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Vankleek Hill celebrates local music

With a voice like BobDylan, John the Balladeer offers nostalgic and entertaining easy listening for passersby during Porchfest. —photo Elise Merlin

Music was in the air all over the town last Saturday in VankleekHill as another Porchfest got under way, offering live music of all styles and origins, courtesy of talented solo artists and groups providedwith a little stage roomon someone’s neighbourhood porch. Gordon Nixon rocked on with popular songs on his electric guitar during the all-day community music festival. —photo Elise Merlin

SamanthaMacNeil enchanted listeners with her guitar, Saturday afternoon. —photo Elise Merlin


Les samedis et dimanches jusqu’au bVHSWHPEUH . Départ toutes les 20 minutes du stationnement gratuit du CEGEP John Abbott de 10 h à 20 h. 6DWXUGD\VDQG6XQGD\V XQWLO6HSWHPEHU 17 . Departure every 20 minutes from the free parking lot at John Abbott College from 10 am to 8 pm.

NAVETTE GRATUITE FREE SHUTTLE BUS Embarquez dans la QDYHWWHJUDWXLWH et partez à la découverte des attraits touristiques de Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue. Hop on our IUHHVKXWWOHEXV and tour Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue’s attractions.


Zoo Ecomuseum Ecomuseum Zoo

Parc Lalonde – Marché Sainte-Anne

Ferme Macdonald Macdonald Farm

Village patrimonial Heritage village

Musée de l’aviation de Montréal Montreal Aviation Museum Rue Sainte-Anne Sainte-Anne Street

Écluse Parcs Canada Parks Canada Lock

Arboretum Morgan et Observatoire Bellevue Morgan Arboretum

and Bellevue Observatory

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