CWU Climate Action Plan

Incorporating Equity into the Climate Action Plan

History of Sustainability and Stewardship at CWU

It has been extensively documented that marginalized and historically excluded communities, including low-income communities, communities of color, and indigenous people, are disproportionately impacted by climate change and pollution. Additionally, systemic environmental racism— defined as intentional siting and installation of polluting, extractive, and/or hazardous waste facilities in close

FALL 2007 President McIntyre signs the Presidents’ Climate Commitment

SPRING 2010 CWU staff develop the institution’s first Climate Change Action Plan

proximity to communities of color and indigenous people — is well-documented and has occurred in Washington and throughout the nation for the past several decades, producing inequitable health impacts to marginalized communities. Incorporating equity and inclusion within the University’s strategic approach to climate mitigation and resilience is necessary to ensure that all campus and local community members have equitable access to a healthy, safe, and resilient environment, and are protected from the adverse and disproportionate impacts of climate change, environmental hazards, and structural and systemic racism. The CAP will not be successful unless equity and inclusion are incorporated into CWU’s climate mitigation, resilience, and sustainability education strategies. As CWU implements multiple initiatives and projects to achieve the objectives listed across 11 focus areas, it is critical for project managers to be inclusive, transparent, and collaborative with the campus community. Each of the 11 focus areas within the CAP include equity considerations, for the purpose of identifying potential burdens to vulnerable community members and evaluating opportunities to produce more equitable outcomes. Additional considerations and strategies to produce more equitable outcomes will be adopted as CWU Sustainability collaborates with the CWU Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity Center, Equity Services Council, Wildcat Essentials Coalition, Capital Planning and Projects, and the Basic Needs Center, along with an expanding network of campus partners. CWU Sustainability and other departments will seek partnerships with the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, Yakama Forest Products, APOYO, HopeSource, the City of Ellensburg, and local community groups as the University transforms, decarbonizes, and strengthens our infrastructure, operations, and programming amid a changing climate and warming world.

FALL 2017 CWU Sustainability Council and first CWU Sustainability Café launched

FALL 2018 CWU Wildcat Neighborhood Farm is established

JULY 2019 CWU receives an AASHE STARS Bronze Certification

FALL 2019 Sustainability Minor and Certificate Launched

OCTOBER 2019 CWU President Gaudino announces a 5% carbon reduction goal

JANUARY 2020 CWU hires its first Sustainability Coordinator

FEBRUARY 2020 CWU designated as a Tree Campus Higher Education University

JULY 2022 CWU receives an AASHE STARS Silver Certification

DECEMBER 2022 CWU Sustainability Officer is hired, directly reporting to the CWU Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Between 2024 and July 2025, CWU Sustainability and Capital Planning and Projects will be collaborating with McKinstry Consulting and Cascadia Consulting to develop a Community Engagement Plan. The Community Engagement Plan will outline CWU’s approach to transparency and engagement for capital projects, climate action initiatives, and new sustainability programs. Additionally, the Community Engagement Plan will utilize best practices for outreach and leverage screening tools that integrate environmental, demographic, and health disparity data to evaluate the needs of marginalized and historically excluded community members. As a result, extensive and meaningful community engagement efforts will be underway to inform, consult, involve, collaborate with, and empower marginalized and historically excluded campus community members throughout the implementation of the CAP.

JULY 2023 CWU’s Institutional Strategic Plan includes a commitment to developing and implementing a Climate Action Plan.

MARCH 2024 CWU develops and completes its new Climate Action Plan



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