homiletical helps
The Editors of The King’s Business invite readers to contribute outlines for sermons for use in this column. SIGNS OF TH E LORD'S NEAR RETURN by Dr. Charles Woodbridge 1. Consolidation of the powers of Europe, under NATO, and other bodies—Daniel 2 and 7. 2. Consolidation of power of Israel — Ezekiel 38. 3. Awakening of the Far East powers — kings of the East — Revelation 16 and 12 . 4. Israel becoming a nation, in 1948 — Isaiah 11:11. 5. Atomic age ushered in, in 1945 — IF Peter 3:10. 6. Consolidation of ecclesiastical power — Revelation 17 and 18: (a) Visit of Archbishop of Canterbury to Pope after 400 years. (b) Proposal of Eugene Carson Blake to unite 18,000,000 Protestants un der liberal yoke. 7. The growing apostasy of these days: (a) Revival of German liberalism. (b) Weakening of the testimony of evangelicals. THE THREE CHOICES If we sit still here, we die. II Kings 7:4 The four desperate lepers had three choices. All of us have the same three choices. 1. We can go back to Samaria—back to the sins we had left behind. 2. W e can throw ourselves on what seems to be an enemy—advance into God’s mercy. 3. W e can stay where we are—sit still and die. —adapted from T. D e W itt Talmage RIVERS OF LIVING W ATER John 7:38 The springs of life are found in faith. Life in the Spirit is filled with: I. Vitality 1. Christians vitalize dead organiza tions. 2. The disciples of Christ are also to vitalize dead dispositions. II. Purity III. Refreshment IV. Hilarity 1. What more fitting symbol of glad ness than a stream dancing in tho sunshine? 2. “There is a river the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God.” Perhaps we should sing, “ Like a mighty river moves the Church of God” ; a river carrying vitality, purity, refreshment, and making the birds to sing in the trees that line its banks. — J. H. Jowett
You CAN — So Easily and What a Blessing! Know the joy of bringing Christian love and care, food and shelter and school tuition (charged for in Korea) to a needy boy or girl for only $8 a month—just 26 pennies a day. All of the above fine looking children are victims of tragedy but have been rescued and brought into our New Life Orphanage. They long for a loving “ Daddy and Mommie” or “ Big Brother or Sister.” Ask a friend to be a co-sponsor— $4 each. Tell your Sun day School or other organization groups of this work dedicated to rearing future Christian leaders in Korea. Literature on request. Be a Sponsor to One of These Although these children are being care for, sponsors for them and others are sorely needed. Select your own orphan who will know you as sponsor. You get the child’s picture, address and life story, as well as the Orphanage history and picture. Letters and parcels can go as you wish. Replies are prompt and in English Sponsors find this personal contact THRILLING and BLESSED. Look above at No. V-l and see four year old Shin Hae Kook. Compare These Two Buildings
As he wandered on a road begging f o o d from door to door he was found by a police man. His father had died and
poverty his mother abandoned him and dis appeared. Now he knows love and comfort. Won’t you take him or some other deserving orphan to your heart? Help Train Christian Leaders Here is a work blessed of the Lord with increase. Sponsors, too, report that they are being blessed because they are helping train boys and girls in the Christian life. Each day the children in our Orphanages are taught the Bible, sing Christian songs and earnestly pray. They attend church and Sunday School and are led to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. New sponsors are desperately needed now that Korea’s severe winter has set in. Help us take many more forsaken and ragged children into our Homes. Spread the word of the ESEA work. Check coupon for folder. SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Dept. K-l Chicago 31, Illinois
Original Orphanage as Mr. Swanson found it, housing 48 children. The main structure of sun baked clay blocks with a rough board lean-to for the cow. Roof of thatched rice straw. Torn down and. rebuilt for New Life Orphanage.
A year later showing facade of new building con structed by ESEA to house New Life Orphanage. Provides adequately for 92 children.
The ESEA is caring for over 11,000 orphans, children of lep- ers and war widows. Its work is known widely because its messages have gone out month after month in various ways including publicity in this and numerous religious and secu lar magazines. It serves more than 13 million meals each year. Help us expand our 118 Homes. Each one is a Chris tian institution with Bible-be- lieving Staff and Board mem bers. Your prayers and help urgently sought. Write or phone NOW!
4848 North Leonard Drivc
|----------------------------------- CLIP AND MAIL TODAY--------------------- |— -------| □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. My choice is- N um ber............ If this child has already been “ adopted,” I ■ agree to support another whom you will select. With God’s • help I will send $8 a montn to your office. Please let me have i my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. □ I cannot “ adopt” a child but want to help by giving $----------- □ Please mail folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean I Orphans.” Name ........................ I I Address .........-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ I City _____ __ __—______________Zone -------- State----------- ---------— | Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are i income tax deductible. THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N. Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation . Dept. K -l, 4848 N. Leonard Dr., Chicago 31, III. GL. 6-6181
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