The Lakes South Morang College - Issue 11

The Lakes South Morang College Newsletter COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD

BELONGINGS, AMBULANCE & INSURANCE Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department of Education does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage. Parents and carers are reminded that the Department of Education does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and carers of students who do not have student accident insurance/ ambulance cover are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other transport costs. CURRICULUM CHARGES We can see that many parents/carers have began to make financial contributions towards the 2023 Curriculum Contributions through QKR Payments. The College is most appreciative of the continued support and commitment shown by families through their contributions. Your financial contributions are what enables our College to operate and deliver the best possible education and support for our students. With exciting upgrades happening throughout both campuses this year including new carpets, sporting facilities, fencing, lockers and upgrades of toilet facilities, it is important that we work together to provide the best facilities for our wonderful students.

ATTENDANCE - EVERY DAY COUNTS If you are aware that your child will not be attending school due to illness or other circumstances, please ensure that you contact either office to ensure our attendance records are accurate. Ways of communicating absences include:

Placing a future Absence Request through the Parent SENTRAL Portal;

Calling the office;

Sending an SMS on 0427 226 537.

As required by the Department of Education, all schools must notify parents/carer informing that their child is absent. Please inform the office of absences before 10:00 am each morning.


The Sentral Parent Portal is the primary method for home - school communications at The Lakes.

We are excited to say that most families have access to the Parent Portal. The portal allows students and parents\carers to keep up to date with important information and communication. This includes student academic reports, parent - teacher interview bookings and permission for students to attend camps, sport and excursions.

The Student and Parent Portal can be accessed at school, from home and from mobile devices. If you are experiencing any issues with Sentral, please contact either office to assist you.

Thank you for your support and partnering with us in 2023.

Sentral Portal


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