October 2021 Employee Newsletter

Meet the CIO Please give a warm welcome to Doug Torre, our new VP, Chief Information Officer! Before joining CSHL, Mr. Torre was head of technology for the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. His work focused on the modernization of the solution architectures, adopting “cloud first” platforms and initiating a cyber security program. Prior to Mellon, Mr. Torre was Chief Technology Officer for Northwell Health. At Northwell he led technology innovation, architecture, security, and operations. He also pioneered the use of service- oriented architectures to improve population health. We are glad to have Doug at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. He said he was drawn to CSHL because of its powerful research mission and knew it was a very special place. He is very excited to be here. Outside of work, Doug is a husband and a father to 4 boys in lower Westchester. Mr. Torre is an active mentor, supporting the Columbia University’s Master of Science in Technology Management program. Originally from Buffalo, Mr. Torre founded a charity focused on improving technology access for disadvantaged youth. Since its inception, the Ed Tech Foundation of Western New York has supported more than 150 schools, organizations, and community centers.


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