Exhibition Guide

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Susannah Phillips

Night Studio , 2019 Oil on canvas, 14½ × 9 in.; 15 × 9½ in. framed Courtesy the artist and Bookstein Projects, New York

Storeroom , 2021 Oil on canvas, 19 × 26 in.; 19½ × 26½ in. framed Courtesy the artist and Bookstein Projects, New York

These two paintings reward prolonged looking. From what initially appear to be stacks of abstract shapes, details of the artist’s studio (which formerly belonged to her father) and storeroom slowly emerge: doorways, cupboards, easels, and racks of paintings. Phillips has long been attracted to the studio as an image; both as a space of production and as a living archive, full of paintings in various stages of completion. For Katz, these paintings also recall the racks of the storage units in Pompeii where the fragments in this exhibition usually reside. —HJ

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