King's Business - 1962-01




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I am writing this letter as sort of a rebuttal to a remark made regarding the cover subject of the KB. I’m glad that you print a variety of remarks from your sub­ scribers (of which I am one of the hap­ pier), and usually when I agree with you and not the subscriber, I just shake my head and say to myself, “ Oh, well, it takes all kinds.” This last was too much, how­ ever, so I must tell you how I feel about your magazine covers. I think each issue has a lovely cover and I especially enjoy an issue which features the face of a child. You know, Jesus used a child as an example many times as the kind of person we should be like. I’ve seen many nice faces, but none can compare with the face of a child in prayer, worship, or study. So, thanks for every cover that pictures a child. I be­ lieve if Jesus thought that church steeples and buildings would lead a person to know Him better, He would have said so. Mrs. Verl Mason, National City, California P.S. Enclosed is the cover from a recent issue of the magazine published monthly

T Y HARDIN ARTICLE In THE KING’S BUSINESS (Novem­ ber, 1961), you gave a testimony by Ty Hardin which I enjoyed very much. I am glad that there are some movie stars who are Christians. But, how can he co-star in “ Cheyenne” which isn’t a good show for anyone? Why doesn’t he play in Chris­ tian shows and then put them on TV? In fact, I wish that there was even one pow­ erful inspirational TV station. Mrs. L. J. Walker, Ritzville, Washington Thank God for the article by Ty Hardin at the very end of your magazine for November. I was so thrilled to see it. I pray for the salvation of so many of the Hollywood stars and entertainers, includ­ ing the other person who alternates on this program. God grant that many other Christians might be moved to pray for these people who have everything but Christ. They are some of the most miser­ able people in the world. Mrs. M. L. Sausser, Kentfield, California PRISONER WRITES OF APPRECIATION W e have greatly appreciated receiving the magazines you have sent. I don’t know how to thank you. This literature has been both instructional and inspirational, and passes through many hands so that its worth can be obtained and we are all deeply grateful. (Name withheld) 027693, Walla Walla, Wash. E ditor ’ s N o te : A s readers contribute to THE KING’S BUSINESS “ Free Fund,” we are able to send gift subscriptions to prisoners, service men, and missionaries who are not able to afford a subscription themselves. The “Free Fund” is now de­ pleted, with requests from around the world for magazines. Gifts are tax deducti­ ble, and go one hundred per cent for the subscription. MORE COMM EN TS ON COVERS Nobody can please everybody. There’s no use to try, but the little barefoot Chinese boys (October, 1961), took my eye. I don’t care for pictures of church buildings. Frank Judy, Fresno, California Your column, “ Reader Reaction,” real­ ly got me red hot, so to speak. Edna An­ derson writes to THE KING’S BUSINESS, “ Please put pictures of churches with steeples, instead of children. The churches look nicer.” Is she a child hater! Since when has man with his hands made a thing of wood, plaster and stone more beautiful than that which God has made? I am sorry I cannot say that I a Chris­ tian, but do say I am a sinner with the hope of salvation. Edward March, Jr., Phoenixvilie, Pennsylvania

(G ive name of church) 1463 Vine St. Hollywood 28, Calif. Hollywood 3-3155


It is a pleasure to announce a l o n g overdue m inistry: Christ- centered litera­ ture in the field o f psychology. For one y e a r you w ill receive each month (1) A small month- I y m a g a z in e p a c k e d with helpful articles

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by Safeway Stores, for whom my husband works. Isn’t it lovely?

ARTICLES ON CULTS I appreciate the articles on Moral Re- Armament and “ God’s Time Table for Russia.” We Christians need to keep in­ formed. M r . C. A. Engel!, Tacoma, Washington INTERPRETATION OF EZEKIEL I am grieved to see you publish an arti­ cle in THE KING’S BUSINESS contrary to the expressed statements of Scripture. I refer to the message on Ezekiel 38 and 39 (October, M. R. DeHaan, “ God’s Time Table” ). It says, “ Russia will meet her doom in Palestine when she meets up with the Western alliance of nations under the leadership of a Super-man upon the moun­ tains of Israel.” The Bible explicitly says in Ezekiel 38:13 that the Western powers simply make a feeble protest against Rus­ sia. M r . Maude C. Smith, Tuscan, Arizona



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