Exhibition Guide


Room 9

The artworks in this gallery, a postscript to the exhibition’s climactic Eruption , conjure the figure of Gradiva, a beguiling goddess depicted walking forward in a Roman relief. Her persona, “she who steps along,” symbolizes the shared pursuit of archaeology and psychoanalysis to uncover what was once buried. Her motion leads us back where we started, to the realm of impermanence and perpetual transit found in the Street . Gradiva provides a generative affirmation beyond catastrophe, a suture that subverts the logic of the “before” and “after” associated with endings. If the defining paradox of Pompeii is that of being a site of destruction and preservation at once, In the House of the Trembling Eye thrives on the contradiction that an exhibition may at once produce and collapse its own timeline, enacting a loop that acknowledges painting’s ceaseless capacity for reimagining.

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