Roz Marketing - July/August 2023

Take a look at the latest edition of The Roz Report!

The Roz Report



Especially in the Tax Resolution Business! ONE IS THE LONELIEST NUMBER …

A few weeks ago, I barely avoided a disaster.

The day started normally enough: I woke up bright and early and walked downstairs to make coffee. I poured a cup for Roslyn, stirred two Sweet ‘n Lows and a little cream into my mug, and took both coffees upstairs. After chatting with Roslyn for a few minutes, I headed back down the steps to write in my journal. I always start with the same sentence: “It’s already a great day because it is!”Then, I put together a gratitude list and write about the day ahead. That morning, I was looking forward to a six-hour immersion training for our Founder’s Mastermind that started at 8 a.m. sharp. When writing my journal entry, I got ready for the day and checked my email from my home computer before heading into the office. I answered some messages, deleted others, and went to work with a nice clean inbox. Why am I telling you all this? Well, when I got to the office, my inbox was the first hint that something was wrong. Somehow, it was full again. The same messages I’d just deleted were back. I immediately checked my taskbar and discovered that both phones and the internet were down. That would have frustrated me any day, but this particular day was worse than most for an outage. It was already 6:30 a.m., and the clock was ticking toward 8. Without the internet, there was no way I could run my six-hour Founder’s Mastermind immersion training over Zoom. The hardwire connection was down, so I thought, “What about Wi-Fi?” Scrolling through the options, I found an old, abandoned network we used at the office three or four years ago.

“It’s not a matter of IF something will stop working, but WHEN.”

That’s when I heard it: A little whisper from the Man above said, “Michael, click on that.” So, I did, and it worked — the Wi-Fi connection was just strong enough to make the immersion training possible. It dropped a few times during the six hours, but our Founder’s Mastermind members still learned cutting-edge information on email marketing and AI, just like I promised. The next morning, after I poured my coffee, the first item on my gratitude list was, “Thank God I had a backup wireless connection for yesterday’s training!”

Continued on Page 6 ...

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Food for Thought A Moment Like This

Have you ever had a moment, like a vacation, party, or even a business meeting, turn out better than you planned? We’ve all had moments like these, but for the most part, we’re lucky if what we’re planning turns out as good as we hope. Let’s face it, Murphy’s law happens all the time. This past June, Roz Strategies held its first in-person Founder’s Mastermind event at Walt Disney World in Orlando. (As a side note, Platinum Mastermind members were also invited, but they already meet in person three times a year.) It took over a year to plan, and there were a lot of details involved, but when it was over, Michael, our team, and I realized it turned out better than we imagined. As a little background, I titled the event The Magical Marketing Experience. I had seen someone lead “behind the scenes” tours at Disney World with other entrepreneurs, and I’ve always wanted to go on one of these tours. Then I thought, “Wouldn’t this be fun to do with our Founder’s Mastermind group?”It was the end of April 2022. Michael was working on his May six-hour training for our Founder’s group that’s held virtually in our studio we had built during the pandemic. We had been meeting virtually for two years, and I told Michael, “Let’s create a bonus for the following year where we can all meet in person.” At first, Michael was hesitant — taking over 100 people on

tour to Walt Disney World is no easy feat. Creating experiences, events, and fun is what I love doing the most, so I won. I got to work, and Dave Dee, who works with us on a lot of our events, recommended the premier Disney tour guide, Andrew Lock, who also wrote a book called, “Walt’s Way.” One thing led to another, and the next thing you know, we’d booked him. Andrew recommended the Swan and Dolphin Resort on the Disney property. I negotiated a reasonable room rate for our guests and a few other things. After the contracts were signed, I was assigned a Disney concierge to help me with buying tickets, etc. My project manager, Ruthie, made the planning more fun, as we worked side-by-side on this event. A month before the event, I sent everyone a copy of “Walt’s Way.”Two weeks before, we sent out luggage tags with a picture of Mickey Mouse from “Fantasia” and the name of our company, event, and group. It all sounds so simple! The fact of the matter is that it’s a lot of work to host an event, and Michael and I had overbooked our 2023 work schedule, and along with an illness of a loved one and other life occurrences, we felt overwhelmed. We also felt like the show must go on. So, away we went with our entire staff off to Orlando.

We met over a hundred of our Founder’s Mastermind members in person the night before the tour at our check-in, meet-and-greet cocktail hour. It was great to meet in person names we all knew and faces we’d seen on the screen. The day of the tour, gathering and grouping 100 people and getting everyone over to Epcot, it all worked out perfectly. Although there were three thunderstorms during the day, the guides had passed out plastic ponchos! We also walked over 7 miles. The last day was in the conference room with Andrew doing a presentation on how everyone could use Disney marketing in their businesses, Michael went through some exercises and worksheets, and Dave Dee ended the program teaching his Bridges exercise. The real magic happened afterward, when we saw people posting in the Facebook group all they learned and what they were going to implement in their lives and businesses. The event ended on a high note. When planning anything in life, I stay out of the results. Many people say to “visualize” your success, and I’m aware of what I want my success to be, but I’ve realized when I don’t paint the entire picture of an outcome, it leaves room for the picture to paint itself better than I’ve dreamed of. This leads me back to you. My question for you is this: What are you planning in your life that you would like to be better than you imagined? Go for it, don’t hesitate to create some magic in your life, and instead of visualizing it all, just see what better you’ve imagined turns out to be. For my Founder’s and Platinum Mastermind members, see you all next May 2024 in Universal Studios, Hollywood! FYI, we won’t be walking 7 miles. –Roslyn Rozbruch

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After three years of meeting virtually and a year of planning, the Roz Strategies Team finally got to meet 106 of our Founder’s Mastermind members in person! No better place to do it than Disney World! It was three days of fun and learning with Platinum Mastermind members joining. We kicked off with a cocktail reception meet-and-greet. On day two, we broke into groups and had a “behind the scenes” magical marketing tour at Epcot with Disney expert Andrew Lock, author of “Walt’s Way,” and day three was in the conference room for a day of presentations, coaching, and hot seats! Here’s to seeing the Mastermind groups next year at Universal Studios, Hollywood! Founder’s Mastermind Magical Marketing Experience at Disney World

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MIKE ORNELAS, EA Platinum Mastermind Member Spotlight

Not many tax resolution specialists can trace their careers all the way back to their childhood. Mike Ornelas, EA, owner of Sacramento Tax Resolution, is one who can. His parents had a tax prep business, and Mike showed an interest and aptitude for the work. “I was 8 years old when I first started. My mom promised me candy in exchange for doing work with entering the expenses from a client into Peachtree,” he recalls. “When I was a teenager, my parents would regularly ask me to do tax or bookkeeping tasks for them.” Mike was home-schooled, so he could help out in the business when his school and homework were done. In the summers, he worked full time. After college, Mike settled into the family business full time. He was still in his early 20s when he began looking for his own niche in the tax world. He didn’t like the technical aspects of the business, so he asked his dad if there was something else he could do to benefit the business. That something turned out to be marketing. “My dad’s entire marketing campaign consisted of sending a letter to 10,000 new homeowners in late December, early January. He would also send a letter to a couple thousand new business owners, and he would get some clients from that. That was the extent of his marketing campaigns,” Mike explains. Mike got the go-ahead to look into marketing for the family business. It was the beginning of a mission that continues to this day. Mike started his quest by seeking out “the gurus” in the tax and accounting industry. That search led him to a book by Dan Kennedy, where he learned about Chauncey

Hutter, who was the guru for growing a family tax prep business. Mike decided to travel cross-country to attend a Hutter event. Mike shares that he learned a lot at that event and told his dad, “We need to raise our prices.”When Mike started looking into the client files, he found a tremendous opportunity to upsell. Mike says, “Some needed bookkeeping, and some of them were in tax trouble. That first year alone, we added about $50,000 to the bottom line.” Mike decided to target tax problem clients, and he found a resource in the corner of his dad’s office. This was during the ‘90s, and Mike’s dad had attended a Jack McDonough seminar and brought back a binder from the event with information for getting tax resolution clients. Mike looked into taking a course with McDonough but learned that he’d moved on to work with tax attorneys. So, Mike sought out another guru: Larry Lawler. It was at a Lawler event that Mike finally connected with the mentor who would help him triple his income in just two years, and that was Michael Rozbruch. “During the seminar, they were talking about how to help clients resolve their tax issues, and 99.9% of what they were saying was going over my head because I had no experience,” Mike says. “I remember that Larry kept pointing to this guy, also named Mike, in the back of the room. This Mike had all the answers.” It was 2008, and Michael Rozbruch was still running a very successful tax resolution practice. Mike (Ornelas) was quick to let Roz know that if he ever

Mike and Amelia Ornelas

started a coaching group, he wanted to be one of his clients.

Fast forward to 2018, and Mike had gone out on his own. He needed to build his business, and in 2014 when Roz Strategies launched, Mike purchased the Tax Resolution System and Toolkit, and in 2020, he joined the Platinum Mastermind. But it was the coaching call Mike had with The Roz Man that changed his business forever. “Rozbruch said, ‘You need to work on your numbers, and you need to work on your closing rate because your closing rate is abysmal.’ I took his advice to heart,” Mike says, “and the business — it’s grown. We made $956,000 last year in revenue. So, essentially, in two years since joining the coaching group, we’ve tripled our revenue!” Mike says he doesn’t understand people who won’t make the investment in the Roz Strategies coaching program. “You can’t argue with results,” Mike says. “Michael’s advice and insight and guidance have been the fuel that has really ignited our growth. The results speak for themselves.” Now that Mike has followed the program, it has given him the “margin” in his life he needs to spend quality time with his family as well as pursue personal interests that include watching movies in the theater, going to the beach, and volunteering with his church, which he calls his passion project. “Having my own business has allowed me to free up my time,” Mike says. “It’s been really rewarding.”

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Join Us Thursday, Aug. 24–Saturday, Aug. 26, 2023 for a 360-degree, totally interactive experience at our Virtual 8th Annual Tax Resolution Success Summit! Welcome to the Ultimate Showdown of the Century: Join the movement and become a champion tax resolution provider!


Day I: Learn the latest marketing strategies that are working today that no one will ever tell you about!

Day II: Discover how to

Day III: Learn “insider” shortcuts on how to resolve your Tax Resolution cases quickly that nobody else teaches!

properly conduct your consultations and get a check or credit card on the spot. Almost everyone gets this wrong!

Register here:

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Congratulations to R.C. Thornton for hitting the six-figure mark and closing $109,000 in sales in one month! Kudos to Patrick Noone for sharing he was retained recently for not only following up with a potential client several times but also answering her objections using Roz Strategies methods! Yep, the money is in the follow-up! High-five to Antonio Nava for selling seven cases in one week and receiving $57,250 in fees! Kudos to Randall Brody for putting more time and intention into referral marketing to grow his tax resolution business and sharing he received a $35,000 retainer from a referral source. Way to go, Logan Allec , for bringing your father into your practice and training him to sell cases — but more than that, how great for your father to change his mindset from, “They could just do this themselves,” to feeling great about helping people with their tax debt. Mindset is everything, and there’s no better feeling than helping someone get the IRS off their backs. Congratulations, Len Nelms , on the wedding of your daughter (who also works with you), Chloe Nelms , to Corey Bond . How wonderful! SHOUT

... continued from Cover

This experience reminded me that in the tax resolution business (or any business, really), one is the loneliest number. Stuff happens, so as business owners, we always need backups. You can’t rely on one internet connection, one line of credit with your bank, or one customer to be your main source of revenue. Instead, you need multiple networks, multiple income streams, and multiple marketing strategies to operate successfully. It’s not a matter of IF something will stop working, but WHEN it will stop working. It could happen for a good reason or for no reason at all! One thing I teach the tax professionals in our Founder’s Mastermind is how to layer their marketing strategies. This is vital because, in my experience, successful practitioners in the tax resolution business have 5–7 marketing campaigns working simultaneously at all times. That’s what it takes to be “everywhere” — on your prospect’s Facebook feed, on their radio, in their mailbox, etc. — and ensure all boats rise in the harbor. The Founder’s Mastermind also offers another perk: multiple perspectives on your business. You can grow your business faster with wisdom from many directions, just like you can bring in more leads with many marketing campaigns. Members of the Founder’s Mastermind get that wisdom through immersion experiences covering technical training, marketing, and sales; quarterly Hot Seat sessions; private coaching calls with yours truly; and more.

The opportunity to join our Founder’s Mastermind is coming up in just a few weeks at the Virtual Tax Resolution Success Summit (Thursday, Aug. 24–Saturday,

Aug. 26). The summit is packed with other opportunities, too, like a chance to hear from Diamond Dallas Page (aka DDP), a WWE Hall of Fame wrestler and the owner of DDPYoga Fitness. Scan the QR code to grab your ticket! –Michael Rozbruch

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Congrats to Timalyn Bowens for resolving her client’s payroll case by putting it into currently not collectible status since her client’s partnership ended and dissolved before the notices started coming in. Timalyn was able to negotiate with the IRS and have $4,800 in penalties removed, the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty removed, and also $33,419.81 in currently not collectible. It took two years and three Revenue Officers, but Timalyn’s persistence paid off! Kudos to Valerie Underwood for signing her first client. This is just the beginning! Congrats to Deltrease Hart-Anderson for mailing out her newsletters — they look great! Keep mailing them out! High-five to John Sterbick , Salvatore Armao , and D. Lavelda Davis for mailing out your referral letters. OUTS !

Happy Birthday to Our Members!

Do you have a story or picture to share with us about something you’ve implemented, a client you’ve helped with a tax problem, or anything else you’d like to share? If you do, email it to, and we will give a Shout Out to you!

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11239 Ventura Blvd. #103-1306 Studio City, CA 91604 Inside This Issue

pg 1 ∙ One Is the Loneliest Number

pg 2 ∙ A Moment Like This

pg 3 ∙ Mastermind Members Meetup!

pg 4 ∙ Mastermind Member Spotlight

pg 5 ∙ Don’t Miss This Title Fight!

pg 6 ∙ Shout Outs!

pg 8 ∙ The IRS Takes On Queen Bey


The IRS doesn’t care if you’re a regular 9-to-5 person or Beyoncé. While many people are enamored by “Queen Bey,” her enormous popularity, and her record number of Grammy Award wins, the IRS doesn’t bat an eye at celebrity. In January 2023, the agency went after the superstar singer (whose full name is Beyoncé Knowles-Carter), claiming she owed nearly $2.7 million in taxes, penalties, and interest from 2018 and 2019. The IRS quickly learned Beyoncé wasn’t just going to roll over, and in April, she fought back. She doesn’t have the power to issue a royal decree, despite her nickname, but she did petition the tax court to reconsider the IRS’s Notice of Deficiency. According to Beyoncé and her legal team, the IRS made several mistakes in its tally of her deductions. The team claims the agency refused millions of dollars of valid

deductions, including “$868,766 in charitable

contribution carryovers reported in 2018.”They also argue Beyoncé shouldn’t be on the hook for penalties because she “has acted reasonably and in good faith.” If you’re a Beyoncé fan, at this point, you may be wondering, “Where is JAY-Z (aka Shawn Carter) in all of this tax drama?” Well, it turns out Beyoncé’s billionaire husband files his taxes separately. He has stayed far away from the IRS fray, keeping his prodigious income intact. Whether tax court sides with the IRS or Beyoncé remains to be seen. Either way, given the musical power couple’s collective net worth of about $3 billion, odds are good they’ll walk away with more than enough money to keep them and their three kids (Blue Ivy, Rumi, and Sir) comfortable for decades to come.

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