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(Special center insert) I AM AN ASTRONAUT
Plan now to attend the 26 th Annual TORREY MEMORIAL BIBLE CONFERENCE Outstanding Bible Conference Speakers
i f '§ JP j d
DR. ROY L. BROWN Bible Teacher Winona Lake, Indiana
DR. CHAS. L. FEINBERG, Dean Talbot Theological Sem. La Mirada, California
DR. S. LEWIS JOHNSON Prof, of New Testament Literature and Exegesis Dallas Theological Sem.
DR. RALPH KEIPER Evangelical Foundation Philadelphia, Penn.
DR. S. H. MILLER, Pastor First Christian Church Englewood, Colorado
CAPT. J. C. METCALFE Editor of "The Overcomer" Dorset, England
DR. R. R. MULHOLLAND, Pastor First Baptist Church Seaside, California
DR. PHILIP R. NEWELL Extension Department Moody Bible Institute Bible Conf. Speaker
REV. I. E. PENBERTHY, REV. HADDON ROBINSON Pastor Professor of Homiletics Cedar Ave. Bapf. Church Dallas Theological Sem. Fresno, California
DR. E. C. SHEEHAN, Mikado Baptist Church Macon, Georgia
DR. V. H. WEBSTER, First Baptist Church Eugene, Oregon
DR. K. OWEN WHITE, Pastor First baptist Church Houston, Texas
Twelve Southern California Locations
Long Beach Brethren
North Long Beach Brethren
Venice Baptist
San Gabriel Union
Biola Campus
Fairview Heights Baptist Inglewood
Montebello First Baptist
Downey First Baptist
. _ Vista Community
Bethany Baptist
Montecito Park Union
West Covina
Los Angeles
G R E A T R A L L Y SATURDAY , JA N U A R Y 27th — 7:30 featu ring John W ebb —basso ■— Biola Chorale BIOLA CAMPUS AUDITORIUM 13800 Biola Ave. — La Mirada, California JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 4 ,1962 O P E N I N G
T h e K i n g s B u s i n e s s A publication o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S* H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Chairman o f the Board JANUARY, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 53, No. 1 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-two Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home M m \ \ j p 0 . travel with ‘ CHRISTIAN lead^rsW 1962 SOUTH AMERICA— Feb. (33 days)
I A M A N A S TRO N AU T — Samuel H. Sutherland ............................... 10 RETROSPECT — Don Hillis ..... ................................................................... 12 W H A T 'S WRONG W ITH TH E M ORA L RE-ARMAM ENT MOVEM ENT? — Louis T . Talbot ............................................. 14 IS THE UNITED STATES IN PROPHECY — Roy L. Aldrich ........... 23 CO TTON FOR SHOES — Ruth Samarin ................................................ 41 FORGOTTEN, INDISPENSABLE M EN — Vanita Kronquest .............. 44 feahm MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 6 DR. TA LBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot ........................... 20 PEARLS FROM M A N Y SEAS — T. J. Bach ............................................ 27 TA LK IN G IT OVER — Clyde M . Narramore .......... _........................... 28 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ....................................... 29 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ........................................................... 30 CU LTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ................................................... 32 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 36 SCIENCE A N D TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................... 37 TH E CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles .............................................— 38 UNDER TH E PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea M iller ............................. 39 ALUM N I NEWS — Inez McGahey .......................................................... 43 Cehim READER REACTION ........................................................................................ 4 V O X POP ........................................................................ 8 HOM ILETICAL HELPS ...................|.............................................................. 21 NUGGETS OF GOLD ........................................................................................ 34 TOW N A N D CAM PU S NEWS ................................................... 42 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ....................................................... 46 Cover picture is used by the courtesy of Northwest Lithograph Company, Van Nuys, Calif. — A ll Rights Reserved —
Around South America, seeing the most and the best, with emphasis on Latin American missions. MEXICO—March (12 days) A most enjoyable conference tour which w ill include M exico C ity and A Biota sponsored tour with Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Dean of Talbot Theologi cal Seminary. ALASKA—June (10 days) A thrilling cruise with Christian friends through the Inland Passage. HAWA II—August (10 days) M ore than a summer vacation. Out standing Christian leaders will partici pate. EUROPE— September (30 days) A fter the summer rush, a leisurely escorted tour through the most desired areas. OR IENT—October (45 days) An experience of a lifetim e , covering all vital countries. CARIBBEAN CRUISE— November Visiting the Bahamas, Jamaica, Haiti and Bermuda. other points of great interest. HOLY LAND—April (29 days)
A ll Tours are es corted by Christian leaders whose pri mary interest is to utilize travel op p o r t u n it ie s for Christian fellow
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager JERRY JENSEN: Production Manager
EDITORIAL BOARD William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith
m em se n
ship and the fur therance of the Gospel. CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE TOURS A N D CRUISES P. 0 . Box 575, La Mirada, Calif. Oran H. Smith, Tour Director
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs o f three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change o f address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — 'T h e King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. b & U b 5
TO . . . Experienced tour planning, details handled by tour leader, lectures en route, outstanding sights, places of sp ecial in terest to Christians, fine fellowship, new friends, annual tour reunion, happy memories for a lifetime. Address: Dr. Joseph P. Free WH E A T ON TOUR S BOX 468 Dept. K12 WHEATON, ILLINOIS FILMS AND FILMSTRIPS WITH A MESSAGE— For Sunday School Youth, Adult Groups, and Camps. ^HANSEN'S ICHURCH F ILM S Newest Releases Projectors & Screens Catalog on request -= ~ 1. HOLT LAND 2. EUROPE 3. SOUTH AMERICA 4. SCENIC AMERICA Write today for FREE BULLETIN Specify which tour
I am writing this letter as sort of a rebuttal to a remark made regarding the cover subject of the KB. I’m glad that you print a variety of remarks from your sub scribers (of which I am one of the hap pier), and usually when I agree with you and not the subscriber, I just shake my head and say to myself, “ Oh, well, it takes all kinds.” This last was too much, how ever, so I must tell you how I feel about your magazine covers. I think each issue has a lovely cover and I especially enjoy an issue which features the face of a child. You know, Jesus used a child as an example many times as the kind of person we should be like. I’ve seen many nice faces, but none can compare with the face of a child in prayer, worship, or study. So, thanks for every cover that pictures a child. I be lieve if Jesus thought that church steeples and buildings would lead a person to know Him better, He would have said so. Mrs. Verl Mason, National City, California P.S. Enclosed is the cover from a recent issue of the magazine published monthly
T Y HARDIN ARTICLE In THE KING’S BUSINESS (Novem ber, 1961), you gave a testimony by Ty Hardin which I enjoyed very much. I am glad that there are some movie stars who are Christians. But, how can he co-star in “ Cheyenne” which isn’t a good show for anyone? Why doesn’t he play in Chris tian shows and then put them on TV? In fact, I wish that there was even one pow erful inspirational TV station. Mrs. L. J. Walker, Ritzville, Washington Thank God for the article by Ty Hardin at the very end of your magazine for November. I was so thrilled to see it. I pray for the salvation of so many of the Hollywood stars and entertainers, includ ing the other person who alternates on this program. God grant that many other Christians might be moved to pray for these people who have everything but Christ. They are some of the most miser able people in the world. Mrs. M. L. Sausser, Kentfield, California PRISONER WRITES OF APPRECIATION W e have greatly appreciated receiving the magazines you have sent. I don’t know how to thank you. This literature has been both instructional and inspirational, and passes through many hands so that its worth can be obtained and we are all deeply grateful. (Name withheld) 027693, Walla Walla, Wash. E ditor ’ s N o te : A s readers contribute to THE KING’S BUSINESS “ Free Fund,” we are able to send gift subscriptions to prisoners, service men, and missionaries who are not able to afford a subscription themselves. The “Free Fund” is now de pleted, with requests from around the world for magazines. Gifts are tax deducti ble, and go one hundred per cent for the subscription. MORE COMM EN TS ON COVERS Nobody can please everybody. There’s no use to try, but the little barefoot Chinese boys (October, 1961), took my eye. I don’t care for pictures of church buildings. Frank Judy, Fresno, California Your column, “ Reader Reaction,” real ly got me red hot, so to speak. Edna An derson writes to THE KING’S BUSINESS, “ Please put pictures of churches with steeples, instead of children. The churches look nicer.” Is she a child hater! Since when has man with his hands made a thing of wood, plaster and stone more beautiful than that which God has made? I am sorry I cannot say that I a Chris tian, but do say I am a sinner with the hope of salvation. Edward March, Jr., Phoenixvilie, Pennsylvania
(G ive name of church) 1463 Vine St. Hollywood 28, Calif. Hollywood 3-3155
It is a pleasure to announce a l o n g overdue m inistry: Christ- centered litera ture in the field o f psychology. For one y e a r you w ill receive each month (1) A small month- I y m a g a z in e p a c k e d with helpful articles
on Christian Psychology, and (2) A valu able booklet. Booklets: Self-Confidence. How to Handle Fear, Your Courtship and Marriage, Christian View of Birth Control, Adopted Children, Children W ith Serious Problems, Why a Psychologist Believes the Bible, Married to an Unbeliever, Tech niques of Counseling, How to Save Time, Techniques of Teaching, others. A g ift of ten dollars toward Dr. Narra- more's national radio and Christian Liter ature M inistry, w ill make you a member, receiving these m aterials EACH M O N T H for a year. V aluable for daily living, w rit ing, speaking and counseling. Receipt for tax purposes w ill be sent immediately. This is a non-profit, Christian corporation. (Dr. Narramore, graduate of Columbia Univ., is a credentialed psychologist.) USE THIS ORDER B LANK To: Dr. Clyde M . Narramore, Counsulting Psychologist, Box 206, Pasadena, C alif. Dept. KB $ 10.00 enclosed for membership ............. $5.00 end. today, $5.00 next month......... N AM E : ............................................................ ADDRESS: .................- ..................... ......
by Safeway Stores, for whom my husband works. Isn’t it lovely?
ARTICLES ON CULTS I appreciate the articles on Moral Re- Armament and “ God’s Time Table for Russia.” We Christians need to keep in formed. M r . C. A. Engel!, Tacoma, Washington INTERPRETATION OF EZEKIEL I am grieved to see you publish an arti cle in THE KING’S BUSINESS contrary to the expressed statements of Scripture. I refer to the message on Ezekiel 38 and 39 (October, M. R. DeHaan, “ God’s Time Table” ). It says, “ Russia will meet her doom in Palestine when she meets up with the Western alliance of nations under the leadership of a Super-man upon the moun tains of Israel.” The Bible explicitly says in Ezekiel 38:13 that the Western powers simply make a feeble protest against Rus sia. M r . Maude C. Smith, Tuscan, Arizona
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T o d a y ’ s w o r l d c o n d it io n s point up sharply the urgency for Bible-trained young men and women to teach and take the Word to the world. M oody’s response to this challenge is to improve and enlarge present facilities for immediate needs, and to plan wisely for the even greater demands o f the future. Giving evidence to this continuing forward policy o f the Institute is the new Fitzwater Hall, a welcome addition to MBI’s growing campus. Fitzwater Hall is a modem , 4-story build ing, providing much-needed classrooms; a new, well-equipped audio-visual depart ment; language laboratory and faculty offices.
It is fitting in this 75th anniversary year to add another important structure to the In stitute’s growing near-the-loop campus. It is also fitting that this building should hon or the work and memory o f a great Bible teacher and expositor, the late Dr. P. B. Fitzwater, for 41 years a member o f the Institute faculty. The M oody Bible Institute family—trus tees, officers, faculty, alumni, employees, friends—observes the diamond anniversary as something to be grateful for, but not something to rest on. There are too many things yet to be done. Fitzwater Hall rep resents one o f those things, as it is built into the larger purpose o f the Institute. Fitzwater Hall is something more than b rick and m ortar. It is a sym bol o f M oody’s dynamic spirit o f building to gether with G od —fo r today and tomorrow.
MBI BUI LDS TOGETHER WITH G O D . . . offering 8 basic courses of sound Bible training: General Bible Pastors Course Missionary Course Sacred Music Christian Education Christian Education-Music Jewish Missions Missionary Technical Course Write today for free cata log and illustrated booklet of student life.
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C H I C A G O 10 , I L L I N O I S William Culbertson, president 5. Maxwell Coder, dean
At least twice in Scripture we are admonished, “Let us not be weary in well doing.” However, it appears that there is a rather alarming tendency on the part of many well-meaning, Bible-believing Chris tians to accept the s t a t u s q u o in theological and ec clesiastical circles today and to enjoy peace and fel lowship with anyone and everyone as long as they are not flagrant critics of the Word of God and that for which it stands. But Satan is extremely clever. He endeavors to avoid making an issue a clear case of black or white. Rather he deals in the muggy grays of theological thinking which is characteristic of so many individuals these days. His technique is not so much to get a person to deny all of the authority of God’s Word and to speak openly against every part of Scripture. That was his main tactic in the days of Tom Paine, Bob Ingersoll, Voltaire and other well- known atheists of former generations. Today, Satan is working in much more subtle fashion. Some eccle siastical leaders talk a great deal about the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and even of the necessity of re generation or the new birth, although they mean by those terms something quite different from the his toric meaning of the words. But these individuals may be “ soft” on the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch; that is, they do not believe that Moses wrote the Pen tateuch under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit but that, instead, it was written by a number of unknown authors. And when such leaders are exposed as pre senting a brand of modernism, the defenders of the faith are, themselves, denounced and condemned as “ heresy hunters” and as being “ un-Christ-like.” Oth er leaders talk a great deal about the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, but they may be “soft” on the authorship of Isaiah and believe in the late-dating of Daniel, making the book historical rather than pro phetical in its statements. When these individuals are exposed as presenting a brand of modernism, once again the defenders of the Word of God are rebuked and strongly criticized. Still others in ecclesiastical circles speak eloquently about the death of the Lord Jesus Christ and His resurrection. They emphasize the idea that He is living today even though if they ex plained their meaning they would say He is merely living on in the hearts of His followers. But these very individuals may be quick to deny the virgin birth of Christ as well as the other miracles of both the Old and New Testaments. When such individ uals are criticized by defenders of the faith, many well-meaning Christians in turn are very critical of the defenders rather than of those who are “ soft” on the miracles of the Word of God. Still others high in ecclesiastical circles praise the modern translations THE KING'S BUSINESS
“Character Before Career” Accredited college preparation for boys. Distinctive Christian train ing. Grades eight to college en trance. Boys from sixteen states and sixteen foreign countries. Full athletic program. 70-acre campus, accessible by car or train. Fortieth year. For a catalogue , write the headmaster, Dr. Frank E. Gaebelein Box 80 Stony Brook, Long Island, N.Y. L.A. BAPTIST COLLEGE THE Baptist College For Southern Calif. & West Coast • M ajors in Six Fields • Complete College Program • Evangelistic and Fundamental • New Suburban Campus W r i te Registrar—
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The Prophetic Word in Crisis Days
because, they say, in many passages the meaning is jar more clearly expressed to the modern mind than are the archaic phrases found in the King James Version. The modern versions are praised in spite of the fact that, as has been pointed out by many able scholars, from all indica tions the translators have made a conscious effort to downgrade the per son and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. But when one dares to speak out against one of these late translations, he himself is criticized and con demned by the very ones who should be his friends and allies in the great conflict between historic Christianity and various modern shades of un belief. Still others high in ecclesiastical circles say, as has been expressed by one such theologian, “ To the best of my knowledge and understand ing, we are forced to admit that Jesus was designating Peter as the Rock on which He was beginning the building of His Church. The subsequent work of Peter in Acts will substantiate this statement.” Again, “He, Peter, is the Rock with which Jesus began the building of His church. He deserves careful study." The author of these statements is widely ac cepted in fundamental churches and circles and if anyone dares to cri ticize him, that one is labelled as a “ heresy hunter” and utterly “ un- Christ-like.” But such statements fit right into the idea of the ecumenical movement which is so popular in so many places today. Indeed, that movement itself is becoming quite acceptable in the minds of many other wise Bible-believing Christians who say “Why fight such an idea ——it does not mean that we are giving up anything vital to our faith; it simply means that we are co-operating with others though they may differ with us on some of the so-called minor points of Scriptural interpretation.” And so it goes. The whole foundation of our most holy Christian faith is being chopped away, first in one place, and then in another. If this continues, there can be but one result so far as the visible church of the Lord Jesus Christ is concerned. All too many Christians are all too prone to refuse to stand for their convictions on these vital matters. And, by failing to do so, they are allow ing the detractors of the faith to win without any opposition. This is known, in athletic contests, as defaulting. Unless ministers of churches and lay leaders alike are willing to stand up and denounce these individ uals who are hacking away at the foundations of our faith, within the very near future there is only one inevitable end to the whole business. That is tragic defeat by inexcusable default. No, indeed, it is not the out spoken modernist who is doing the most damage to the Church of Jesus Christ today; it is the erstwhile Bible-believing ecclesiastical leader who has his own pet grievance with a certain portion of the Word of God and who loudly proclaims that grievance as though he were a great scholar having discovered some new truth. But all an honest inquirer has to do is to gather together these various objections put out by these doctrinal doubters and he will discover that in the aggregate they have destroyed the whole foundation of our Christian faith. This is not a day for mollycoddling these meddlers, regardless of who they are or how mild their criticism of the Word of God may be. It stands or falls together. If a person is “ soft” on any one portion of God’s Holy Word, sooner or later he is going to become “ soft” on other portions un til, finally, it is all cast into the discard. This is a day when individuals regardless of who they are or what position they hold should be questioned regarding every statement of doubt which they express. No one should be considered so sacrosanct that he may not be criticized. Let it be said again that, unfortunately, this is not a day of clear-cut black and white in theological thinking. It is a day of the muggy grays, and unless we are alert to the real situation, we will find ourselves moving around in the fog of theological indecision and uncertainty which can lead to com plete spiritual impotence and uselessness in the Christian life.
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H E L P W I N S O U L S I N U R U G U A Y See new sound film “ The Challenge of the Purple Land” in your church. Founder-Director of the Evangelical Mission to Uruguay is in U.S.A. to fill engagements. Write today for details and open dates. FULLY A FAITH WORK Thrill to the story of multitudes Rev. F. V. reached by Uruguayan Nationals Dabold through open air, radio, tract dis- Founder-Dir. tribution, personal witnessing, etc. Indigenous churches planted on Pauline principles. First Bible school in Uruguay established. Hold up the hands of devoted native workers. Swell their number with your prayers and support. News Letter and Film Information FREE. EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. P.O. Box 1124-K, Fort Pierce, Florida GLENDALE READERS will find all of their supply needs at THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM 121 West Wilson, Glendale, California
3.50 There seems to be a change in Christian moral standards. I have found that our pastor attends such productions as "Ben Hur," "The Ten Commandments," and this new film, "King of Kings." Time magazine recently reviewed the latter pic ture and told how deplorable it is. If the world evaluated such films in this manner, what right do we Christians have of attending them? My children have even seen the pastor's children waiting in line at the show Saturday afternoon. Do you think I should let mine go? Where should one draw the line? It is becoming increasingly difficult. FILM ENDORSED Since you have asked for opinions, let me say that I be lieve every Christian should see "Ben Hur." I went and was thrilled. Why do we condemn such a production when some of the films which Christians themselves have made are much worse. In fact, we seem to try to imitate the world THE KING'S BUSINESS E d i t o r ’ s N o t e : Beginning with this month's issue we are using this page of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS to let our readers express their opinions on various subjects of general interest. Correspond ence concerning any of the items which appear are cordially in vited. Letters in their entirety or excerpts therefrom uAll be used at the discretion of the editors. I f you have opinions on the sub jects presented this month, or any other subjects which may be of special interest to others, you are invited to write to Vox Pop, c/o The King’s Business. Ideas expressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING ’S BUSINESS or of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. WHY CONDEMN DIVORCE I have often wondered why the church has so consistently condemned divorce. If the facts were known, there are prob ably few families, even ministers' homes, which are not shaken with domestic difficulties. I believe God intended that our lives should be filled with joy. If marriage is to destroy this joy, then divorce seems to be a natural alter native. Perhaps my opinion will be thought merely an ex cuse for divorce, but why should two people live in hypocrisy before men. Isn't such shame more of a sin than is divorce? CHRISTIANS ATTEND BIBLE MOVIES
Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga zine. 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.
Evangelical Teacher Training Course 6 Units, Preliminary Certificate Course ....$17.00 6 Units, (plus 6 units Preliminary Course) Advanced Certificate Course ...................... 17.00 Courses by Louis T. Talbot, D.D., LL.D. "Christ in the Tabernacle" ............................ 6.50 "God's Plan o f the Ages" .............................. 5.00 "Prophecies o f Daniel" ............r.................... 6.50 "Studies in Romans" .......................................... 5.50 "The Book o f Ephesians" ................................. 5.50 "The Book o f Revelation" ................................ 6.50 "The Cults" 6 Units ($2.00 per unit) ...... 6.50 Course by Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D. "Prophetic Events in the Light o f the Minor Prophets" .................................... 16.50 5 Units ($4.50 per Unit) "Bible Foundation Course" ..........J................ 3.00 "Biblical Geography" ________________ "Child Evangelism" .......................................... 5.50 "Chapter Summary" ............................................. 5.50 "Fundamental Doctrines" ................................. 6.50 "Junior Bible W ork" .......... 1.25 "Non-Christian Religions" ................... ;......... 4.00 "Practical Bible Training" ................................. 2.50 "Studies For New Christians" ______ 1.00 "Studies In The Gospels" ................................. 6.50 "The Book o f Acts" ............................................. 3.50 Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 558 (KB-1) South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California Send for special Class Study Materials. W rite now for new descriptive brochure.
in our evening church meet ings. This seems more out of place than going to the movies. I would like to know how others feel about this. SEGREGATION OR INTEGRATION As you probably can guess, I am from the South, however, I do not see why there is so much problem on the matter of the separation of races. When we were at home, we loved the colored people, but each of us kept to our own bound aries, and there was no un happiness. Today there seems to be hatred and bitterness. I feel that if we did not force integration, t he re would never be these diffi culties. It is disgusting to hear some of the current dis cussions on this subject. I believe I have seen in your magazine, or at least I have heard some preachers say how deplorable the United Na tions is. With this being our only ray of peaceful exist ence, although it may be small, why must the church, which stands for peace, take "shots" at those who are sin cerely and honestly trying to achieve world order? I think we Christians have enough to work on, namely in fighting sin, rather than throwing stones at the UN. I have even heard some say that the UN is of the devil and is the forerunner of the system of anti-Christ. Let us stay out of politics, nationally or i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y , and stick to the commission which our Lord gave us ! WHAT ABOUT THE UNITED NATIONS
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S e v e n o f t h e finest physical specimens of manhood which this country has produced are at Cape Canaveral in Florida, awaiting “ that day.” That day will mark the event when one of them will be se lected by the proper authorities to be the first Am erican actually to be put into orbit around the earth. These are the Astronauts. They have been selected because of their emotional stability, their mental awareness, they physical stamina. Daily they under go rigorous training routines. Equipment has been developed whereby they are able to simulate every known experience of their journey in space. They have learned exactly what to do and how to react in every conceivable kind of situation that they may encounter out there in the “wild blue yonder.” It has cost our government and is continuing to cost ASTRONAUT o u r govern- m e nt, multi plied billions of dollars in order to pre pare for this unique event
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when the first American will be shot into orbit. But I have news for you. These are not the only astronauts who are looking forward to an experience in space. Believe it or not, I, too, am an astronaut. I said it has cost the United States government multiplied billions of dollars to prepare to put one of the astronauts into orbit. But it has cost another Government infinitely more than that in order to get me ready for outer space. When the U. S. as tronauts are finally launched, they will be heavily clothed with all kinds of weird-looking equipment in order that their bodies may be protected from the known elements which they will encounter in space and, insofar as possible, that they may be pro tected from the yet unforeseen elements. In fact, when thus garbed they look like men who have come from “ out there” in the great unknown. But I, too, shall be properly attired when the time comes for me to commence that trip and when all is in readi ness, I shall be thoroughly protected from every con ceivable danger. When one of these astronauts finally makes that eventful trip literally he will take his life in his hands. Although every possible precau tion is being made to protect him, yet there is al ways a danger that in some minute detail some mechanism will fail which will destroy the whole rqpchine in which he is being carried aloft. In that event there is only one possible end to the trip —- his death. We all pray most earnestly that such will not be the case but that his trip will be com pletely successful in every detail. But when I finally take off, there will be no doubt whatever that it will be completely successful. On my trip, there will
be no fuel to bum itself out; there will be no tubes to get clogged; there will be no possibility of any electrical “ shorts” or mishaps to disrupt proper function of the mechanism. There will be no dials to read, no gauges to watch, no records to keep, no anxious moments for fear something may go wrong and no wondering if or how I will be able to land successfully at the appointed place. Whatever man makes, sooner or later, will wear out or fail. But when I make my journey, it will not be in any man-made gadget. Until that moon shot is made, the astronauts are studying carefully every word they can find in regard to the conditions that will be met in space. They are memorizing the rules by which the space ship is con trolled and learning all they possibly can about every phase of their projected trip. I, too, have a Book which tells about my forthcoming flight. And I find in it in creasingly thrilling information about individuals whom I shall meet, experiences I shall enjoy, sights that I shall see. Also I find there rules which in the meantime must govern my life down here on earth. The astronaut at Cape Canaveral expects to get out into space where everything is absolutely clean and pure. He will catch a glimpse of God’s created heavens totally unlike anything that we earth creatures have ever im agined. But after all of those wonderful experiences, the poor fellow will have to come back to this same old world with all of its potential horror, its sin, misery, sickness, sorrow and death. He will have the same body, subject to the same physical laws and the ailments of mankind. But when I take off, thank God, I shall leave behind all of these physical trappings. I shall discard everything that pertains to this physical life, everything that we experience down here that produces sadness of any kind. Even the joys that I have here in this earthly life will be completely surpassed by the new joys that will be experienced out there. And when I finally get into space I shall never worry about coming back again. I shall be able to keep right on going and enjoying the ever-new experiences which will unfold where the Lord is. When the astronaut of Cape Canaveral goes into space, he will travel at approximately 25,000 miles an hour. But when I take off, I shall not be traveling at that comparative snail’s pace; I shall not even be traveling at the ultra-slow speed of light of only 186,000 miles per second! I shall move at the speed of mind which will be instantaneous. Yes, it is true that the astronaut at Cape Canaveral has a wonderful experience awaiting him. But it is absolutely nothing compared to the wonderful experience that I shall have when “ that day” of the Lord’s return actually arrives. There are seven astronauts at Cape Canaveral, one of whom has been selected for the initial trip into space. But, thanks be to God, the trip that I am talking about and which I shall be making will be enjoyed by a great company of multiplied millions of people who have lived in the centuries past and who are living today. For the time is coming when “ The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (I Thess. 4:16, 17). “ It may be at morn, when the day is awaking, when sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking; that Jesus will come in the fullness of glory to receive from the world His own. It may be at midday, it may be at twilight, it may be perchance that the blackness of midnight will burst into light in the blaze of His glory, when Jesus receives His own.”
How great is life, from tops of all the mountains Far down unto the bottom of the deep, Where deep-sea denizens their vigils keep, There feeding on unfathomable fountains Of life from such a universal sweep! Behold great mountain lakes in reservoir Of life where nature comes unto her own, To feature life and liberty high flown, Where sea and cloud their weighty waters pour To foster life and beauty so full blown! For water storage how great mountain ranges Comb the clouds, and low the moisture springs From out the depths to nurture living things :— For desert wastes shall blossom with the changes While all the world with life and music rings! From mountain tops we take unto the air Encircling Earth, the spacious atmosphere, Infusing life far more than may appear ,— The “ breath of life” on which the people fare, From God, upheaving in our chests so near! When far away in boundless realms of space, Where suns and satellites are freely strewn, Beyond the Milky Way and stars unknown, With light in motion at a rapid pace, The Lord our God is caring for His own! For unto Him belongs pre-eminence In doings both of angels and of men, Beyond all records of the press or pen,— To save our souls from pride and false pretense And all our vain intrusions now and then! To Him indeed belongs pre-eminence, For ’tis in Him we come unto our own With all our faults and failupes to atone, In him to find exceeding excellence Above all that is ever thought or known! Pre-eminence for all the meek and lowly, To implant within bur lives His Person solely, In Whom we find the wealth of life and weal! Most surely does He hold pre-eminence Secure is His position on the throne So high above iniquity full-grown — Astonishing and startling evidence Of pardon deeper than we’ve ever known! By Rev. J. Franklin Kelly The highest to the lowest to appeal. Our failures and infirmities to heal,
RETROSPECT by Don W. Hillis
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which believes that man’s mind should control the world through human nature that has been exploited” (p. 1). “ Dr. Buchman 'says: ‘Only a new spirit in' man can bring a new spirit in industry . . . The new type of man that Moral Re-Armament is producing finds that the basic problem of industry is not economic but moral. The four moral standards |— absolute honesty, absolute purity, absolute selflessness, absolute love — make it pos sible to decide issues on the basis of what is right and not who is right” (p. 15). These sentiments are re-echoed repeatedly in the writings of Peter Howard and other Moral Re-Armament propagandists of the present day. It is the same verse of the same song: “Moral Re^Armament is the only answer to the needs of man.” As one cannot secure a definite statement of doctrine from the Group, in order to orient himself in the teachings and techniques that characterized the movement from its inception, one must examine such writers as Arthur J. Russell, whose book, “ For Sinners Only” practically constituted a text book for the Group. "For Sinners Only" When RuSsell’s “ For Sinners Only” was first published, it was denounced by churchmen as “ deplorable” and “ dangerous,” but to me the worst thing about it was that it was not clear on the way of salvation and did not set forth clearly the Gospel of a crucified, risen, and glorified Saviour. The atonement was scarcely mentioned. In fact, Russell was taken to task so severely for this fatal omis sion (I was among those who criticized him) that he produced another book entitled “ One Thing I Know” to help undo the damage. In the preface of this second book, which did not receive the wide circulation of the first volume, he began with a typical Oxford Group “ confes sion.” He claimed he had been unjustly criticized and declared an “unqualified belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ and His atonement on Calvary.” Naturally, I was glad to note this. I could wish that some of the modem THE KING'S BUSINESS
I n t w o p r e v io u s articles we have discussed the innate weakness of Moral Re-Armament, namely, its ne glect of the Scriptures and its lack of doctrinal founda tion. We have also briefly reviewed its history. This movement was initiated over forty ye'ars ago by Frank N. D. Buchman, an American Lutheran minister, who died this year on August 8th at the age of 83. There has been a radical change from the early days of the “ First Century Fellowship” as it was first called, and from the time its first British phase of operation be gan in the rooms of Loudon Hamilton at Oxford. From a man-to-man, personal-work type of service, Moral Re- Armament has developed into a mass movement, with the avowed purpose of changing the entire world and of curing all the ills of our society. One can commend its anti-Communistic effort without reservation. At the same time, it is practically impossible to pin down its officials to any kind of doctrinal commitment. Recently I wrote MRA headquarters, asking for a doctrinal statement. What I received in reply was a 32-page booklet entitled “ Ideo logy and Co-Existence,” which contains no doctrinal dec laration at all. In it is no reference to the cardinal doc trines of the Word of God; iA fact, the Lord is scarcely mentioned. “ Moral Re-Armament is a superior ideology, with a superior strategy, because it meets the needs of the whole man and because it is available for men everywhere -— non-Commimist and Communist alike. It is far more than an answer to Communism. It is the revolutionary idea that is putting right what is wrong and giving every nation the incorruptible and inspired leadership that can create a full and free life for every nation” (p. 2). Instead of doctrinal views, here are a few of the high-sounding declamations in this MRA booklet: “There are two ideologies bidding for the world to day. One is Moral Re-Armament, which believes that God’s Mind should control the world through human na ture that has been changed; the other is Communism, 14
by Dr. Louis T. Talbot Chancellor of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles
when “life-changing” was not unknown. Moody had preached a clear Gospel —- the necessity of receiving Christ as Saviour and Lord — and thousands had been saved, their lives transformed. As a result of Moody’s devotion to the Word of God, Moody Bible Institute had been founded (followed by the Bible School movement), where ministers could be trained in the Scriptures. Billy Sunday thundered against sin, closed saloons and broth els by his powerful preaching and was credited for bring ing in national prohibition. At the same time he was no mere reformer. As Moody had done before him, he pre sented Christ as Lord and Saviour, and those who “hit the sawdust trail” in his meetings were instructed in the way of salvation as revealed in the Bible. He preached a morality based upon regeneration and founded on the Word of God, which is the only lasting morality. So Buchman’s “ life-changing” theme was not unique for his times. However, his terminology was different. He declared, “ To the horror of the experienced, hard- boiled, practical man, Moral Re-Armament dares to call its summary of the Sermon of the Mount into four basic truths quite simply ‘The Four Absolutes’ These were not original, either, as they were embodied in the law of Moses, in the Ten Commandments, in the Sermon on the Mount. Nevertheless, these moral laws were never given by God as the means of salvation. They ministered death, not life. Israel could not keep them, and the Gen tiles fell short of the righteousness of God. The Oxford Groupers claimed that attempting to keep them would drive men to Christ. But one is astonished to read of men whose lives were wholly sinful and worldly one minute, and the next “ changed” immediately by contact with some Oxford Grouper. A Japanese leader states that he- decided to “ clean up” his life, to stop impurity and hea vy drinking. Then he declares he found the courage to “ clean up” his nation. “ So I decided,” he continues, Continued on next page ♦Remaking the Word, Speeches of Frank Buchman, p. 319
Moral Re-Armament writers would remember this ad mission of Russell’s and start substituting “ the Gospel” and “ the Cross’ for “Moral Re-Armament” in their pub lications and preaching. However, at the same time Mr. Russell was apologizing to his reading public, he was mentioning “ 40 theories” of the atonement and insisting that the church had never formed a “ doctrine of the atonement.” This is not true, for all evangelical bodies which have remained true to the Word of God include the vicarious, substitutionary view of the atonement in their creeds. There has never been but one “ theory” of the atonement for Bible believers, and that is embodied in the truth, “He died for me.” In “ For Sinners Only,” Russell stated that the Ox ford Groupers called themselves “ life-changers,” not evan gelists, for terms like “ evangelism,” “ saved,” etc, no longer had any meaning for our times. He called upon men to “ turn back to God, cut out sin, make restitution for past sins, and let God take full command of every area of life.” This sounds very commendable, but some thing vital is lacking. Where is the presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ as man’s only Saviour? Where is the teaching that “without shedding of blood is no remis sion” ? Where are the truly “ life-changing” words of the Saviour: “Ye must be born again” ? “ It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps,” we read in Jeremiah 10:23. No man can “ let God have full command of his life” un til he has been regenerated. “ The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” the prophet Jeremiah declared. An unsaved man cannot determine to live a Christian life and do it. The fruit of the Spirit does not grow out of an unregenerated heart. "Life-Changing" Evangelism was receiving a great deal of attention when Buchman began his work. Two continents had been stirred by the preaching of Dwight L. Moody. He had been followed by the dynamic ministry of the ex-baseball player, Billy Sunday, then at his zenith. It was a time
“ to give my life for MRA to save my country and the world.” Where is God in this transaction? No previous belief in God or faith in Christ seems necessary. One Group leader advised: “ Act as if there were a God and genuine belief in Him will follow.” But such “make- believe” is not Scriptural; the exact opposite is true, for we read in Hebrews 11:6: “ He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” To his “ Four Absolutes,” Frank Buchman, who was fond of alliteration, added ten “C’s,” five for sinners, five for “ life-changers.” Dr. H. A. Ironside has analyzed well these requirements in these words:* “ Dr. Buchman has set forth two sets of what he calls, ‘The Five Cs,’ which, if acted upon, will com pletely change the life. The first group is in regard to sinners: Conviction, Contrition, Confession, Conversion, Continuance. The other five are in regard to personal workers preparing to deal with others. They are: Confi dence, Confession, Conviction, Conversion, Continuance. “ In the first place, the conviction of which they speak is not the conviction on which the New Testament in sists. Their conviction is that of wrongfulness indulged in, the wrongfulness of sex sins, sins of pride, sins of jealousy, sins of hypocrisy, and dishonesty. The Word of God, when speaking of the coming of the Holy Spirit, has not a word to say about these sins, bad as they are, but the Lord Jesus says, When He is come, He shall convict of sin, and of what sin? Of sin, because they be lieve not on Me. My friend, you might confess all the vile, corrupt, filthy, wicked, abominable sins that your memory can bring to mind, and after you had confessed them all, you would not be one inch nearer salvation that before, because all of those sins were judged when Jesus died upon the tree, and the one great damning sin that will keep you out of heaven, if- it is not repented of, is the sin of rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ. I have never yet heard of that sin being confessed in a Buchman housegroup. It may have been; but over and over again I have asked people who have attended them the ques tion, Did you ever know of a man standing to his feet in one of these house - parties and saying, ‘I am here to confess that up to the present moment I have been a Christ-rejector?’ and they have always said, ‘No; that is never touched on.’ Not a word of the sin of rejecting Christ, not a word of the necessity of trusting Him alone for salvation, not a word about the importance of con fessing sin to God, not a word of turning to Him in re pentance, not one syllable about the precious blood that cleanses! “The second ‘C’ is Contrition. We need not think it is a special evidence of the grace of God working in the soul when a man is sorry for his sins. There are tens of thousands of men in penitentiaries who are sincerely sor ry. Unsaved men can be very contrite and yet never tum to Christ, never trust in Him and be washed from their sins in His BJood. “ The third ‘C’ is Confession. Men have been con fessing their sins all down through the centuries, con fessing to priests and to one another, but no priest, no human being, has the power to put away sin. There is only One who can do that. When David’s heart and mind were wracked with grief and sorrow because of his offence, he said, ‘I acknowledged my sin unto Thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin’ (Ps. 32:5). And we read in I John 1:9, ‘If we confess our sins, .He is faithful and just to ♦Used by permission of Loizeaux Bros., 19 West 21st St., New York. From "The Oxford Group Movement" by H. A. Ironside 1«
forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unright-, eousness.’ “ The fourth ‘C’ is Conversion, and immediately you will challenge me and say, ‘Surely there could be no conversion apart from the divine work of Christ in the soul.’ Yes; there has been many a conversion that was not a work of the Spirit. During forty-two years of de voting my life to the ministry of the Word of God, I have seen a great many people whose natural consciences have been aroused; they have been troubled about their bad behaviour. Some of them were bound by one or more sins, and I have seen them come to a mourners’ bench and weep and sob and ask for deliverance , there may be a conversion which is simply a natural thing, a great stirring of emotions, bringing a man to a psycholo gical crisis in his life where he makes up his mind he is not going to do that thing any more. That kind of con version is not the work of the Holy Spirit of God. Buchman adds a fifth ‘C’ which he calls Continu ance. I may say that our Lord Jesus Christ makes con tinuance an evidence of reality, and so I am glad to ac cept that Ijere. If there has been Holy Ghost conversion, definite repentance for sin, true faith in Christ, it will be manifested by continuance. But a man might continue in a mere outwardly changed life without ever having put his trust in the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The trouble with the whole system is that it has no doctrinal background. It results eventually in faith in yourself rather than faith in a Saviour who once hung on a cross of shame, crucified for our sins.” Such terms as these “ C’s” are only words unless they are given a Scriptural interpretation. Confession and Sharing Reference has been made to the public and private confession of sins which has been the most criticized tech nique of the Group. Sherwood Sunderland Day, an ar dent follower, explained it: “ Confession to God alone is often not good.enough in that it may cost nothing and may be merely the confession to a subjective picture of God which the person has built up for him or herself. In such a case, what actually happens is that the person does not confess at all — there is no real pain and repentance —it is an easy way of training to ease one’s conscience. Confessing to another person always costs and thus is a test of our honesty in hating sin.” * This is not Scriptural confession, for we read in I John 1:7, “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” and in I John 1:9: “ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Confession must be made to God who is the only One who can forgive us. If we have wronged another person, and it is possible to acknowledge our sin to that one, such admission is in accordance with God’s Word. But we are not to rehearse our sins nor dwell upon what God has put away as far as east is from west, and buried in the depths of His forgetfulness. Russell said of confession: “ Ideally such confession. . . should be made direct to God without the need of human assistance. But in practical experience, and .just because we are not ideal, instance after instance could be quoted to show that there are very many who need the help of sharing with another, so that they may come directly face to face with God . . . For them Sharing is a practical necessity . . . From its earliest days the Christian church had been well aware of the value of such con fession.” What Russell failed to state was that such con fession to man led to the confessional box and a thous and other abuses that made the Reformation necessary. ♦From "The Principles of the Group” S. S. Day. THE KING'S BUSINESS
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