book reviews
by Arnold D. Ehlert Librarian, Biola Colloga
Old Testament prophecy (p. 168) ; and (4) his constant resort to conjectures. Fault is found so often with the mes sage of Jeremiah as generally under stood, that one wonders whether the result is not one that reflects the mes sage of Cunliffe-Jones rather than Jeremiah. 287 pages; The Macmillan Company, New York; $3.50. — Re viewed by Charles Lee Feinberg.
Archaeology and the Bible By G. Frederick Owen
Professor Owen has long taught and labored in the field of Biblical archae- logy. He speaks from personal obser vation on numerous points in the field. The purpose of this book is “ to reveal archaeology as an indestructi ble bond between the lands of the Bi ble and the people of our day by al lowing the remains and inscriptions of civilization after civilization, city after city, and individual after in dividual rise and tell their story so that the past will be as much with us as the present and that a knowledge of the past will make for a better understanding of the present and serve as a guide for the future” (p. 7). Some thirty-three years of study and research are brought to bear on the important themes of the subject: the meaning, scope, method, and prog ress of archaeological excavations, the specific finds in each of the Bible lands, and the latest discoveries. The last chapter deals with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The material is up-to-date, the authorities cited are reputable, and the conclusions reached are in keeping with a reverent approach to the Bible. The bibliography is a good and workable one, not unduly loaded with items without the range of the interest of the ordinary reader or the student. 384 pages; Fleming H. Revell Company, Westwood, New Jersey; $4.95. — Reviewed by Charles Lee Feinberg. The author is Associate Principal of the Northern Congregational College, Manchester. The volume is part of the Torch Bible Commentary series. The declared objective of the writer is to help the ordinary reader under stand the book, to see the meaning and truth of the message for us today (p. 11). The author comments dis proportionately on the “ disorder of the book” (pp. 15, 16 et passim). He attempts without valid proof some ap proximations at a chronological ar rangement of the prophecies. Features which are true of his treat ment throughout the book are: (1) his espousal of the Wellhausen sys tem; (2) his low view of the inspira tion of the Scriptures (p. 154); (3) his defective view as to the nature of The Book of Jeremiah By H. Cunliffe-Jones
Make this year’s VBS your most successful. Use the series praised for its deep spiritu ality. Glorifies God and inspires children to love and follow Him. Closely graded lesson material as well as activity material ALL do what you want— teach and extol God’s Word. Lessons fol low school grades and are used from year to year—no waste. FR E E LE A D E R 'S G U ID E Includes theme, theme song, ten devotions, a closing program, description of each grade’s material, and much other helpful information. W R ITE TODAY for Herald Summer Bible School Leader’s Guide. HERALD PRESS, DEPT. KB Scottdale, Pennsylvania "The Convent Horror" Story of Barbara Ubryk One of the saddest narratives on Convent Life ever written. No book like this in print! In "The Convent Horror" terrible facts taken from Official Records, reveal how beautiful Barbara Ubryk Was locked in a small Nunnery Basement Dungeon twenty one years. The most terrible revelations ever recorded! Protestants awake! Order your copy of this amazing book to-day. Postpaid only $1.35. Edition limited. This book is now made plain so all believers can understand it. There are 13 statements that could only be fulfilled with our modern inven tions, proving the stage is set. 2. "God's Great Judgment on Russia and ttie Battle of Armageddon." With an analysis of future prophetic events. 3. "The Great Prophecy about the Last Days." A marvelous picture from the Scriptures o f the days in which we live. 4. "The Great Sovereignty o f God and How He Rules the World." It explains one of the most misunderstood subjects in the Bible. 5. "God's Way of Redemption." A very'impor tant Bible Exposition. 6. "The Great Problems of the Middle East in the Light o f the Scriptures." A very important message for our times. 7. "The FalL o f Man, The Curse, and How Christ Redeemed us from the Curse when He was crucified." ALL SEVEN FOR $1.50 Rev. Andrew Olsen, Bible Expositor Sequim. Washington Gospel Books Dept. KB-1H Rowan, Iowa "T H E BOOK OF REVELATION EXPLAINED "
BOOK ENDS________ (A Review of Current Publications)
WHAT GOES ON YOUR BULLETIN BOARD? by Asa Z. Hall. 80 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chi cago; no price listed. Attention to methods of promoting the work of the church by use o f its outdoor bulletin board. Insignia, symbols, quot able material, and other devices may be profit ably be used. The author is a retired physician. THE YOUNG CHURCH IN ACTION, A TRANS LATION OF THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. THE BOOK OF REVELATION, A NEW TRANSLA TION OF THE APOCALYPSE both by J. B. Phil lips. The Macmillan Co., New York; $.95 each. These are paper back editions of the well-known translations previously in cloth. SIMPLE SERMONS FOR TODAY'S WORK by W. Herschel Ford. 120 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub lishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Twelve mes sages on New Testament texts treating of re demption and personal faith. EXPOUNDING GOD'S WORD: SOME PRINCIPLES AND METHODS by Alan M. Stibbs. 112 pages; paper; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $1.25. A succinct guide to the great art of unfolding the meaning of the Sacred Text for the averaae man. After discussing the approach to the task, the author takes up narrative pas sages, short doctrinal sections, and longer pas sages. This is not the whole story, but helpful material will be found here. GOD BLESSED ME WITH A HEART ATTACK by Richard G. Dunwoody. 62 pages; paper; Zonder van Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.00. One of the Library of Congress subject headings for this kind of book is SUFFERING— PERSONAL NARRATIVES. In the Christian arena the story of the blessings that can be extracted from tragedy belongs to the higher order of devotional literature. PAUL AND HIS RECENT INTERPRETERS by E. Earle Ellis. 63 pages; paper Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $1.75. A compact, scholarly summary filled with bibliography. Much of the material originally appeared in eleven journals of religion and theology. Indexed. THE MINISTERS MANUAL (DORAN'S), A STUDY AND PULPIT GUIDE FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1962, compiled and edited by M. K. W. Heicher. xiv, 333 pages; cloth; Harper & Bros., New York; $3.50. Thirty-seventh issue of this well- known annual. Besides outlined sermons for every Sunday in the year, introductory and supplementary material provide helps for special occasions, youth ministry, missionary messages, and the hymn program. WAKE TO THUNDER, AN EASTER PLAY IN ONE ACT by Don Fearheiley. THE STUMBLING BLOCK (A RELIGIOUS DRAMA IN THREE ACTS) by Mary U. Glazener. 35 & 57 pages; Broadman Press, Nashville; $.50 & $.75. The first is based in the contemporary scene and Recommended looks are available from ike Biota Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; H I West Wilton Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy meal order sendee is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs udU be sent upon request . ,
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