Exhibition Guide


Nancy Lupo Untitled, 2024 32-gallon Rubbermaid Brute container, disco ball motors, stainless steel clothes drying apparatus, pearls, string, and tape, dimensions variable Courtesy the artist and Kristina Kite, Los Angeles The large Rubbermaid container at the center of this work bears the markings of wear. Before it entered the exhibition, Lupo used the container in her garden and, during the rains last winter, it was moved indoors in order to catch water from a leaky roof. In immediate contrast, pearls are embedded and tensioned with a delicate string. The subtle adjacent movement of a spiral object animates piles of dust that the artist elected to leave after the holes from the previous exhibition were patched and sanded. A red laser grazes a strand of dark pearls under the gallery wall’s reveal. —SK

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