CWU Climate Action Plan

CWU’s Climate Action Planning Process and Engagement For CWU to realistically achieve its overarching goal of becoming a zero-carbon campus no later than 2050 and reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by the end of 2030, campus-wide ownership and commitment to the implementation of CWU’s CAP is essential. In 2023, the CWU Sustainability Office coordinated five campus-wide events and provided dozens of presentations to hundreds of CWU students, staff, and faculty during the CAP development process. Representatives from CWU Sustainability and Capital Planning and Projects also served on the Steering Committee for the City of Ellensburg’s Sustainability and Energy Plan in 2023. CWU Sustainability, Capital Planning and Projects, Dining Services, and Campus Housing departments as well as City of Ellensburg Utilities, engaged in monthly climate and sustainability planning sessions to ensure that all entities are in alignment with the goals, objectives, strategies, and actions steps listed in this Plan.

CWU also presented to over 25 classes, student groups, leadership Sustainability teams, and associations during the development of the Plan. The objective of this extensive outreach and engagement campaign was to increase awareness of CWU’s commitment to accelerating sustainability and climate change initiatives, and provide opportunities for the campus community to share guidance and input as the University seeks to transform its infrastructure, operations, and culture amid a changing climate. After this Plan was completed in March 2024, outreach and engagement continued to ensure the campus community is playing a critical part in the implementation of the strategies and actions listed in this CAP.

CWU Sustainability coordinated and facilitated five campus-wide Sustainability Forums in 2023 and early 2024. The intent and purpose of the Sustainability Forums was to increase awareness of the urgency of climate change and broader sustainability issues, and galvanize the campus community to provide input, guidance, and feedback during the developmental stages of CWU’s CAP. As a result of the campus Sustainability Forums, key pillars, overarching goals, focus areas, strategies, and priority actions were identified, refined, and embedded within this CAP. The first Sustainability Forum, which occurred during Earth Week of April 2023, provided a high-level overview of the science behind climate change, the climate-related risks threatening the local community and region, and the potential high-impact solutions for the University. Additionally, attendees at the Sustainability Forum provided insight and guidance on which climate mitigation and sustainability- related strategies should be prioritized and implemented over the next several years.



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