King's Business - 1962-01

The Whole Bible

personal evangelism by Benjamin Weiss W h o has t h e best opportunities to do personal evangelism? You reply, “ The person who has the most personal contacts.” If that were true, a salesman or a receptionist would rank highest. What other factors are important beyond having contacts? Such quali­ fications as preparation, personal in­ terest, responsibility, dedication to the cause, recognized need, and availa­ bility are all vital. But there is a basic qualification which supersedes all of these—a deep love for people and in­ terest in their eternal welfare. The Christian minister best quali­ fies for this distinction. It is the basic interest of his calling to which his other activities are related. In addi­ tion, he is accepted by those whom he contacts; actually, it is expected of him. That he is a minister of the Gospel is always an opening. Some ministers are successful in winning men to Christ from all walks of life. One of the minister’s opportunities is in counselling a person who has come to him for help. The occasion is perfectly adapted for presenting Christ to a disturbed and troubled person. Too often, some psychological devices are used to give temporary relief instead of the great spiritual specific, the Lord Jesus Christ Him­ self. What about the interview with the person who is making application for membership in the church? Every alert Christian leader is aware that there are many church members who have never had an experience of the new birth. This surely is a golden opportunity to bring a person to Christ. Visiting the sick is one of the ac­ ceptable activities of a minister. Pre­ senting Christ to a person who is ill is a desirable service. A minister also has the distinct service of com­ forting those who are in sorrow, espe­ cially at a time of bereavement. It is not out of place to introduce a sorrow­ ing person to the One who said, “ I am the resurrection and the life.” Where are the opportunities? Every­ where. The requirement is to know the way to bring a person to Christ and to be alert and available to God to do so. The minister who is active in winning the unsaved in this way will also have the joy of bringing them into the church and guiding them in spiritual growth. He will also challenge the members of his church to join with him in this great work.

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