King's Business - 1962-01

H E L P W I N S O U L S I N U R U G U A Y See new sound film “ The Challenge of the Purple Land” in your church. Founder-Director of the Evangelical Mission to Uruguay is in U.S.A. to fill engagements. Write today for details and open dates. FULLY A FAITH WORK Thrill to the story of multitudes Rev. F. V. reached by Uruguayan Nationals Dabold through open air, radio, tract dis- Founder-Dir. tribution, personal witnessing, etc. Indigenous churches planted on Pauline principles. First Bible school in Uruguay established. Hold up the hands of devoted native workers. Swell their number with your prayers and support. News Letter and Film Information FREE. EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. P.O. Box 1124-K, Fort Pierce, Florida GLENDALE READERS will find all of their supply needs at THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM 121 West Wilson, Glendale, California

3.50 There seems to be a change in Christian moral standards. I have found that our pastor attends such productions as "Ben Hur," "The Ten Commandments," and this new film, "King of Kings." Time magazine recently reviewed the latter pic­ ture and told how deplorable it is. If the world evaluated such films in this manner, what right do we Christians have of attending them? My children have even seen the pastor's children waiting in line at the show Saturday afternoon. Do you think I should let mine go? Where should one draw the line? It is becoming increasingly difficult. FILM ENDORSED Since you have asked for opinions, let me say that I be­ lieve every Christian should see "Ben Hur." I went and was thrilled. Why do we condemn such a production when some of the films which Christians themselves have made are much worse. In fact, we seem to try to imitate the world THE KING'S BUSINESS E d i t o r ’ s N o t e : Beginning with this month's issue we are using this page of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS to let our readers express their opinions on various subjects of general interest. Correspond­ ence concerning any of the items which appear are cordially in­ vited. Letters in their entirety or excerpts therefrom uAll be used at the discretion of the editors. I f you have opinions on the sub­ jects presented this month, or any other subjects which may be of special interest to others, you are invited to write to Vox Pop, c/o The King’s Business. Ideas expressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING ’S BUSINESS or of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. WHY CONDEMN DIVORCE I have often wondered why the church has so consistently condemned divorce. If the facts were known, there are prob­ ably few families, even ministers' homes, which are not shaken with domestic difficulties. I believe God intended that our lives should be filled with joy. If marriage is to destroy this joy, then divorce seems to be a natural alter­ native. Perhaps my opinion will be thought merely an ex­ cuse for divorce, but why should two people live in hypocrisy before men. Isn't such shame more of a sin than is divorce? CHRISTIANS ATTEND BIBLE MOVIES

Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine. 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.

Evangelical Teacher Training Course 6 Units, Preliminary Certificate Course ....$17.00 6 Units, (plus 6 units Preliminary Course) Advanced Certificate Course ...................... 17.00 Courses by Louis T. Talbot, D.D., LL.D. "Christ in the Tabernacle" ............................ 6.50 "God's Plan o f the Ages" .............................. 5.00 "Prophecies o f Daniel" ............r.................... 6.50 "Studies in Romans" .......................................... 5.50 "The Book o f Ephesians" ................................. 5.50 "The Book o f Revelation" ................................ 6.50 "The Cults" 6 Units ($2.00 per unit) ...... 6.50 Course by Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D. "Prophetic Events in the Light o f the Minor Prophets" .................................... 16.50 5 Units ($4.50 per Unit) "Bible Foundation Course" ..........J................ 3.00 "Biblical Geography" ________________ "Child Evangelism" .......................................... 5.50 "Chapter Summary" ............................................. 5.50 "Fundamental Doctrines" ................................. 6.50 "Junior Bible W ork" .......... 1.25 "Non-Christian Religions" ................... ;......... 4.00 "Practical Bible Training" ................................. 2.50 "Studies For New Christians" ______ 1.00 "Studies In The Gospels" ................................. 6.50 "The Book o f Acts" ............................................. 3.50 Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 558 (KB-1) South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California Send for special Class Study Materials. W rite now for new descriptive brochure.

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