Campus Commons Physical Therapy - July 2023

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Have you ever talked to your children about your childhood experiences? Were they amazed by your stories and shocked by how different things appeared just a few short decades ago? We often don’t recognize how much times have changed until we sit back and reflect on our past experiences. It’s not just the technology or social climate that have changed, either. We as individuals change as we develop new perspectives on the world around us. On July 8, we can travel back through time and reminisce about the childhood adventures that helped shape us into who we are today when we recognize National Be a Kid Again Day. I had a unique childhood. I split time between my parents’ homes, and my mom lived on a big ranch where we grew rice, corn, and tomatoes while raising cows and other animals. I lived on that ranch from age 5 until high school. I got my hunting license as soon as I was old enough and spent many days hunting duck on the ranch. I would also fish, ride horses, and make sausage from the pigs we raised. Nearly everything we did around that ranch was a completely different experience from my life today. We’d go out and pick fresh vegetables from the garden, and we’d clean and eat every fish we caught. It was a way different experience than going to the grocery store to pick up chicken. We even had a neighbor who owned a sheep farm who would pay us $100 for every coyote we caught since they were causing harm to his livestock. That was a lot of money to us back then, so we spent our nights hunting coyotes. Whenever I had friends visit from the city, they were always shocked that I lived that way all the time. It was just what I knew and a very positive experience for me. I had plenty of independence and freedom while maintaining a decent level of responsibility. Things were completely different when I was with my dad. He lived on the river in a small town, and our home was next door to my grandmother, who I visited often. Everyone in town knew each other, and the population

was split evenly between each side of the river. We had a bridge over the river that connected the town with a man in charge of raising the bridge whenever a boat needed to pass through. When that bridge bell went off, the neighborhood kids would haul tail up the side of the levee, run down the road, and stand in the bridge’s girders. As the bridge went up, we rode the girders and ended up looking at the sky as we lay there yelling and laughing. And when that bridge came back down we ran away as fast as we could to avoid the bridge operator’s wrath. At night, we went back to the bridge where there were pigeon nests and stole the eggs. We’d climb to the top of the bridge and drop the eggs on cars passing by below, which I’m sure caused a few drivers to panic, thinking eggs were falling from the sky! I now realize how much freedom and independence I had growing up there. I was free to explore the town and head to friends’ houses when I wanted. There were no cellphones or constant communication. We were on our own, enjoying whatever adventures life threw our way. These were memorable experiences as a kid, but now that I’m a parent, there’s no way I would ever let my kids participate in similar activities. That was a time when safety wasn’t at the forefront of our minds. I think it would be cool to take my kids back to where I grew up and show them the bridge and ranch so they can understand more of my background and history. I encourage you all to take some time this month to look back and appreciate the unique experiences from your childhood. You never know what fond memories you’ll evoke!

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The Benefits of Ice Bath Facials

Advertisers and influencers would have us believe we need hundreds of dollars worth of skin care products to keep ourselves looking refreshed and young. So, could something as simple as ice really transform your face? Celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian and Bella Hadid think so, and ice bath facials might be the secret your beauty routine is missing. Have you ever twisted your ankle or suffered a heavy bruise? You probably treated it with ice to reduce the swelling. The same principle applies to minor inflammation on your face. We regularly experience low levels of inflammation in our skin from stress, allergens, or the weather.

your face. It’s unpleasant, particularly the first time. But enthusiasts say it gets easier; many even find the practice rejuvenating.

But other options exist for those who feel this method is a bit extreme. Some people place ice cubes in a hand towel, wait for the melted ice to wet the cloth, and gently massage the ice pack on their faces. Others rub ice cubes directly on their skin. Finally, consider soaking a washcloth in ice water and draping it over your face. It makes sense to start with a less aggressive method first.

Ice bath facials are generally safe (certainly more than many other viral beauty hacks), but there are some precautions to take. Using ice on your skin for too long is ill-advised because it can result in ice burns or “dyspigmentation” that discolors the skin. People with rosacea should avoid extreme temperatures on their skin, and anyone with a dermatological condition should consult their doctor before introducing an ice bath facial to their routine.

Ice can reduce the resulting redness and puffiness surprisingly well. The cold can also shrink pores, tighten skin, and minimize acne pain. Hollywood actor Joan Crawford used ice baths to combat her undereye bags for many years, and Kourtney Kardashian’s makeup artist employed the technique the morning of her wedding day.

In addition to being inexpensive, ice bath facials are so simple anyone can do them. Simply take a wide bowl and fill it with water and ice. Once the water is sufficiently chilly, submerge

Remember that ice bath facials won’t permanently solve your skin problems, but they might be a temporary fix for tired, dull, or puffy skin. Give it a try and see if the stars are on to something.

Are You Ready to Tee Off? DON’T FORGET TO STRETCH! with a trunk rotation exercise. Begin by resting one of your irons on the back of your neck. With your hips facing forward, rotate your upper body to the left and hold for 20 seconds. Then rotate to the right and hold for 20 seconds. You should feel this stretch along the sides of your back. SIMPLE SHOULDER STRETCH The flexibility of your shoulders is an essential part of your golf swing. To keep them loose throughout your round, do this simple shoulder stretch every few holes as needed. Keeping your right arm straight, bring it across your chest with your elbow resting at chest level. Place your left palm on your right elbow and gently push your elbow toward your chest. Hold for 15 seconds and switch sides. WRIST EXTENSOR STRETCH Pain in your wrists and forearms is one of the quickest ways to shut down your golf game for days or weeks. Keep away the pain with this wrist stretch. Hold your left arm straight in front of you, with your palm facing down. Grab your left hand with your right, and gently bend your wrist so your fingers face the ground. You should feel the stretch in your forearm. Hold for 10 seconds before switching hands.

For many people, there’s nothing more enjoyable than heading to the golf course on an early weekend morning and playing 18 holes. Golf is a game of technique and focus, which means if you aren’t feeling your best, you likely won’t play very well. Pain in your shoulder can cause you to slice or hook your shot off the fairway and into the rough, and back pain can take 50–100 yards off your distance. Like any other sport or exercise, it’s important to stretch before you tee off on the first hole. If you’re planning to continue golfing throughout the rest of summer and into fall, it’s essential that you take the proper precautions before each round. Before you tee off next, try utilizing some of the stretches below. You’ll notice that your body feels better after you’re done, and your game may even improve! TRUNK ROTATIONS As you golf, you may notice your back tightening up with each swing, which can eventually lead to discomfort and pain. To avoid this, start each round 2


Vertigo is a common medical disorder in our country. According to the University of California San Francisco’s UCSF Health, nearly 40% of Americans will experience vertigo at some point in their lives. Vertigo is a disorienting condition that makes you feel like everything around you is spinning in circles, causing you to get dizzy and lose your balance. Vertigo is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, headaches, hearing loss, and motion sickness, among other symptoms.

To reduce the frequency and ease the pain of BPPV, many medical professionals recommend the Epley Maneuver. This technique can be done by a physical therapist, medical professional, or even by yourself at home, but we recommend you get a demonstration first so you know what you’re doing. The Epley Maneuver involves tilting and moving your head in specific directions while lying down. This treatment helps move the otoconia to an area where it can’t cause vertigo. Many patients who have undergone this treatment report that their symptoms have lessened, and they experience vertigo less often, if at all. While the Epley Maneuver is helpful to those experiencing BPPV, it doesn’t necessarily help the other causes of vertigo. In order to find relief for your particular situation, you need to understand the cause of your vertigo. If you’re experiencing any symptoms of vertigo, consult with your doctor and us so that we can devise a solution to help you live a more comfortable life. Although there is no guaranteed cure for vertigo, there are things you and your physical therapist can do to help ease your discomfort.

One of the most common types of vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). BPPV develops when particles called otoconia move within your inner ear structures that

control balance and become trapped. When you reposition your head, the otoconia move and brush up against parts of your inner ear, causing your brain to believe you’re in motion. Any time someone with BPPV moves their head, even slightly, they run the risk of experiencing intense vertigo that can last anywhere from a few seconds to a minute.


Grilled Steak Salad With Peaches

Inspired by

This summer salad is both hearty and healthy!

INGREDIENTS • 1 lb skirt steak, fat trimmed • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar • 1 clove garlic, minced • 1 tbsp light brown sugar • 1 tbsp vegetable oil • Kosher salt

• Black pepper • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

• 1 large lemon, juiced • 6 cups baby arugula • 2 ripe peaches, thinly sliced • 1/3 cup crumbled blue cheese or feta

DIRECTIONS 1. In a large resealable plastic bag or baking dish, combine steak, vinegar, garlic, and brown sugar. Marinate 20 minutes at room temperature. 2. Remove steak from marinade, coat with vegetable oil, and season generously with salt and pepper. 3. On a grill or pan set to high heat, cook steak until desired doneness. Rest 5–10 minutes, then thinly slice against the grain. 4. In a small bowl, whisk olive oil and lemon juice to make dressing. Season with salt and pepper. 5. In a large serving bowl, add arugula, peaches, blue cheese or feta, and steak. Drizzle with dressing and gently toss.

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425 University Ave. #140 Sacramento, CA 95757



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Mark’s Small-Town Memories

A Celebrity Secret for Amazing Skin

Golf Stretches to Keep You Pain-Free Through 18 Holes

Gain Relief From Vertigo

Grilled Steak Salad With Peaches

Take Care of Your Joints

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GET MOVING. Staying active and building strong muscles and bones provides the stability and support your joints need to

Our knees, wrists, elbows, shoulders, and hips are integral parts of our bodies — all joints connecting our bones. After years of pressure plus wear and tear on our joints, they risk wearing down and developing conditions such as osteoarthritis, a common degenerative joint disease seen in older adults. However, aging isn’t the only thing that can adversely affect our joints. Sometimes, overuse of a particular joint can cause pain, discomfort, and eventually limited mobility.

thrive. Dynamic stretching and low-impact exercises strengthen your joints and keep them in optimal shape. Remember, the more you move, the easier it becomes.

Here are four tips to incorporate into your daily routine to keep your joints healthy, lubricated, and mobile.

SIT UP STRAIGHT. Did you know your posture plays a significant role in the health of your joints, even your knees? Standing and sitting up straight helps reduce unnecessary pressure on any part of your body and protects your back, hips, knees, shoulders, and neck. It also helps to prevent injury to the surrounding muscles. MAINTAIN A HEALTHY WEIGHT. If you allow your body to become overweight, you inevitably slow down and move less. The extra weight also places more strain and pressure on your joints, mainly your knees, ankles, and hips, increasing your risk of joint damage and complications.

PRACTICE SAFETY FIRST. When performing activities that may place more demand on your joints, rely on padding and protection. For example, wear knee and wrist pads if you go roller skating or ice skating! If your wrist is sore or injured, a brace will protect it and provide the support it needs to heal. Even if you’re gardening outside and kneeling often, be sure to kneel on a soft pad or area to safeguard your knees. Protection is always key! Maintaining a safe and active lifestyle is the key to keeping your joints healthy for years to come. Take care of your joints now so they can care for you — no matter your age!


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