Exhibition Guide

Triclinium, Peristyle, and Cubicula

Rooms 4–6

Katz has often described painting as a conversation, a mode of transmission implying exchange and influence. Triads of artworks, including Pompeian frescoes, are placed in direct dialogue in her interpretation of the Triclinium , a space within the domus that was dedicated to conversing and socializing. Framed within a wall painting by the artist—an optical trick of depth and perspective— these works merge into new images altogether. Reality and illusion further overlap in the composition of the Peristyle , or garden, leading the viewer into the peculiar environment of the Cubicula : tight, impersonal spaces primarily used for sleeping. Seclusion and darkness are transformed into visual motifs for this gallery to stage intimate encounters with works of art that dip into the subconscious.

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