King's Business - 1962-01

PHIL KERR'S "MUSIC IN EVANGELISM" Two books in one: a history of Gos­ pel Music, plus many stories of famous hymns and their writers. 216 pag es, c lo th $ 1 . 5 0 Phil Kerr's Gospel Songs - 50 cents Box 409, Glendale, California SCHOLS ..CHIIRCHESJIISSIONI Salem,Oregon SACRED PIANO SOLOS "There's a Wideness in God's Mercy" "Blessed be the Fountain" "Safe in the Arms o f Jesus" Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich hormonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations. Chimes. Each 35c. ALL THREE FOR $1.00 post­ paid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. Free toWRITERS s e e k in g a b o o k p u b l is h e r Two fact-filled, illustrated brochures tell how to publish your book, get 40% royalties, na­ tional advertising, publicity and promotion. Free editorial appraisal. W rite Dept. KB-1 Exposition Press / 386 4th Av«„ N.Y. 16 HO. 9-5883 HO. 9-5883 i^abuit ORIENTAL RUG on CLEANERS Largest in the West PORTABLEM IgÖRGAN ■ E A S Y T O P L A Y k- B U ILT S O L ID y iiks.O rg a n C o . Box2091 Subsidy Book Publisher (Author investment in first edition)

world newsgrams by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biela College

combat of weapons as a combat of ideas. Men like Major Budnik will help us win.”

Three Penguins Waddle 2,200 Miles on Ice to Find Birthplace The third of five little Adelie pen­ guins that were released at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, a year ago has re­ turned to its stoney home at Wilkes Station, 1,500 air miles away. The five birds were banded a year ago by Mr. Richard Lee Penney, University of Wisconsin zoologist, at Wilkes and then flown to McMurdo Sound and released there. Mr. Penney sought the answer to two questions: Would the birds find their way back to their breeding and hatching grounds at Wilkes, and if so, how long would it take them? Both questions were an­ swered when two of the birds arrived at Wilkes and showed up at their nests two days apart, indicating that they had not traveled together. Mr. Penney guessed that they had come by way of the sea and the pack ice, probably covering a distance of 2,250 and 2,400 statute miles through sixty degrees of longitude. He believes they found their way by a combination of means. These included clues from the positions of the sun and stars, indi­ cations of water from the neutral color of the sky near the horizon over the sea, coastal land marks, and an innate time sense still not well under­ stood. The third of the five birds has returned in apparent good condition after its long forced journey. Each year, on the anniversary of his assuming command of the 15th Bomb Squadron, Major Eugene I. Budnik arranges for a special cere­ mony. It is more religious than mili­ tary. The 40-year-old Air Force pilot and career officer, who has served in most of the Air Force’s major com­ mands since 1940, generally arranges for the base chaplain to talk to his men about divine guidance in mili­ tary and private life. “When I was given command,” the Major says, “ I wanted my men to know that, first of all, I am a Christian, and that when it came to decision that would have an influence on their lives, all the decisions I would make would be tempered by my belief in God.” Of this annual program, Chaplain (Lt.) Martin F. Foutz, Jr. says: “ I think we find ourselves not so much in a Officers Use Religion As Guide in Warfare

Bremen Disavows Anti-Jewish Pastor

The government of Bremen, Ger­ many, in a move against anti-Semi­ tism, voted recently to re-name a street that originally had been named after an outstanding nineteenth-cen­ tury Protestant pastor known for his strong anti-Jewish stand. Stoecker Street, commemorating Adolf Stoeck­ er, court chaplain in Berlin and founder of the Christian Social party in 1878, will be known hereafter as Johann-Bomemacher Street, in honor of one of the first preachers to intro­ duce Lutheranism in Bremen. Au­ thorities in Bremen acted after ' a Christian-Jewish workshop at the re­ cent German Evangelical Church Day Congress in Berlin had heard Pastor Stoecker denounced as “ having exert­ ed a disastrous anti-Semitic influence upon the church and the young clergy” and deserving to be counted among those who had paved the way for the Nazi persecution of Jews dur­ ing the Hitler regime. Peiping Communes Dief Communist China is using its sys­ tem of urban communes, developed exclusively and with little publicity in the last year and a half, to control consumption of scarce grain for its hungry millions. An estimated total of 56 000,000 city dwellers in China are believed to be eating, sleeping, working and raising children in more than 1,000 urban communes. Noting recent food shortages which have compelled Peiping to purchase record amounts of grain from abroad, a book recently published in Hong Kong con­ cludes, perhaps, the most important reason for large-scale development of urban communes is their role in con­ sumption control. “ There is strong evidence to suggest that the main rea­ sons for the sudden blossoming of urban communes in 1960 lay in their twin functions of controlling grain supplies and making use of surplus labor,” the author wrote. According to this writer, the mess hall, common to both city communes and the much more publicized rural communes, is rapidly becoming the determining factor in the amount of food a Chi­ nese family gets to eat.

545 M. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Celif. 11742 Ventura Blvd., Studie City, Celif. POplar 6-2479

THE LITTLE GIANT HOTOMATIC Gas Water Heater No. 3 Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in temperature. Inexpensive, too. Write for free folder. Dept. KB-22 LITTLE GIANT MFG. CO. 907 7th Street Orange, Texas

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