CWU Climate Action Plan

Scope 2 Strategies

Summary: CWU’s main campus purchases and imports our electricity from the City of Ellensburg Municipal Utilities. The City of Ellensburg’s electricity fuel mix is 95% carbon free, predominantly comprised of hydroelectric power. The Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) requires Washington State to achieve a 100% clean electricity supply by 2045. CWU submits an annual GHG inventory to the Washington State Department of Commerce (WA Commerce). According to the GHG inventory criteria established by WA Commerce, CWU’s


electricity mix accounts for 36% of the University’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions. This is a signal for the institution to invest in and install on-site renewable electricity across campus in order for CWU to achieve its GHG emission reduction goals. Recognizing that central Washington experiences an average of 200+ sunny days per year, building rooftops, parking lots, and University-owned properties serve as valuable real estate for turning sunlight into electricity for campus and potentially the local community. Additionally, as the local community and region continues to transition away from natural gas use and moves toward building

and transportation electrification, there is a need for substantial investment in local renewable electricity generation. As of 2023, CWU consumes approximately six megawatts of electricity on campus during peak periods of operations. As the University moves forward with investing in geothermal infrastructure, fleet electrification, and EV charging infrastructure, CWU’s electricity consumption will continue to increase. The following objectives, action steps, and phasing plan will be prioritized before 2030, with the intent of installing 8-10 megawatts of renewable electricity before 2040.

Objective: Install over four megawatts of renewable, emission-free electricity on University- owned properties and spaces by 2030.

Projected GHG Emission Reductions: Medium Impact Strategy: Develop and implement a campus-wide solar development plan, maximizing solar installations at parking lots, roofscapes, and underutilized properties. Action Steps: • CWU considers requiring solar installations on all new building construction projects. • In partnership with the City of Ellensburg Municipal Utility and support from third-party consultants, develop a CWU Solar Project Development Plan by 2025 for the purpose of exhausting all opportunities to generate on-site solar on University-owned properties. • Assess and catalog site opportunities (e.g., buildings, parking lots, CWU-owned properties) and collect electricity data for all CWU buildings. • Calculate cost savings and payback periods for on-site solar investments. • Develop and issue request for proposals for on-site solar generation. • Partner with third-party experts to design and construct solar arrays on multiple roofscapes and parking spaces at CWU and identify renewable energy credit opportunities. • Seek guidance to ensure projects are feasible, cost-effective, and supported by the community. • Leverage funding opportunities and rebates for solar installations on campus. • Train staff on operations and maintenance of photovoltaic systems. • Explore Power Purchase Agreements and local community solar projects in partnership with the City of Ellensburg Municipal Utilities by 2025. • Explore opportunities to install a microgrid on campus to increase resiliency. • Annually collect, evaluate, and report data and progress associated with solar development.

Department Lead(s): CWU Sustainability and Capital Planning and Projects Initial and Ongoing Costs: $10,000,000 for four megawatts of renewable electricity installations. Funding Opportunities: Biennium Capital and Operating Budget Requests - WA State Office of Financial Management; Washington State Department of Commerce grants; Inflation Reduction Act – Elective Pay Provisions/Investment Tax Credits; CWU fundraising campaigns; Low-interest loans; Federal grants. Phasing Plan: Design a CWU Solar Project Development Plan by 2025, which will chart a pathway to exhausting all opportunities to generate on-site renewable electricity; Assess and catalog site opportunities and collect electricity data; Develop on-site solar request for proposals; Leverage funding opportunities and rebates for solar installations on campus; Explore Power Purchase Agreements and local community solar projects in partnership with the City of Ellensburg Municipal Utilities by 2025. Invest in solar projects between 2024 and 2030. Equity Considerations: Institute a transparent process for designing and developing renewable electricity projects. Engage the Ellensburg community as the University explores potential sites for renewable electricity projects. Create educational and vocational opportunities for campus and local community. Co-Benefits: Long-term utility cost savings; Resilient, reliable, and self-sufficient power generation; Vocational training and new employment opportunities.



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