CWU Climate Action Plan

Central Washington University’s Commitments to Addressing Climate Change

Transportation/Commuter Emissions

Objective: Reduce vehicle miles traveled to, from, and around campus by CWU employees and students by 20% by 2030, in comparison to 2024 levels.

Strategy: Build and/or enhance alternative transportation infrastructure that support significant reductions in miles driven in single- occupancy vehicles by students and employees.

45% greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2030

70% greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2040

Zero-carbon emissions, no later than 2050

Biodiversity and Water Conversation

Objective: Promote and institute sustainable landscape management and water conservation practices. Restore terrestrial and aquatic landscapes to increase biodiversity on campus Sustainable Procurement Objective: Create and implement a Sustainable Purchasing Plan in 2025. Education and Curriculum Objective: Integrate sustainability and climate change education across the University curriculum, co-curricular activities, and the campus culture to provide students with the knowledge, skills, competencies, and values necessary to shape an equitable and sustainable future.

Strategy: Increased collaboration among several CWU departments to develop and begin implementing a Campus Restoration Plan and a Water Conservation Plan by 2026.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Objective: Achieve an energy use intensity (EUI) target of 102 and below for campus buildings overall by 2026.

Strategy: Install metering systems and implement energy efficiency and conservation measures for 44 of CWU’s largest buildings, which will result in significant EUI reductions and energy cost savings before 2030. Strategy: Finalize a 15-year Decarbonization Plan no later than July 2025. The Plan will outline energy solution pathways to decarbonize CWU’s heating and cooling infrastructure.

Strategy: CWU Contracts and Purchasing develops and adopts criteria, policies, and guidelines that support, 1) sustainable purchasing of commodities, 2) life cycle cost analysis for products and systems and, 3) product and services evaluation by summer 2025.

Building Infrastructure

Objective: Reduce campus-wide natural gas consumption by an average of 5-7% per year between 2024 and 2030.

Strategy: Train and incentivize faculty members to incorporate sustainability into the curriculum. Develop a Sustainability Center to increase experiential and applied learning opportunities, leadership development opportunities, and sustainability programming on campus and in the community.


Objective: Electrify all CWU campus fleet vehicles by 2040 and install at least 30 electric vehicle charging stations on campus by 2030.

Strategy: Develop and implement a CWU Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Plan. Prioritize installation of EV charging stations at newly constructed buildings, facilities, and high-traffic areas on campus.

Climate Resilence

Purchased Electricity

Objective: Implement a campus- wide Climate Resilience Plan by 2030 in collaboration with the local community, which will minimize climate impacts and disruptions to the University and community.

Strategy: Develop a CWU Climate Resiliency and Emergency Preparedness Plan that will bolster the institution’s ability to withstand the shocks of climate impacts and natural disasters.

Objective: Install over 4 megawatts of renewable, emission-free electricity on University-owned properties and spaces by 2030.

Strategy: Develop and implement a campus-wide solar development plan, maximizing solar installations at parking lots, roofscapes, and underutilized properties.

Sustainable Investments

Waste Diversion

Objective: Diversify CWU’s financial portfolio with more sustainable investments and integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into the University’s investment strategy.

Strategy: Increase collaboration between University stakeholders managing financial investments and facilitate ESG reporting.

Objective: Reduce and divert 25% of all waste generated on campus by 2030, compared to 2023 levels.

Strategy: Develop and implement a CWU Waste Diversion Plan in partnership with CWU Facilities, Dining, and Surplus.



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