PE SPECIALISTS Even within the categories of start-up, scale-up and buy out, investors have different approaches. • Sector specialists who focus on one area, such as technology or, even more specialist, software. • Level of control : some investors want majority control whereas others are prepared to take a minority stake. • Involvement : some investors adopt a passive approach when managing the investment, to the extent of not even taking a board seat. • Timeframes : some investors have exit timeframes of 3-5 years whereas others are happy to have longer-term holds.
PE: ENDLESS OPPORTUNITY WITHIN A COMPLEX LANDSCAPE As you can see, the investor landscape is vast and varied. This may seem daunting for first-timers but it is actually a positive. It means there is an investor for virtually any size of company, in any tech subsector and for any type of deal. If you are looking for PE investment, be clear what type of deal and investor you are looking for. It also pays to find a good advisor too, as this will be critical in getting the right investor and negotiating the right deal for your tech business.
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