King's Business - 1962-01

talking it over with D r. Clyde M. N arram ore

Dr. Narramore, graduate of Columbia University, New Y o rk City, is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in the United States.

turn away some emotionally dis­ turbed child whom I could help. Is there any way 1 can determine, at the time parents seek to enroll such a child, between emotional dis­ turbance and mental retardation? A. It is not always easy to distinguish between one who is seriously dis­ turbed, and one who is mentally in­ capable. I knew a boy who was placed in a class for slow-learning children. The new teacher found that the child was not mentally retarded, but rather, so emotionally upset that he appeared to be incapable. After the teacher had worked with the child and the par­ ents for a year, the boy was given psy­ chological tests, and his intelligence was found to be normal. His IQ did not change, but his emotional handi­ cap had been removed so that he was able to perform at his true normal level. Qualified psychologists have had the professional training and experi­ ence to give certain standardized in­ telligence tests and personality pro­ jective tests. They can give you de­ pendable information. I suggest that you refer students about whom you are doubtful, to a local psychologist. WON'T STUDY Q . How can you help a child who seems to have ability, but refuses to study? A. I would have to know more about the child. Here are some questions you might ask yourself: (a) Are his studies appropriate to his mental level? (b) Are you giving him work which is interesting to him? (c) Are his assignments given to him in such a way that they are meaningful? (d) Is there routine in his study schedule? (e) What is your child’s physical condition? (f) Is he emotionally up­ set about anything? (g) Does he re­ ceive sympathetic help from his fami­ ly?

tion, but also for worthwhile Chris­ tian activities. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Q , Why won’t the public schools tell parents what their child’s IQ is? A. It is the policy of most schools not to reveal IQ scores to parents. This is considered confidential information to be used by those who are professional­ ly trained to interpret such scores and who in turn, help the child make the best possible adjustment and prog­ ress. Here are some reasons why IQ scores are not given to parents: (a) there is a possibility that certain scores may be inaccurate; (b) many parents would not treat the informa­ tion confidentially; (c) most children do not benefit from knowing their IQ scores; (d) undue emphasis might be placed on scores, rather than on the needs of the child; (e) the IQ gives only one indication of a child’s potential and his ability. There are many other important factors; scores in themselves are meaningless unless understood and carefully interpreted by those having knowledge of them. I think you will find that most teachers are happy to talk to parents about the child’s intellectual level. This is usually expressed in such terms as average, rapid learner, and slower learner. DISTURBED OR RETARDED? Q . I am a Christian who operates a day nursery school f o r children. Occasionally parents want to enroll a child who is evidently either emo­ tionally upset or who is mentally retarded. In my experience I have found that it is hard to tell whether a child is so seriously upset and emotionally dis­ turbed that he cannot work or play at his normal level or whether he is simply mentally slow. It is necessary that I have a homo­ geneous group, and yet I’d hate to

NOT YET WELL Question: / have been under the care of a Christian psychiatrist for quite a while. Sometimes, for some unknown rea­ son, fear and anxiety seem to over­ take me. I wonder how long it takes to overcome this. Many times nothing bothers me, and all goes well. This fear and anxiety comes and goes. I would like to feel emotionally comfortable, but when this fear oc­ curs, it upsets me, and then I feel I should go back to see the doctor. Is it normal to feel like this after an emotional disturbance? Answer: Yes, it is normal to feel as you do. Just as it takes time to become mentally -ill, so it takes time to re­ cover. You can expect to feel better, then seem to slip back, then make progress again. But in the long run you will be able to look back and see that you are much better. In time you will undoubtedly be completely well. SHOULD WE CHANGE OUR MINDS? Q . Our sixteen-year-old boy ( almost seventeen) wants a car and we’ve al­ ways said, “No car until you’re eight­ een.” Now his activities are such that it looks like he should have one. Should we change our minds? A. Why do you hesitate to change your minds? No doubt, if your boy needs a car and if you can afford one, he is justified in having it. Intelli­ gent parents are often required to change their minds. I suppose we all know instances in which boys should not have been given cars. However, in most such cases, the car was not necessary, and there was little or no supervision of its use. Christian young people can and do use their automobiles not only for school or employment transporta-



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