2023-2024 Garden Mum Supplement | Americas

Pamela ™ Orange

Geographical Regions

What is the Flowering Response?

In all of our variety charts and technical tables, Syngenta Flowers notes a flowering response for each garden mum variety. These weeks or timing suggestions for blackcloth and natural season production have been collected from extensive trialing over many years throughout the United Starts and Canada. We use Stage 2 as our official flowering date, as shown in the photo below on the right. Most wholesale growers would consider this stage too advanced or open for retail, and prefer to ship mums when “cracking color”, or at Stage 1 as shown in the photo to the left. This timing can be achieved by planning the production finish date 7–10 days prior to our posted flowering response date for the variety.

Flowering Response Information To help fine tune the varietal differences to night temperature and natural daylength, we have redefined the regions within our North American technical information.

North Areas with long natural daylengths in July and August, and cool night temperatures that cause flower initiation before the critical photoperiod is reached.

West Coast & California West Coast and High Altitude: Areas with night temperatures that are consistently at or below 60 °F during June, July, and August create flower bud initiation even under the longest days of the year. Flowering will occur 7, 8, 9, or 10 weeks after exposure to the cold night temperatures, depending on the variety and time of year. Flowering response is faster for September and October ship weeks than it is for July and August ship weeks.



Mid Areas with long natural daylengths in July and August, and warm night temperatures, where flower initiation is caused when critical photoperiod has been reached. This is unlike the North where initiation can occur earlier than by photoperiod alone.

"Crack Color Week"

"Response Week"

South Areas with shorter natural daylengths in July and August, and warm night temperatures where flower initiation occurs with the critical photoperiod but is reached sooner than in the North and Mid regions. Some varieties that are sensitive to high night temperatures will not initiate exactly when the critical photoperiod is reached.

Bud Color Typical Wholesale Ship Stage

Some Fresh Flowers Approx. 50% Open Stage

Ideal for Wholesale Grower

Source: Trial in Monroeville, New Jersey, 2013




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