CWU Climate Action Plan

Scope 1 Strategies

Action Steps: • CWU student peer-to-peer educators/sustainability ambassadors educate campus community on energy efficiency and conservation best practices and help embed sustainability within campus culture. • McKinstry develops a metering gap analysis report and a metering project directive report for the purpose of assessing CWU’s current metering system for steam, natural gas, chilled water, and electricity. McKinstry provides recommendations for immediate implementation of collecting baseline energy data. • CWU CPP and Facilities Management lead the multi-phased installation of energy metering systems at CWU’s 44 Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings. Energy metering systems will be installed at remaining smaller buildings after Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings are completed. • McKinstry provides Rough Order of Magnitude pricing for existing building commissioning of Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings. • CWU CPP and CWU Facilities Management Department institutes a Facilities Services Resource Management Plan, which includes guidelines and establishes general operating standards for energy and resource consumption in occupied buildings at CWU. • Depending on funding, costs, and potential investment returns, a combination of the following energy efficiency measures will likely include, but not be limited to: - Retrocommissioning, a building energy optimization process, for the purpose of improving how building equipment and systems function together. - Investments in lighting fixtures and controls upgrades; steam trap maintenance; steam coil replacements; new exhaust fans; new zone dampers and control valve replacements; heat recovery run around loops; exhaust retrofits; low-flow fume hoods; building envelope and insulation upgrades; window replacements; DHW heat pumps for residence halls. - Investment in high-impact energy efficiency measures at CWU’s Science 1 building, which has an EUI of 245 as of 2024, the largest energy user on campus. • Establish a $1 million CWU Green Revolving Loan Fund to finance energy efficiency projects with demonstrable energy cost savings. Department Lead(s): CWU Capital Planning and Projects Department Initial and Ongoing Costs: $40 million in energy efficiency measures. $200-250 million for deferred maintenance. Funding Opportunities: Washington State Office of Financial Management – Capital and Operation Budget Requests, CWU Green Revolving Loan Fund; WA, Clean Building Performance Standard Early Adopter Incentive Program, Inflation Reduction Act - Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction Phasing Plan: Energy metering installation and energy efficiency measures will begin with Tier 1 buildings, followed by Tier 2 buildings. Energy efficiency measures will be completed at all remaining buildings below 20,000 square feet after Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings are completed in 2027 and 2028. Equity Considerations: Energy efficiency upgrade projects supported through the CWU Green Revolving Loan Fund shall be identified and prioritized for CWU residential halls and student housing to ensure students have access to comfortable living conditions. Co-Benefits: Measurable and significant energy savings and costs, reduction of natural gas consumption, lower building energy and electricity loads, reduced upfront costs for renewable electricity and energy projects, and improved living conditions and health and wellbeing for the campus community.

Energy Efficiency and Conversation

Building Infrastructure

Transportation (CWU Fleets and EV Charging Infrastructure)

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Summary: Increasing energy efficiency and conservation at buildings owned by CWU will be an integral first step toward achieving a zero-carbon campus. As of 2023, CWU owns and manages 44 academic and auxiliary buildings over 20,000 square feet in size. CWU has a total of 19 Tier 1 buildings (building size of 50,000 square feet and more) and 25 Tier 2 buildings (building size of 20,000 square feet and more). Buildings slated for demolition before 2030 will not be included within the scope of this CAP. CWU is required to comply with the State of Washington’s Clean Building Performance Standard (2019 House Bill 1257 and 2023 House Bill 1390), which sets requirements for decarbonization planning for campus district energy systems to meet the Washington State Energy Performance Standard. Historically, CWU has consistently invested in large-scale energy efficiency measures, as evident by the University’s building footprint increasing and our overall energy consumption decreasing simultaneously over the past two decades. As of 2024, CWU has a campus-wide energy use intensity (EUI) of 116. Washington State’s Clean Building Performance Standard requires CWU to achieve a campus-wide EUI of 102 by 2028. CWU selected McKinstry Consulting to lead the development of CWU’s 15-year Decarbonization Plan, which will be submitted to Washington State no later than July 2025. Deliverables within the Decarbonization Plan will include strategies to systematically advance energy efficiency measures for CWU’s 44 Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings. The CWU Capital Planning and Projects Department (CPP) and the CWU Sustainability Office will collaborate with McKinstry Consulting to assess CWU’s current energy metering system for steam, natural gas, chilled water, and electricity, and provide recommendations for immediate implementation to collect baseline data and add energy metering devices at 44 academic and auxiliary buildings on the Ellensburg campus. CWU will prioritize energy efficiency and conservation measures to significantly reduce energy consumption at 44 of CWU’s largest buildings, in compliance with Washington State’s Clean Building Performance Standard and HB 1390. Projected GHG Emission Reductions (low, medium, high impact): High Impact Objective: Achieve an EUI target of 102 and below for campus buildings overall by 2028. Strategy: Install metering systems and implement energy efficiency and conservation measures for 44 of CWU’s largest buildings, which will result in significant EUI reductions and energy cost savings before 2030.



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