Plan now to attend the 26 th Annual TORREY MEMORIAL BIBLE CONFERENCE Outstanding Bible Conference Speakers
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DR. ROY L. BROWN Bible Teacher Winona Lake, Indiana
DR. CHAS. L. FEINBERG, Dean Talbot Theological Sem. La Mirada, California
DR. S. LEWIS JOHNSON Prof, of New Testament Literature and Exegesis Dallas Theological Sem.
DR. RALPH KEIPER Evangelical Foundation Philadelphia, Penn.
DR. S. H. MILLER, Pastor First Christian Church Englewood, Colorado
CAPT. J. C. METCALFE Editor of "The Overcomer" Dorset, England
DR. R. R. MULHOLLAND, Pastor First Baptist Church Seaside, California
DR. PHILIP R. NEWELL Extension Department Moody Bible Institute Bible Conf. Speaker
REV. I. E. PENBERTHY, REV. HADDON ROBINSON Pastor Professor of Homiletics Cedar Ave. Bapf. Church Dallas Theological Sem. Fresno, California
DR. E. C. SHEEHAN, Mikado Baptist Church Macon, Georgia
DR. V. H. WEBSTER, First Baptist Church Eugene, Oregon
DR. K. OWEN WHITE, Pastor First baptist Church Houston, Texas
Twelve Southern California Locations
Long Beach Brethren
North Long Beach Brethren
Venice Baptist
San Gabriel Union
Biola Campus
Fairview Heights Baptist Inglewood
Montebello First Baptist
Downey First Baptist
. _ Vista Community
Bethany Baptist
Montecito Park Union
West Covina
Los Angeles
G R E A T R A L L Y SATURDAY , JA N U A R Y 27th — 7:30 featu ring John W ebb —basso ■— Biola Chorale BIOLA CAMPUS AUDITORIUM 13800 Biola Ave. — La Mirada, California JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 4 ,1962 O P E N I N G
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