THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE by Fanny J. Crosby God spake in Genesis, and said: " L e t there be lig h t;" and darkness fled; In Exodus, at H is comm and A ll Israel fled from Egypt's land; T h e ir laws and w hat th e ir tribes b efell Then follow Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Two books of Samuel from his youth; A n d two of Kings, the record plain O f m any a good and evil reign; Two books of Chronicles te ll o'er, Each m onarch's history here before— T h e ir deeds of noble valour done, T h e ir m any battles fo ugh t and won. H isto ric words o u r hearts inspire From Ezra and from Nehemiah: A n d Esther shows the way o f God, W h ile Job receives the chastening rod; T h e Psalms lift up the soul w ith praise, A n d Proverbs teach in hom ely phrase: Ecclesiastes next com es A n d then the Song of Solomon. Isaiah now, w ith visio n clear, Beholds a prom ised Saviour near, W h ile Jerem iah lifts on high, For Israel's race, his hum ble cry; A n d Lamentations paints his grie f T h a t Z io n weeps nor fin d relief; Ezekiel, Daniel, each record T h e w ondrous dealings o f the Lord. Hosea, Joel, Amos, too, A n d Obadiah, prophets true, O 'e r Israel's fa ithless nation yearn, A n d warn from evil to return; Then Jonah, M icah, Nahum show G od's tender love and threaten woe; Habakkuk prays in words sublim e, T h a t ring through all succeeding tim e; A n d we have passed in close review From an cient Scripture to the new. A n d now a Saviour's birth behold, In Matthew 's Gospel sw eetly tbld; M ark, Luke, and John H is works disclose, H is su fferings, death, and how He rose. In A cts the H o ly Ghost descends, A n d C h rist H is kingdom w ide extends, In Romans, lo! the A p o stle Paul Comm ends the g ift o f God to all; Corinthians and Galatians show T h e grace th at every soul may know. Ephesians and Philippians tell T he zeal H is life portrayed so well; Colossians, Thessalonians speak O f hope and com fo rt to the weak; In Timothy, P au l's charge we fin d, In Titus, frien dship warm and kind; Philemon shows how love constrains, W h ile Hebrews all the types explains; W ith James and Peter, John and Jude, A n d Revelation, we conclude, T h e books th at in G od's W o rd divine, L ik e stars o f endless glory shine. N e x t Zephaniah, Haggai, Then Zechariah, M alachi Leviticus and Numbers tell; G od's holy w ill again we see C o ntained in Deuteronomy.
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