King's Business - 1962-01


CHR IST IAN FA ITH RECORD When purchased along with any other CHRISTIAN FAITH RECORD at regular $3.98 or $4.98 price from the complete stock available in the Record Department of the BIOLA BOOK ROOM. Available in either High-Fi or Stereo at 98c. Be sure to specify which you want. ANTHOLOGY— Selections by Various Artists— Vol. 3 J. CONNOR— Angels W e Have Heard on High J. WEBB— Lead Kindly Light CHRISTIAN FAITH EVANGELICAL CHOIR— How Firm A Foundation R. CARMICHAEL BRASS CHOIR— Christ Arose

REGULAR PRICES H igh-Fi 2 0 0 5 ..................$3.98 Stereo S-641 ............. 4.98 YOU P A Y O N L Y 98c fo r either record on this Special offer!

O.F.R.H. QUARTET— Whosoever Will R. ATWOOD & L. WHITNEY— All Glory Laud and Honor C. TURNER— Hidden Peace M. TIGNER— My Jesus, I Love Thee

O.F.R.H. CHOIR— One o f God's Days T. FONTANE Tell Mother I'll Be There R. CARMICHAEL MALE CHORUS— There Shall Be Showers of Blessing

MITZELFELT CHORALE— All Creatures o f Our God and King E. ANDERSON— Flee As A Bird WOMEN'S CHORUS— Safe In The Arms o f Jesus

Along with your 98c Special select any one of the following 10 choice CHRISTIAN FAITH records or send for a FREE copy of the latest complete catalog of CHRISTIAN FAITH records available at the BIOLA BOOK ROOM.

CHRISTCHURCH FESTIVAL MALE VOICE CHOIR Vol. conducted by Ezra Coppin How Great Thou Art No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus The Lord's My Shepherd And Can It Be God So Loved the World A Mighty Fortress Is Our God CHARLES TURNER The Name of Jesus More Holiness Give Me Since I Found My Saviour Who'll Be the Next Hidden Peace How Sweet the Name PAUL CARSON at Pipe Favorite Hymns— Vol. 1 In the Garden Break Thou the Bread o f Life My Redeemer Pass Me Not The Stranger o f Galilee God Be With You Sweet Hour of Prayer THE RALPH CARMICHAEL BRASS CHOIR— Vol. 1 Christ Arose Come Thou Fount The Lord Is My Shepherd Jesus Shall Reign For the Beauty o f the Earth The Valley of Blessing .n the Cross

Hi-Fi Z 6003 $4.98

II Rise Up, O Men of God Nailed to the Cross Royal Diadem When I Survey He Will Hold Me Fast O Happy Day

VOICES OF SCOTLAND Vol. IV conducted by James McRoberts Hi-Fi ZLP 6017 $4.98 Behold the Wondrous Love Now Breaks the Dawn Beyond the Winter Winds That Blow Lord, I Am Thine Not All The Blood o f Beasts What A Friend W e Have in Jesus Come Ye, That Love The Lord Beloved, Now Are W e the Sons o f God The Song of the Soldier Choral Fanfare— Praise Ye the Lord Hark, Hark, My Soul W e Shall Rise, Hallelujah

Stereo 617 $4.98

Hi-Fi 1262 $3.98 Stereo 225 $4.98

I Belong to the King i Am His and He Is Mine Jesus Leads Let the Sunshine In The Hem o f His Garment He Will Hide Me


Hi-Fi 1391 $3.98

MALE CHORUS— Sing With Us Voi. 1 Stereo S-391 $4.98 Leaning on the Everlasting We're Marching to Zion Arms 'Tis- So Sweet To Trust in There Shall Be Showers o f Blessing I Am Praying For You My Redeemer Jesus God Will Take Care of You Amazing Grace When W e All Get to Heaven Wonderful Words o f Life


Hi-Fi 1806 $3.98 Stereo S-1908 $4.98

Holy. Holy, Holy My Jesus, I Love Thee Jesus Lover of My Soul Sweet By and By No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus

It is Well With My Soul Shall We Gather At The River ARNIE HARTMAN and his Accordian— Vol. 3 How Great Thou Art Make Me A .Blessing Constantly Abiding When I Survey The Wondrous Cross Ring The Bells o f Heaven

Hi-Fi 1389 $3.98 Stereo S-389 $4.98 Golden Harps Are Sounding How Firm A Foundation Come Thou Long Expected Jesus Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovan More Holiness Give Me

Hi-Fi 7053 $3.98 Stereo S-753 $4.98

In My Heart There Rings A Melody I Love To Tell The Story The Holy City Send The Light


THE WORLD VISION QUARTET— Hi-Fi 1597 $3.98 Vol. 1 Stereo S-597 $4.98 accompanied by Dick Anthony Ensemble. Lorin Whitney & Charles Give Me A Vision Give To Gain Wonderful Peace Ready Am I Do You Wonder Why I Love Him Behold, The Bridegroom Cometh Mason Empty Handed Rock Of Ages Do I Love Jesus The Missionary Army No Longer Lonely O Lord, I Give Myself To Thee


BIOLA BOOK ROOM 560 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. Enclosed please find $...... .............................. .......... for which please I send me -------------------- copies o f the New CHRISTIAN FAITH AN­ THOLOGY No. 3 in . . . High-Fi or . . . Stereo and the following Christian Faith Record at regular prices. A|s°, send me a FREE copy o f the catalog listing the complete line o f CHRISTIAN FAITH Records. Name ______________________________ Address many records as you want but be sure to send $3.98 w $ 4-98 for a record at regular price along with each Special offer , at, 98c. Add 35c for each two records for postage and taxes. CASH, CHECK or MONEY ORDER must accompany each order.

RUDY ATWOOD— "Song c with Lorin Whitney at the Pipe Organ The Glory of His Presence Glory to His Name Only Glory By and By A Glorious Church The Glory Song Like a River Glorious It Is Glory Just to Walk With Him Glorious Things o f Thee Are Spoken

P Glory"

Hi-Fi 1195 $3.98 Stereo S-207 $4.98

In the Cross of Christ I Glory Sing With All the Sons o f Glory To God Be the Glory God o f Grace God o f Glory Glory to Jesus All Glory, Laud and Honor Glory Be to the Father


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