CWU Climate Action Plan


Summary: This section addresses both CWU’s vehicle fleet and electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and does not include transportation emissions resulting from CWU staff, faculty, and students commuting to and from the University nor does it include airline travel emissions from staff, faculty, and students (Scope 3 emissions). Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the State of Washington (approximately 40%). The acceleration of zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) and EV charging infrastructure is a critical part of Washington’s commitment to achieving 95% greenhouse gas reductions by 2050.

As of 2023, CWU owns and maintains 209 vehicles within our campus fleet, including the motor pool and department- owned vehicles. Of the 209 vehicles, CWU owns one electric vehicle and 16 hybrid vehicles. Four primary barriers facing ZEV adoption include affordability, charging infrastructure, performance (e.g., range anxiety), and availability. As battery and vehicle technology continues to evolve, CWU will strategically and systematically replace all gas and diesel vehicles with low-to-zero emission vehicles by 2040. As CWU replaces our fleet with ZEVs by 2040, we will also invest in electric vehicle charging infrastructure across campus to support and keep pace with the adoption of ZEVs.

Objective: Replace all gas and diesel- powered campus fleet vehicles with zero-emission vehicles by 2040 and install at least 30 electric vehicle charging stations on campus by 2030.

Projected GHG Emission Reductions: Low Impact Strategy: Develop and implement a CWU Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Plan. Prioritize installation of EV charging stations at newly constructed buildings, facilities, and high traffic areas at campus. Action Steps:

Department Lead(s): CWU Facilities Management in coordination with CWU Sustainability, Auxiliary Enterprises, Athletics, Admissions, Campus Police, and Contracts, Purchasing, and Surplus. Initial and Ongoing Costs: $20 million for adoption of 200 zero-emission vehicles and $600,000 to install 30 dual-head, level 2 electric vehicle charging stations on campus. Funding Opportunities: Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington State Department of Commerce, Inflation Reduction Act elective provisions Phasing Plan: In 2024 and 2025, a Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Team will develop a plan to strategically decarbonize CWU’s campus fleet by 2040 and install 30 EV charging stations by 2030. Between 2025 and 2030, CWU will seek to replace 50 gas powered passenger cars and light-duty trucks with ZEV options, including all-electric, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and/or fuel cell electric vehicles. Addressing medium- and heavy-duty trucks and vehicles will likely take place after 2030. Equity Considerations: Incorporate measurable criteria and institute best practices to ensure ZEV purchases and EV charging infrastructure do not negatively impact marginalized campus and community members. Site EV charging infrastructure through meaningful campus and community engagement. Purchase ZEVs from manufacturers and suppliers who employ proven safe, ethical, and fair labor practices. Co-Benefits: Reduction of local air pollution, increased public health benefits, and lower fuel costs/ improved fuel economy.

• A CWU Zero-Emission Fleet Transition team assembled in 2024 begins developing a plan to replace gas and diesel-powered fleet vehicles with ZEVs and install at least 30 electric vehicle charging stations across campus by 2030. ߿ Develop strategies to optimize and right- size fleet vehicles. ߿ Develop and enforce a no-idling policy for CWU owned, campus fleet vehicles. ߿ The plan will include strategies to pursue bulk-buying opportunities and purchase on average 12 ZEVs per year between 2024 and 2040. As CWU gas and diesel-powered vehicles approach end-of-life, hybrid and ZEVs options will be prioritized for new fleet purchases, supported by available rebates. ߿ Secure funding to install dual-head, level

2 EV charging stations in high traffic areas and in close proximity to CWU campus fleets, including Jongeward, Student Union Recreation Center, McIntyre Music Building, Nicholson Pavilion, and Tomlinson Stadium. ߿ CPP installs three new EV charging stations on average for new buildings constructed on campus. Five EV charging stations are installed at the North Academic Complex.



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