King's Business - 1962-01

An IVI.G.F. Sunday school led by Rev. and Mrs. Chris Ummel, Biola graduates. JoKjottm StidUfetiMbU Mm by Vanita Kronquest

I w a s k e p t from some real wicked­ ness this afternoon because of this Prodigal Son lesson,” declared the disturbed man who settled down in the front row after testing several seats. The scene was a Bible class for migrant farm laborers in California. “ I’m getting right with God,” he promised missionary Irene Schoen- wether of Missionary Gospel Fellow­ ship, Inc., a mission to migrant and more permanent farm workers in Lab­ or Camps. “ Somehow God will take care of me and my five,” announced a mi­ grant mother. “Read in Matthew that God cares for sparrows, Miss Sterling, so don’t see about relief for us.” This scene was a Florida Labor Camp. Fourteen claimed Christ in an Ari­ zona Labor Camp’s Center Building as

“ That Kid Buck” reeled its last pic­ ture. Similar events occur around the calendar as missionaries assume the role of pastor, evangelist, and friend in “ old federal” and private Camps. The film, “ Something to Die For” (in Spanish) was shown fourteen times with “ forgotten men” crowding the Florida area. Once a bed in the yard sagged under the weight of twenty-two youngsters who occupied it during Bible class. One lad trailed the missionary, hearing the message three times “ so I kin get it straight and tell my parents,” said he. Stretching from north of Sacramen­ to to south of the border; scattered throughout Arizona, Florida, Okla­ homa, (and now Texas), M. G. F. mis­ sionaries saw 1,449 professions of faith in Christ in 1961. Of course, God

keeps the books. A number of these missionaries were trained at The Bi­ ble Institute of Los Angeles. They have influenced several migrant youths to train there as well. Today these young people are fine Christian leaders; some are overseas. Among 15 successful Christian business men spear-heading mission business is a BIOLA graduate, (headquarters, Tur­ lock, California). The twenty former M. G. F. mis­ sionaries, now serving overseas, value experiences in migrant work as boot- camp training. Gleaning a harvest among 100,000 Mexicans pressing across the border, working among whites, Negroes and others is a gigantic task. No less chal­ lenging is work among “ Island men” invading Florida yearly, from Jamai-

A n M .G .F . M issionary Preaches to " Island Men” F rom : Jam a ic a , Puerto R ico , Bahamas, Barbados, British Gu inea, G uatem ala and L eew ard Islands



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