Emergency Numbers
Police, Fire, & Ambulance: 911 In cases of fire, serious illness or injury, or a crime in progress, call 911 first and then 5555 so that Laboratory Security is aware and can assist in guiding Emergency First Responders to the scene.
Poison Control 1-800-222-1222
Lab Closing Information 516-367-6877
The telephone prefix for dialing outside the Lab is 3. For example, to dial the telephone number (631) 555-1212, key in the following: 1-3-631-555-1212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dialing emergency services, Fire, Police, or Ambulance does not require any prefix. To dial any of those services, just dial 911 .
Newsletter Information
Bridget Shanley, Editor bshanley@cshl.edu 516-367-5014
CSHL Newsletter One Bungtown Road Luke Building Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724
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