King's Business - 1962-01

C l a s s i f i ed Ads 75 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 H AJI Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Christian Homes Christian's Guest Home. Blind persons invited. 19802 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, California. Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale Help Wanted Christian non-profit organization need experienced children's workers. Single or married. Board, room, compensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Washington. Born-again couple to assist at Mission. Man may be either lay or ordained. Age no harrier it, at least, one is active and in good health. Write to Trinity Mission, Inc., 24.250 Santa Cruz Highway, Los Gatos> California. Experienced clerk-typists needed in office of Christian Publishing Company located in Los An­ geles. Some experience as receptionist and book­ keeping desirable. Good working conditions and benefits. Send small photo and complete resume of personal background and experience to Box No. 400 c /o King's Business. Christian Houseparents wanted for a Christian Home for teenage boys in Central California. Live in. Write P.O. Box 781, Turlock, California giving experience and background. Missions Witness With Tracts! 100 only $1.00 Evangelical Missionary Action, Ruskin, B.C., Canada. Music Correct and singable hymn music composed, ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders free.. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Free In form a tion How you can study the Bible BIOLA EVENING SCHOOL Dr. Chase A. Sawtell, Director 13800 Biola Ave., La M irada, California To identify yourself when writing advertisers, simply mention "King's Business." ThragM theWest., the Bible listitoteHour” Help keep the Gospel on the air 9Til Christ comes in the aìri Th«‘ Bible Institute Hour LOS ANGELES 17, CALIFORNIA Home for the aged, with emphasis fellowship and service. Twenty-four 1941 E. Center, Anaheim, California on Christian hour care. PR 6-1951.

Pearce have co-authored the popular 1962 edition of “ Broadman Com­ ments,” a one volume commentary on the Sunday school lessons. Mr. Norman Mydske and Mr. Robert W . Bedard, have completed a survey which has led to the granting of a radio station license to The Evange­ lical Alliance Mission for Lima, Peru. The station will eventually be 50,000 watts of power. Miss Beth Huddleston, with student nurse Hipatia Brito, assist a patient

Dr. V . Raymond Edman, president of Wheaton College, has announced that work will begin this spring on a new Conservatory of Music building.

Wheaton Music Conservatory Funds have been largely provided by M r. Logan Fulgrath, New York attor­ ney, in addition to other bequests. The structure will cost nearly a half­ million dollars. Dr. R. Kenneth Strachan, general di­ rector of the Latin America Mission, reports that a full-scale effort to reach Guatemala’s 4,000,000 citizens will begin January 28. The country’s evan­ gelical alliance and ministerial as­ sociation will co-sponsor the program. Dr. Harry McCormick Lintz is conclud­ ing his 30th year in full-time evan­ gelism. M r. Vincent Ho-

HCJB Hospital 9 in the Rimmer Memorial Hospital sponsored by HCJB in Quito, Ecuador. Rev. Harry Webster, after almost 20 years in the Chaplaincy, has been called to the pastorate of the Ameri­ can Community Church, Saigon, un­ der the ministry of the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination. Dr. Alan Redpath, pastor of the Moody Memorial Church, has an­ nounced dates for the Ninth Annual Mid - America Keswick Convention, October 13-21, 1962. M r. Pat Zondervan reports that near­ ly 30,000 copies of the Amplified Old Testament will soon be published in February of this year. M r. Dick Palmquist, general manager of Family Stations REAR (FM ), San Francisco and KEBR (FM ), Sacra­ mento), has announced that KQXR (FM) in Bakersfield will be rebroad-

gren has been se­ lected as the new p r e s i d e n t for Scripture Pr es s , Wheaton, Illinois. Dr. V . E. Cory, founder and first p r e s i d e n t , be­ comes chairman

M r. Hogren of the Board of Directors.

Rev. Everett F. Swanson, of the Evan­ gelistic Association which bears his name, was recently honored by the President of South Korea for his dis­ tinguished work with orphans. More than $300,000 worth of vitamins were recently sent to ESEA orphanages in Korea. Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., founder of Bob Jones University, has announced that during the school’s annual Bible Con­ ference, April 1-8, speakers will in­ clude, Dr. Harold P. Warren, Dr. Henry Grube, Dr. Charles Bishop, Dr. Archer Weniger, Dr. Noel Smith, and Rev. Robert Sumner. Mr. Pat Robertson, son of Virginia’s Senator A. Willis Robertson, has opened a non-commercial television station in Portsmouth, Virginia. No time will be sold; however, donations from viewers will be used to main­ tain the operation. Dr. H. I. Hester and Dr. J. Winston

Radio Ministry Expands casting programs released over REAR. Pictured above is M r. Elward Robertson, co-owner of KQXR signing the agree­ ment. At the right is Mr. Robert Hodel, and left, Palmquist.



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