Exhibition Guide


Kerstin Brätsch Fossil Psychic_for Christa (Stucco Marmo) , 2020 Plaster, pigments, glue, wax, and oil on honeycomb, felt, 20½ × 16½ in. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

This work is made using the seventeenth-century Italian technique of stucco marmo in which pigments are mixed with wet plaster and glue and then polished to imitate marble and other precious stones. Through this process of mimicry, Brätsch creates a fossil-like surface whose sweeping forms—subtly suggestive of a monstrously stylized face—appear shaped by millennia of geological forces. The artist has described her approach as an extension of painting, “following the logic of my brushstroke but in a different language.” —HJ

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