
Will Small Loans Be the New Thing for Big Banks? As the cost of deposits increases for smaller banks, will big banks make a run at the small to medium-sized loans the smaller banks have been providing?

by Neil Timmins

T he 2008 financial crisis saw banks—big and small—in trouble. The federal govern - ment taught this country that it’s one thing if a community bank fails—and it’s an entirely differ - ent story if a big bank does. The Fed’s actions squarely cemented their flag in the “too big to fail” camp.

BACK TO 2008 Each of the following banks received a direct or indirect bailout through TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) because of the 2008 financial crisis (CNN) 1. Bank of America 2. Citigroup 3. Goldman Sachs

4. JPMorgan Chase 5. Wells Fargo 6. Morgan Stanley 7. AIG

8. GMAC (now Ally Financial) 9. Bank of New York Mellon 10. State Street


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