Exhibition Guide


Rirkrit Tiravanija untitled 1995 (for m.b.) , 1995 Plaster and enamel paint, 10½ × 17 × 17 in. Courtesy the artist and Gladstone Gallery Craig Robins Collection, Miami

For the opening of his first New York exhibition in 1990, Tiravanija made and served pad thai inspired by his grandmother’s cooking to exhibition visitors. Since then, he has been known for a uniquely participatory conceptual practice. This sculpture replicates the form of a vintage West Bend electric wok within which mussels are simmering. Both the subject and subtitle of this work pay homage to Belgian artist Marcel Broodthaers, who frequently used mussels in his work as a conceptual medium and image: in French, the word moule means both “mussel” and “mold.” —HJ

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