in our evening church meet ings. This seems more out of place than going to the movies. I would like to know how others feel about this. SEGREGATION OR INTEGRATION As you probably can guess, I am from the South, however, I do not see why there is so much problem on the matter of the separation of races. When we were at home, we loved the colored people, but each of us kept to our own bound aries, and there was no un happiness. Today there seems to be hatred and bitterness. I feel that if we did not force integration, t he re would never be these diffi culties. It is disgusting to hear some of the current dis cussions on this subject. I believe I have seen in your magazine, or at least I have heard some preachers say how deplorable the United Na tions is. With this being our only ray of peaceful exist ence, although it may be small, why must the church, which stands for peace, take "shots" at those who are sin cerely and honestly trying to achieve world order? I think we Christians have enough to work on, namely in fighting sin, rather than throwing stones at the UN. I have even heard some say that the UN is of the devil and is the forerunner of the system of anti-Christ. Let us stay out of politics, nationally or i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y , and stick to the commission which our Lord gave us ! WHAT ABOUT THE UNITED NATIONS
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