King's Business - 1962-01

and have no permanent value for us, but were for the instruction of the so-called Jewish church of that time. “ Fourth, the entire book of Revela­ tion has to do with the coming age and has no reference to the Church today . . . These seven churches (of Asia Minor) will appear on the earth as Jewish churches in the Great Tribu­ lation. “ Fifth, the Body of Christ is alto­ gether a different company . . . from the Bride of the Lamb . . . “ Sixth, the Christian ordinances . . . have no real connection with the pres­ ent economy, and therefore, are rele­ gated to the past, and may again have a place in the future Great Tribula­ tion. “ . . . There are many other unscrip- tural things which are advocated by various disciples who began with these views and have been rapidly throwing overboard other Scriptural teachings. Many Bullingerites boldly advocate the sleep of the soul between death and resurrection, the annihila­ tion of the wicked, or . . . universal salvation of all men and demons, the denial of the eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ, and . . . the per­ sonality of the Holy Spirit. All of these evil doctrines find congenial soil in Bullingerism. Once men take up with this system there is no telling how far they will go, and what their final position will be in regard to the great fundamental truths of Chris­ tianity . . . Having had most intimate acquaintance with Bullingerism as taught by many for the last forty years, I have no hesitation in saying that its fruits are evil. It has produced a tremendous crop of heresies through­ out the length and breadth of this and other lands; it has divided Christians and wrecked churches and assemblies without number; it has lifted up its votaries in intellectual and spiritual pride to an appalling extent, so that they look with supreme contempt upon Christians who do not accept their peculiar views; and in most instances where it has been long tolerated, it has absolutely throttled Gospel effort at home and sown discord on mission­ ary fields abroad. So true are these things of this system that I have no hesitancy in saying it is an absolutely Satanic perversion of the truth.” Needless to say, we are in full agree­ ment with Dr. Ironside. The Lord’s people should study the Word that they may be able to withstand pro­ ponents of this “ off-beat” system, which has brought true, Scriptural dispensational teaching into disrepute. THE KING'S BUSINESS



by Betty Bruechert

l i n H earliJon «s e le c te d stations around the ill B ib le Teaching, IIi ^ A \ \ ’ ¡.missionary i l l r \^L f fj In sp ira ton a l * Dr. T . Myron Webb fo u A d e r ^ e c t o r Montrose, California

Many requests for information on Bullingerism, or Ultra-Dispensational- ism, have reached this desk. In this brief space it is almost impossible to discuss such an intricate system as this. I consider the best condensed treatment of this subject to be a book­ let published by Loizeaux Brothers, Inc., 19 West 21st St., New York 10, N. Y. entitled, “ Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth,” b.y H. A. Ironside, one of the foremost Bible scholars the Lord ever gave the church of Christ. With the kind permission of the pub­ lishers of this booklet, I quote the fol­ lowing excerpts, with the urgent rec­ ommendation that interested readers secure the booklet for themselves and read it carefully. “ . . . What are the outstanding ten­ ets of Bullingerism and its kindred systems? . . . There are perhaps six positions taken by these teachers: “ First, inasmuch as our Lord Jesus was ‘a minister of the circumcision to confirm the promises made to the fathers,’ it is insisted that the four Gospels are entirely Jewish and have no real message for the Church, the Body of Christ . . . “ Secondly, it is maintained that the book of Acts covers a transition period between the dispensation of the law and the dispensation of the mystery; that is, that in the book of Acts we do not have the Church, the Body of Christ, but that the word ekklesia (church or assembly), as used in that book, refers to a different Church alto­ gether to that of Paul’s prison epis­ tles. This earlier Church (according to Bullingerism) is simply an aspect of the kingdom and is not the same as the Body of Christ! “Third, it is contended that Paul did not receive his special revelation of the mystery of the Body until his imprisonment in Rome, and that his prison epistles alone reveal this truth, and are, strictly speaking, the only portion of the Scriptures given to mem­ bers of the Body. All of the other epistles of Paul, save those written during his imprisonment and the gen­ eral epistles, are relegated to the ear­ lier dispensation of the book of Acts,

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