets, including Jongeward, Student Union Recreation Center, McIntyre Music Building, Nicholson Pavilion, and Tomlinson Stadium. ߿ CPP installs three new EV charging stations on average for new buildings constructed on campus. Five EV charging stations are installed at the North Academic Complex.



Scope 2 Strategies

Summary: CWU’s main campus purchases and imports our electricity from the City of Ellensburg Municipal Utilities. The City of Ellensburg’s electricity fuel mix is 95% carbon free, predominantly comprised of hydroelectric power. The Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) requires Washington State to achieve a 100% clean electricity supply by 2045. CWU submits an annual GHG inventory to the Washington State Department of Commerce (WA Commerce). According to the GHG inventory criteria established by WA Commerce, CWU’s


electricity mix accounts for 36% of the University’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions. This is a signal for the institution to invest in and install on-site renewable electricity across campus in order for CWU to achieve its GHG emission reduction goals. Recognizing that central Washington experiences an average of 200+ sunny days per year, building rooftops, parking lots, and University-owned properties serve as valuable real estate for turning sunlight into electricity for campus and potentially the local community. Additionally, as the local community and region continues to transition away from natural gas use and moves toward building

and transportation electrification, there is a need for substantial investment in local renewable electricity generation. As of 2023, CWU consumes approximately six megawatts of electricity on campus during peak periods of operations. As the University moves forward with investing in geothermal infrastructure, fleet electrification, and EV charging infrastructure, CWU’s electricity consumption will continue to increase. The following objectives, action steps, and phasing plan will be prioritized before 2030, with the intent of installing 8-10 megawatts of renewable electricity before 2040.

Objective: Install over four megawatts of renewable, emission-free electricity on University- owned properties and spaces by 2030.

Projected GHG Emission Reductions: Medium Impact Strategy: Develop and implement a campus-wide solar development plan, maximizing solar installations at parking lots, roofscapes, and underutilized properties. Action Steps: • CWU considers requiring solar installations on all new building construction projects. • In partnership with the City of Ellensburg Municipal Utility and support from third-party consultants, develop a CWU Solar Project Development Plan by 2025 for the purpose of exhausting all opportunities to generate on-site solar on University-owned properties. • Assess and catalog site opportunities (e.g., buildings, parking lots, CWU-owned properties) and collect electricity data for all CWU buildings. • Calculate cost savings and payback periods for on-site solar investments. • Develop and issue request for proposals for on-site solar generation. • Partner with third-party experts to design and construct solar arrays on multiple roofscapes and parking spaces at CWU and identify renewable energy credit opportunities. • Seek guidance to ensure projects are feasible, cost-effective, and supported by the community. • Leverage funding opportunities and rebates for solar installations on campus. • Train staff on operations and maintenance of photovoltaic systems. • Explore Power Purchase Agreements and local community solar projects in partnership with the City of Ellensburg Municipal Utilities by 2025. • Explore opportunities to install a microgrid on campus to increase resiliency. • Annually collect, evaluate, and report data and progress associated with solar development.

Department Lead(s): CWU Sustainability and Capital Planning and Projects Initial and Ongoing Costs: $10,000,000 for four megawatts of renewable electricity installations. Funding Opportunities: Biennium Capital and Operating Budget Requests - WA State Office of Financial Management; Washington State Department of Commerce grants; Inflation Reduction Act – Elective Pay Provisions/Investment Tax Credits; CWU fundraising campaigns; Low-interest loans; Federal grants. Phasing Plan: Design a CWU Solar Project Development Plan by 2025, which will chart a pathway to exhausting all opportunities to generate on-site renewable electricity; Assess and catalog site opportunities and collect electricity data; Develop on-site solar request for proposals; Leverage funding opportunities and rebates for solar installations on campus; Explore Power Purchase Agreements and local community solar projects in partnership with the City of Ellensburg Municipal Utilities by 2025. Invest in solar projects between 2024 and 2030. Equity Considerations: Institute a transparent process for designing and developing renewable electricity projects. Engage the Ellensburg community as the University explores potential sites for renewable electricity projects. Create educational and vocational opportunities for campus and local community. Co-Benefits: Long-term utility cost savings; Resilient, reliable, and self-sufficient power generation; Vocational training and new employment opportunities.



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