CWU Climate Action Plan

Acknowledgments Special thanks to the following individuals who contributed to the development of this Plan:

▶ Elizabeth Adkins ▶ Dustin Atkinson ▶ Clay Arango ▶ Joe Bach ▶ Jason Bakeman ▶ Sunny Bloxham

▶ Joel Klucking ▶ David Kopczynski ▶ David Leder ▶ Jennifer Lipton ▶ William Lovell ▶ Kristina Mageau ▶ Dean Masuccio ▶ Ryan McGuckin ▶ Blair McNeillie ▶ Andrew Morse ▶ Torin Munro ▶ Jaeda Nelson ▶ Joseph Pearson ▶ Delano Palmer ▶ Tricia Rabel ▶ Joe Ritchie ▶ Susan Rivera ▶ Tami Sawyer ▶ Sarah Scott ▶ Brayden Smith ▶ Toni Sipic ▶ Buddy Stanavich ▶ Katie Stephens ▶ Mal Stewman ▶ Rune Torgersen ▶ Stuart Thompson ▶ Cherie Wilson ▶ Jessica Woodall ▶ Jim Wohlpart ▶ Sasha Wohlpart

▶ Jeff Bousson ▶ Eric Campbell ▶ Tamara Caulkins ▶ Joe Chanes ▶ Sarah Christopherson

▶ Dania Cochran ▶ Amber Darting ▶ Sigrid Davidson

▶ Lily De Young ▶ Kameron Eck ▶ Jeremiah Eilers ▶ Paul Elstone ▶ Bridgette Flamenco ▶ Kaitlyn Flesher ▶ Vince Foley ▶ Elizabeth Fountain ▶ Gary Gleason ▶ Tim Hargrave ▶ Hayley Harrell ▶ Joanne Hillemann ▶ Tracy Jackson ▶ Jason Jones ▶ Susan Kaspari ▶ Kurt Kirstein

And all CWU students, staff, and faculty who attended the CWU Sustainability Forums and shared guidance and feedback on the Plan!



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