Ramblin Jackson - October 2021

How to Adapt to Changing Buying Behaviors Customers are starting to shift their buying actions online. What does this mean? Customer expectations are changing! They’re expecting to learn more before they meet with a landscaping sales person, a team member, or the owner. This is one of the biggest trends I’ve seen shifting over the past four years of working in the green industry. have too little information on your website, then you get too many leads calling you who don’t know very much about your services or your process. What needs to happen next? Your office staff has to spend time talking with them on the phone explaining the information your website could have taken care of.

Think about it.

In the past, a big focus for our clients was on getting more leads. Now, many landscapers find themselves in a situation where they have too many leads, and they’re looking for efficient ways to filter those leads and determine which leads are worth their attention. They want to know:

If you were getting ready to spend a good chunk of money on a home improvement project, maybe $100,000 or $200,000, wouldn’t you want to gather more information about a potential company you’re considering working with before you give them a call? I would like to know what their process looks like, how much the project is going to cost, what the next steps are, and so on. These expectations are so high right now. Your customers want to do their research online before they speak with anyone. Recognize the fact that customers are probably comparing you to your competitors before they talk with you as well. Say you and a competitor both have amazing photos on your website, and you both include some

How do I figure out who’s a good one and who’s going to be a waste of time?

One of the ways to filter leads is through using a pricing page and talking about your process on your website. You want to weed people out and let them

self-eliminate. The people who aren’t going to meet your budget or your timeline … they can find someone else to work with! When you testimonials from previous customers. But, you include a sales process and pricing page and your competitor doesn’t. Who do you think the customer will reach out to first? YOU. Tap Into a Successful CEO’s Mind SENIOR LANDSCAPE MARKETING STRATEGIST, RAMBLIN JACKSON How ‘The Outsiders’ Provides an Unconventional Road Map –Robert Felton

What if you could harness the knowledge and skill possessed by some of the world’s top CEOs — specifically eight of them? With investment expert and author William N. Thorndike Jr.’s “The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success,” you can. After years of analyzing investments and the companies behind meteoric climbs on Wall Street, Thorndike has compiled stories, lessons, and tactics used by eight CEOs whose methods and beliefs don’t mirror those of other leaders — unconventional leaders like Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson or SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, whose companies’ growth speaks volumes for their methodology. Thorndike examines the successes of various business leaders, like pet food company Ralston Purina’s CEO or Berkshire Hathaway’s top leader, to discover what makes these companies so successful, even as they quietly grow. Through his storytelling and deep-dive into the mindsets of these CEOs, Thorndike offers readers various perspectives on a different way to amass success. Thorndike also illuminates how many of these top business minds were quietly outpacing their loud, celebrity-like counterparts.

For example, frugality is a major component of their success, while most others view a singular metric as the biggest determining factor in their company’s long-term success. Together, many of these top CEOs often value the human elements of their business, attributing the people they have working for them as one of the most important parts of their company growth.

As you read through the various lessons and experiences of these CEOs, you find models emerging. Some of the tactics may work for you, while others prove that unconventional methods were never out of the box to begin with. All told, Thorndike’s “The Outsiders” is a reminder that sometimes the quiet ones make the most progress. You can learn more about Thorndike’s book at Goodreads.com, or you can find it on Amazon.com or your favorite bookstore.

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