CWU Climate Action Plan

Executive Summary Central Washington University’s (CWU) new Climate Change Action Plan (CAP) is the University’s roadmap to becoming a zero-carbon campus no later than 2050. The CAP focuses primarily on priorities, goals, strategies, and actions to be accomplished before the end of 2030. CWU is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 45% in 2030 compared to 2005 levels. CWU is aligning its climate pollution reduction goals with the State of Washington, which includes 70% greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2040 and achieving net-zero emissions no later than 2050. The CAP includes clear objectives and strategies across 11 focus areas, including Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions as well as sustainability education, climate resiliency, and University investments. Strategies to address emissions from refrigerants and CWU’s Aviation Program are not included in this CAP. However, planning will be underway to reduce emissions from refrigerants and the aviation program before 2030. CWU is required to submit an annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategy Report to the Washington State Department of Commerce per the State Agency Climate Leadership Act. Additionally, CWU is required by Washington State law to submit a Decarbonization Plan (2023 House Bill 1390) no later than July 2025. The Decarbonization Plan will support planning and implementation efforts to decarbonize CWU’s campus district energy system in order to meet the State Energy Performance Standard. This CAP builds a strategic foundation to ensure that CWU is in compliance with Washington State climate laws. Key elements of the CWU CAP will be included within subsequent institutional planning efforts for the next several years, including CWU’s Capital Master Plan and Capital Infrastructure Plan.

The CWU Board of Trustees approved CWU’s new Vision and Mission statement in May 2022, and adopted CWU’s new Institutional Strategic Plan in July 2023. Per CWU’s Institutional Strategic Plan, we are committed to developing and implementing a University-wide Climate Change Action Plan, which will serve as a holistic roadmap to decarbonize campus-wide infrastructure and operations, develop impactful sustainability programming for the campus community, and prepare our students for successful careers as all sectors commit to building a more sustainable and equitable future. Vision: CWU will be a model learning community of equity and belonging. Mission: In order to build a community of equity and belonging, CWU nurtures culturally sustaining practices that expand access and success to all students. We are committed to fostering high impact practices, sustainability, and authentic community partnerships that are grounded in meaningful relationships. Core Value #3: Stewardship: CWU advances environmental, social, and economic sustainability in ways that support an ecologically and socially just world, and that honor the Indigenous peoples who have resided here since time immemorial and who continue to reside here. We nurture our internal talent through professional development opportunities, coaching and mentoring, and accountability enacted with care and compassion. Initiative 1.1: Develop and implement a comprehensive, University-wide Sustainability and Climate Action Plan, which incorporates environmental, social, and economic considerations into University operations, infrastructure, and academic programs in collaboration with the local community. Initiative 1.2: Integrate sustainability into University-wide curriculum to provide students with the knowledge, skills, competencies, and values necessary to shape an equitable and sustainable future.



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