King's Business - 1962-01

Training With Purpose diversified > accelerated > accredited

Dentistry F o u r -m o n th c o u rs e . A p ­ proved by State of C a lifo r­ nia Board of Dental Exam ­ iners, Department of V o c a ­ t io n a l a n d P r o fe s s io n a l Standards. O ffered in one semester. Practical training in m is s io n a r y d e n tis try . Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and lab­ oratory work. Classes start in January.

Nursing C o u rs e s fo r 4, 8 o r 12 months. Classroom , labora­ tory and hospital in s t r u c ­ tions and experience. The 12-month c o u rs e qualifies the graduate to take the C a lifo rn ia State Board Ex­ am ination and obtain the L V N . degree. Classes start in Septem­ ber and January.

Don't worry when you stumble . . . a worm is about the only thing that can't fall down.

The Shepherd's Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd Perfect Salvation. I shall not want Perfect Satisfaction. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures Perfect Rest. He leadeth me beside the still waters Perfect Refreshment. He restoreth my soul Perfect Restoration. He leadeth me in paths of righteous­ ness Perfect Guidance. I w ill fear no evil Perfect Protection. Thou art with me Perfect Company. Thy rod and Thy staff Perfect Com fort. Thou preparest a table Perfect Provision. Thou anoinest my head Perfect Consecration. M y cup runneth over Perfect Joy. Goodness and mercy shall follow me Perfect Care. I w ill dwell— forever Perfect Destiny. Trust "N o t saved are we by trying; From self can come no aid; 'T is on the blood relying, Once for our ransom paid. 'T is looking unto Jesus, The H oly One and Just, 'T is H is great work that saves us. It is not try but trust! No deeds of ours are needed T o make Christ m erit more; No frame of mind or feelings Can add to H is great store, 'T is simply to receive Him , Conscience gets a lot of credit that belongs to cold feet.

Dispensary Four-month c o u rs e Gives training in laboratory a n a l­ ysis and clin ica l practice. Instruction on how to set up a dispensary and how to deal intelligently with com ­ mon ailments. Classes start in January.

All courses are open to: Ch ristian missionaries, pros­ pective or on furlough, men or women workers, who may be stationed in areas remote from qualified medical care.

BIOLA SCHOOL OF MISSIONARY MEDICINE 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California



Sent to the follow ing groups as means provided. • Prisons • Servicemen • Missionaries Your help in any amount will be appreciated . . . THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.

The Holy One and Just; 'T is only to believe H im— It is not try but trust!

— Anonymous



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