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WLM5 K F I NA L THOUGHT S AND ADD I T I ONA L OPPORTUN I T I E S Whether you have employees on the road every day driving to your customers or customers driving to you, you can be an advocate for safe roads in our community by participating in the 2019 Walk Like MADD & 5K. Or, maybe you just want to be part of an event where you can run the bases and slide into home on the field of the Boston Red Sox - the 2018 World Series Winners! START FLAG MARKETPLACE VENDOR
$1,000 A feather flag with your logo will be at the start line.
$100 Table in the vendor marketplace
5K ROUTE SIGN $150 18x27 sign with
CORPORATE TEAM A 15% discount for starting a team. Corporate teams will have signage at event.
your logo will be along the 5k route
WWW . ARK I T E KTURA . COM #D r u n k D r i v i n g E n d s T o g e t h e r
F B . COM/ ARK I T E KTURA wa l k l i k ema d d . o r g / s o u t hwe s t f l
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