Exhibition Guide


Jana Euler Close Rotation (Left) , 2019 Oil on linen, 78¾ × 78¾ in. Courtesy the artist; Artists Space, New York; Cabinet, London; dépendance, Brussels; Galerie Neu, Berlin; and Greene Naftali, New York Craig Robins Collection, Miami

In this claustrophobic painting, the nearly nude male figure is contorted awkwardly to fit within the square parameters of the frame; bounded, as it were, by the limits of painting. Euler’s hyperrealistic style—in which wrinkles, hairs, and muscles are rendered in fine detail—magnifies the sense of scrutiny and exposure. The figure’s eyes are closed, mirroring a body closed in upon itself; coiled, perhaps, in a state of womb-like regression, deep slumber, or anxious withdrawal. —HJ

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